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Principals of Flowering Plants Taxonomy BOT 222

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1 Principals of Flowering Plants Taxonomy BOT 222
Dr. Najat Abdulwahab Bukhari Lecture 1

2 University Vision and Mission
To be a world-class university and a leader in developing Saudi Arabia’s knowledge economy Mission: To provide students with a quality education, conduct valuable research, serve the national and international societies and contribute to Saudi Arabia’s knowledge economy through learning, creativity, the use of current and developing technologies and effective international partnership.

3 College of science vision and Mission
To be a leader in basic science, its applications and culture to contribute to building the knowledge society. Mission: To offer study programs and developed research projects capable of providing society with knowledge and trained personnel through a stimulating environment for learning, creativity and scientific research with continuing quality to ensure optimal use of technology and general partnership.

4 Botany department Vision and Mission
Vision: upgrading the academic and research to keep pace with scientific progress and requirements of society. Mission: Development of Academic process and develop scientific research through strategic planning and a clear vision for science and technology at the country level. As well as training of national cadres, and the introduction of a methodology developed to meet the different needs of society, and to serve the various research and developmental projects in the community

5 Course Description 1 Topics to be Covered Topic No of Weeks
Contact hours - Historical review of plant taxonomy (industrial , natural, evolution) 1 2 - Nomenclature - Classic taxonomy (morphological taxonomy of vegetation and floral characters – Fruits and seed characters. 5 - Key to taxonomical unites. - Fertilization and seed formation - The different kinds of fruits - The sexual differentiations of flowers and their fertilization 14

6 Introduction This subject is about Plant taxonomy or plant classification and the use of some plants science in taxonomy.

7 The need of plant classification
Human interest in plants was for the need of food, clothe, medicine and shelter . Those needs set the base of the plant taxonomy filed. In Greek Taxis (order), Nomos (code or rule) . Classification means arranging Symmetric things in groups to make it easy to deal with it and collect information about it.

8 Plant classification science is the field that finds different plant kinds, name, describe and group them in a specific sequential order according to and with consistent with a classification system to show the similarities and differences among them in a comprehensive and clear way, to show the real links between the different kinds of plants. Taking in consideration the similarities or differences of taxonomic characteristics that are based on evolutionary systems each species placed into order and each order into class and then under division which is the largest rank of the taxonomical hierarchy.

9 The main objectives of plant taxonomy:
Discretion, for example: is the plant tree or shrub… Identification, by giving a definition to identify the plant name and identity. Naming, after identification the plant can be given a name. Linking relationship between plants. Advanced definition which means the gradient from the primitive characters to the high sophisticated advanced ones.

10 Taxonomical terminology:
Classification: placing known plants into groups or categories such as Species. to show the relationship. Taxonomy: finding , describing and naming species. Various classifications systems. Systematic: the study of different plants and relationship among them. Note: and there is no sharp boundary between the two. In practice, "plant systematics" is involved with relationships between plants and their evolution, especially at the higher levels, whereas "plant taxonomy" deals with the actual handling of plant specimens

11 Biosystematics: the field of study deals with differences between species and evolution from various plant groups. This field is initially an experimental and analytical tool that relies mainly on the genetic aspects. Ecosstematiocs: the field of study deals with evolutionary development and division on the level of Genus, family , order and class Phytography: stage of the study which is interested in descriptive terms of plant, and its various parts in order to reach the exact specimen to identify the plant species under study.

12 History of plant taxonomy science:
Theophrastus’s (372–287 BC), a student of Aristotle, produced Historia Plantarum, the earliest surviving treatise on plants, where he listed the names of over 500 plant species. he relied on the common groupings of folklore combined with growth form such as ( tree shrub; undershrub); or herb. Or (annual and biennials plants) or (cyme and raceme inflorescences) or (archichlamydeae and Meta chlamydeae) or (upper or lower ovarian ).

13 Pedanius Dioscorides (circa 40—90 AD) is the author of (De Materia Medica) The work presents about 600 plants most of the Mediterranean Basin for medical purposes. Gaspard Bauhin, the first to use Binomical Nomenclature. Andrea Cesalpino, the author of (Methodus plantarum). Carolus Linnaeus, the founder of the modern plant and animal taxonomy, the author of (species Plantarum), and binomical Nomenclaure.

14 Western scholars of modern times:
Bernard and Antoine de Jussieu Eichler Engler Charles E. Bessey ( Bessey system of plant taxonomy-1915). Muslim and Arab scientists: Ibn Hayyan - Abu Bakr Al-Razi - Ibn Sina - Ibn Al-Bitar - Ibn Battuta - Kashif Alntaki.

15 Development of system of plant taxonomy
The division of plants have been started since time immemorial, where it was human nature since the beginning of creation to label all that surrounds you from various organisms or inanimate, and arrange them in one way or another in specific systems. Evidence was found that ancient civilizations such as Alfraouinp Assyrian, Chinese, to some extent aroused on cultivated plants, as active scientists of those civilizations in the description of plants, especially if they have a medicinal value.

16 Different systems and patens were used across successive times for plant division:
Artificial classification The aim of this classification facilitating the integration of plants in groups to serve a particular purpose with clarity the differences between them, Usually take the nature of plant growth or economic importance as a basis for the classification where plants arranged and classified on the basis of similarities of morphological characteristics ,or plant usefulness to humans. This line of division prevailed since the dawn of history until about 1580.

17 Mechanical classification
This is also called the old classification system , it is based on numerical method for a specific main character of the reproduction parts of the plant. One or several characters is used as a basis to arrange the plants in different taxonomic groups. This system was used from

18 Natural classification
This system depends on the use of largest possible number of attributes and relations that are based on formal and on composition as a basis to arrange the plants in taxonomic groups. This system was used in the period from

19 Phylogenetic classification
The aim of this system is to place plants in order to show the links and real relationships among them based on evolution. Largest possible number of attributes is used to arrange the plants in certain taxonomic groups, taking into account the origin and evolutionary succession, which reflects the genetic links between plants. This system was known since 1880 until the present time.

20 Modern phonetic systems of classification
This classification system uses different scoring methods of measurement and uses the modern means of Technology such as (Electron Micro, computer) and , and benefit from the progression related sciences division of plant. Such as bio-cell biology and molecular biology Molecular biology.

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