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Presentation on theme: "+ WHY KNOWIFY MAKES SENSE FOR GAF FACTORY-CERTIFIED CONTRACTORS"— Presentation transcript:

The Knowify App is provided exclusively by Knowify. GAF does not endorse, is not responsible for, and disclaims all liability in connection with any services provided or any claims made by Knowify and the Knowify App program.

2 Why ? Because GAF factory-certified contractors need accurate, real-time business information to run their businesses efficiently and cost-effectively.

3 How Knowify Benefits GAF Factory-Certified Contractors
KNOWIFY DELIVERS: Real efficiency driven by automation Knowify helps GAF factory-certified contractors run their day-to-day roofing business efficiently and cost-effectively anywhere – in the office or in the field – from a single, integrated platform. Real-time project tracking With Knowify, GAF factory-certified contractors can cut POs, track time, order and receive materials, and track everything against initial estimates. Knowify also collects field logs, pictures, etc. for easy documentation. GAF-specific customization With Knowify-for-GAF, your contractors get custom-built roofing system estimating templates, CMP checklists, built-in warranty management, and more!

4 Here’s how Knowify can do GREAT things for GAF contractors’ businesses
Knowify delivers efficiency to GAF factory-certified contractors from job start to job finish Here’s how Knowify can do GREAT things for GAF contractors’ businesses

5 Knowify makes bidding easier
Job Setup Template-Based Estimating Translating Cost Estimates to Bids Proposal Generation & Send for E-Signature Note: This is simplified – Knowify has other tools (like RFIs) that can also come into play during bidding.

6 With Knowify, job set-up is simple
Straightforward wizard for setting up a new job or maintenance contract. ESTIMATING / BIDDING

7 Speed up estimating with templates
CUSTOM GAF FEATURE: Powerful estimating templates for ~20 commonly installed roofing systems, incl. TPO, BUR, etc. Note: Estimators will always be able to adjust materials / labor / equipment as necessary! ESTIMATING / BIDDING

8 Quickly translate cost estimates to bids
Define the scope of work addressed by your bid (as well as any exclusions). Apply your markups and adjust line item totals. ESTIMATING / BIDDING

9 Simple proposal generation & e-signature
With Knowify, GAF factory-certified contractors can generate a ready-to-sign PDFs of proposals instantly and even submit them for electronic signature directly to the client! NOTE: We can customize the proposal outputs for each client. Knowify’s proposal technology is based on Word documents! ESTIMATING / BIDDING

10 Knowify offers real-time project management
Scheduling Work + Resources Capturing Field Logs / Photos Ordering / Tracking Materials Tracking Employee Time Or Subcontractors Knowify delivers real-time views of every project to GAF factory-certified roofers!

11 Schedule work and resources efficiently
GAF factory-certified contractors can schedule work and employees/equipment with just a few clicks in their Knowify Job Board. And for larger jobs they can create Gantt charts and share them with staff and clients. Note: Scheduled employees can see what they’re scheduled to do on their mobile Knowify apps. PROJECT MANAGEMENT

12 Order materials / track delivery faster
Ordering materials is simple. GAF factory-certified contractors simply check items off their estimating sheet and Knowify prepares the PO and (optionally) s a professionally formatted PDF to their vendor! With Knowify, contractors can: Track quantities ordered / quantities remaining to be ordered Track materials received Purchase order approvals are built in – your foremen can request more materials from their mobile app! PROJECT MANAGEMENT

13 More accurate time tracking
GAF factory-certified contractors can track time from the office or the field because Knowify’s mobile app supports individual clock in and clock out (GPS verified!), plus foreman timekeeping on behalf of a crew  See who’s checked in and where at any given time  Track progress against hours estimated in real time! PROJECT MANAGEMENT

14 Capture important job log notes, photos, etc.
GAF factory-certified contractors can use Knowify’s Mobile App to:  Capture job photos, share them instantly with the office and save them as job records.  Send documents/plans/etc. to crews in the field.  Capture any field notes sent up from field crews. PROJECT MANAGEMENT

15 Simple contracts, change orders, and billing
Invoices (Incl. AIA) Knowify radically simplifies contract management, change order management, and billing.

16 Change order e-signature fast
Knowify helps contractors create change orders faster and more easily, with an option to send them out for e-signature acceptance by the GC or client. As with proposals, Knowify populates change order information, including all required contract impact information, into a professionally formatted (customizable) PDF! CONTRACT, CHANGE ORDERS, and INVOICING

17 Faster invoicing (even AIA style!)
With Knowify, GAF factory-certified contractors can invoice jobs in less time than they ever thought possible – including AIA-style applications for payment! Knowify supports standard progress billing, AIA billing, Time and Materials billing, recurring maintenance billing, and more! CONTRACT, CHANGE ORDERS, and INVOICING

18 Knowify integrates with accounting
Knowify syncs seamlessly with QuickBooks so accounting is in the loop! When field teams, project management, and operations personnel work in Knowify, accounting and bookkeeping can keep track. No double entry!

19 Summary Faster estimating and bidding with customized templates and tools Fully integrated, real-time project tracking Easy contract and change order management, plus 60 second billing


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