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Research Paper: The Note Card System.

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1 Research Paper: The Note Card System

2 The Note Card System The Note Card System
You will create note cards that you will fill with information about the subject that you are researching. They are note cards on which you put all of the information you will need about all the sources you use. Honus Wagner, 1909: There are around 100 believed to be still in existence and only ten in decent condition. Supposedly Wagner, objected to cigarette smoking and demanded his cards be pulled from production. The last recorded auction price for a Wagner T206 was $1.1 million in 2000. 

3 Purpose of Note Cards Purpose of Note Cards
To identify the sources of quotations and ideas for citing your sources later (giving credit to your sources). To find sources again if you need them. To make your Works Cited  Ty Cobb, 1914: The "Georgia Peach" was actually nothing of the sort. A gritty, sometimes dirty player, Cobb was the all-time hits leader until Pete Rose broke his record in Still, he's carried his reputation to the grave--perhaps capping his card value. 

4 Types of Cards Types of Cards
Source Cards: A note card where you indentify specific aspects of a source including author, title, published date, and page number.  Information Cards: A note card where you enter one single fact, quote or thought you'd like to include in your paper Babe Ruth, 1933: One of four Ruth cards in the set, the "Sultan of Swat" was bigger than the sport itself in the '20s and '30s. And his first cards still call him Herman. 

5 Riddle Me This?! Source Cards Information Cards

6 Our Source Cards: It Starts With the Source

7 Your Turn We will be completing our own SOURCE CARDS TODAY.
These are valuable to you and should be kept in an organized manner. You Need to Purchase 2 Items: Index Cards (1 stack should be enough) 1 Note Card Binder

8 Source Card #1: Beginnings: The Story of the Times
Include Hanging Indent on Card Number each card (1 because it is your 1st source) 1 last name, first name [author of selection] .        title of selection  [in quotation marks] . Title of  anthology [underlined] . volume [if given] .  editor [if given]. city: publisher. date. page location    Place of publication Author’s last name first Publisher Title Most recent publication date

9 Source Card #2: The Sky Tree
Source Information to Transfer to Card: Author: Unknown; Title: Sky Tree; Title of Anthology: Holt Literature; Editor: Susan K. Lynch; City: Austin; Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; Date: 2003; Page: 24. Source Card #2: The Sky Tree Number each card (2 because it is your 2nd source) 2 last name, first name [author of selection] .        title of selection  [in quotation marks] . Title of  anthology [underlined] . volume [if given] .  editor [if given]. city: publisher. date. page location    Place of publication Author’s last name first Publisher Title Most recent publication date

10 Source Card #3: Upon the Burning of Our House
Source Information to Transfer to Card: Author: Anne Bradstreet; Title: Upon the Burning of Our House; Date of Search: Online; Web Site: Source Card #3: Upon the Burning of Our House Number each card (3 because it is your 3rd source) 3 Last, First (Author). "Title of Article" Date of search. Internet Address or URL.   Date of Search Author’s last name first Internet Address Title

11 Source Card #4: A Nation is Born: The Story of the Times
Include Hanging Indent on Card Number each card (4 because it is your 4th source) 4 last name, first name [author of selection] .        title of selection  [in quotation marks] . Title of  anthology [underlined] . volume [if given] .  editor [if given]. city: publisher. date. page location    Place of publication Author’s last name first Publisher Title Most recent publication date

12 Source Card #5: Speech at the Virginia Convention
Include Hanging Indent on Card Number each card (5 because it is your 5th source) 5 last name, first name [author of selection] .        title of selection  [in quotation marks] . Title of  anthology [underlined] . volume [if given] .  editor [if given]. city: publisher. date. page location    Place of publication Author’s last name first Publisher Title Most recent publication date

13 Source Card #6: Poor Richard’s Almanac
Include Hanging Indent on Card Number each card (6 because it is your 6th source) 6 last name, first name [author of selection] .        title of selection  [in quotation marks] . Title of  anthology [underlined] . volume [if given] .  editor [if given]. city: publisher. date. page location    Place of publication Author’s last name first Publisher Title Most recent publication date

14 Research Paper: The Note Card System

15 WHAT GOES ON A NOTE CARD? Information Note Cards
Interesting facts, quotations, statistics about your topic

16 Note Card The number matches your source card, so you do not have to write the title. Use quotation marks Subject 1 Food “Bread was baked daily except on Sunday due to religious observances in the colonies. Each colony had different types of bread, but they/ were all eventually baked commercially in brick ovens fueled by wood fires.” pp Direct quote Page numbers When you go from one page to another draw a line so you will know which part of the quote goes on which page.

3 Ways to Fill Information Cards Paraphrase Summarize Quote

Summary Paraphrase Compress/shrink down in your own words Translate and rewrite what the author is saying·      

19 The only difference is the quotation marks.
When you put the information in your own words or paraphrase: The only difference is the quotation marks. Food 1 The bread was baked/ in brick ovens heated by wood. pp Note Card

20 QUOTE Quotations Used to show EXACTLY what the author was saying

21 Stay organized… 4 Items for Information Cards Topic
Main idea of the card IMPORTANT: You want to have multiple card with the same topic Source Card # Information Page # information was found on The page numbers should be from the source

22 Paste and Copy .

23 1. Card Topic The Topic of the Card Main idea of the card
IMPORTANT: You want to have multiple card with the same topic

24 2. Source Title Source Title
The source is given a number, corresponding back to the original source card (instead of writing out the entire title, author, etc.)

25 3. The Middle The paraphrase, summarize or quote in the middle
The Information The paraphrase, summarize or quote in the middle

26 4. page numbers Page Numbers
The page numbers should be from the source you have taken the information

27 Sample Note Cards Organization Create similar topics for your cards
This will allow you to focus your paper in one or two directions later on

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