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Welcome to 2nd Grade!.

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1 Welcome to 2nd Grade!

2 2nd Grade Team Jason Adams – Room 25 Shivani Guild – Room 26
Tara Zurcher – Room 27

3 Our Team * Work closely together to plan curriculum and activities * Walk to Language – 30 minutes daily language instruction at 3 levels * Walk to Read – 30 minutes daily of small group reading instruction at a variety of levels ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Shivani

4 Curriculum Information

5 Common Core State Standards
Prepares students for a world where colleges and businesses are more demanding. Clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do from kindergarten through 12th grade. 2nd grade is a significant difference than 1st grade. The content will most likely be much more difficult for your child. ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Tara

6 What We’ll Learn in 2nd Grade
Reading: * Fiction: ask/answer questions, retell, story structure * Nonfiction: ask/answer questions, main topic/details, text features * Reading fluently and accurately Math: * Addition/Subtraction facts fluency * 2-digit and 3-digit addition/subtraction * Word problems Writing * Complete paragraph with topic sentence, details, and concluding sentence * Three types of writing: Opinion, information, and narrative * Correct capitalization, punctuation and spelling ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Tara

7 Intervention * There are interventions set up for both reading and math if your child needs a little extra help. * Reading and math intervention groups occur everyday for 30 minutes. * Reading intervention is first priority if students need help

8 Google Ninja Program * 2nd grade has been picked to have Chromebooks in our classroom this year * We will integrate more technology into the classroom * Some assignments and projects will be done on the Chromebooks * More info will be coming soon!

9 SUN School * Schools Uniting Neighborhoods * Fall SUN starts October 10th (forms will be sent home soon) * SUN school is a 4-day commitment (Monday-Thursday) after school * SUN also offers parent education classes throughout the year as well as other fun activities

10 SUN School (cont.) * First priority are kids who need math intervention but can’t attend during the day because of reading intervention * Some available classes include sign language, chess, computer club, cartooning, art, dance, and science

11 Grading & Report Cards The report card reflects Common Core State Standards. Grades are proficiency based. Students are given a score of 1-4 based on how well they can demonstrate a skill. Scores of 3 will reflect adequate progress toward proficiency. Students are working toward a score of 4 in all areas by the end of the year. ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Shivani

12 Grades 4: Proficient – The student consistently demonstrates mastery of the grade level standards. Evidence shows ability to apply concepts in a variety of contexts. 3: Approaching Proficiency – The student is able to demonstrate partial understanding of the grade level standards. Student still produces evidence that may often contain errors. ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Tara

13 Grades 2: Minimal Proficiency – The student is not demonstrating understanding of the grade level standards. Student produces evidence that is significantly below grade level. 1: Insufficient Evidence Towards Proficiency – There is a lack of evidence to determine proficiency of the grade level standards. NA: The standard was not addressed this semester or the student was not enrolled long enough to accurately assess. ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Tara

14 Frequency of Report Cards
Report cards will be completed twice this year. Parents will also receive a student data sheet twice during the year. * November (Fall Conferences): data sheet * February: Report Card #1 sent home * March (Spring Conferences): data sheet * June: Report Card #2 sent home ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Matt

15 Homework Based on current research about the effectiveness of homework, Cherry Park now has a “No Homework” policy. Instead, we encourage families to do various activities together. We will periodically send home *OPTIONAL* suggestions for different at-home activities. ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Shivani

16 Online Practice at Home
* The MobyMax website can be accessed outside of school. * Students can practice both math and reading skills. * Login information will be sent home soon. ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Matt

17 General Expectations

18 Attendance Be on time - Class starts at 9:00 am (10:00 am on Wed.)
Classroom doors are open 15 minutes before If your child has a fever or has been vomiting, they need to stay home ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Tara

19 Absent Students It’s extremely important to be at school on time everyday! 2nd grade is a very busy year so we don’t want our students missing days unless they’re really sick. Work missed will need to be completed upon a student’s return to school. This may be done at school or at home unless it is a test. ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Shivani

20 Behavior Management INCENTIVES: CONSEQUENCES: Charger Cards
Charger Coins Student of the Week Student of the Month Golden Tray (cafeteria) Golden Whistle (recess) CONSEQUENCES: Verbal Warning or Redirection Time Out Loss of Recess Minutes Written Warning (Minor) Referral to Student Behavior Specialist ----- Meeting Notes (9/25/14 17:07) ----- Shivani

21 Thanks For Coming!

22 Template Provided By
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