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English for Lawyers 1 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević

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1 English for Lawyers 1 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević
G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 Session 11

2 Final Revision sample test exercises

3 Exercise 1 (10 points) Complete the definitions:
law is law relating to acts committed against the law which are punished by the state. law is rules which determined how a case is administered by the courts. law is law enacted by Parliament. law regulates issues of employment, dismissal, the rights and duties of workers and employers. There are two types of lawyers in the UK: and In the UK serious criminal cases are heard in courts, while civil cases are heard in courts.

4 Exercise 1 (10 points) Complete the definitions:
CRIMINAL law is law relating to acts committed against the law which are punished by the state. PROCEDURAL law is rules which determined how a case is administered by the courts. STATUTE law is law enacted by Parliament. LABOUR law regulates issues of employment, dismissal, the rights and duties of workers and employers. There are two types of lawyers in the UK: SOLICITORS and BARRISTERS. In the UK serious criminal cases are heard in CROWN courts, while civil cases are heard in COUNTY courts.

5 Exercise 2 (14 points) Complete the sentences with appropriate words. The first letters are provided and synonyms or explanations are given in brackets. The British Parliament has two c___________ (houses). The members of the House Commons are e___________ (chosen by vote), while the members of the House of Lords are a___________ (designated by an authority). The UK has no written c___________ (the supreme legal act). Common law is based on judicial p___________ (previous court decisions). Those of higher courts are b___________ (must be followed). Those of lower courts are p___________ (do not have to be followed). Magistrates are l___________ (not professional) judges who are not paid for their work. Civil law is also concerned with matters that may give rise to a c___________ (lawsuit) by a natural or legal person for c___________ (damages) or an i___________ (court order).

6 Exercise 2 (14 points) Complete the sentences with appropriate words. The first letters are provided and synonyms or explanations are given in brackets. The British Parliament has two CHAMBERS (houses). The members of the House Commons are ELECTED (chosen by vote), while the members of the House of Lords are APPOINTED (designated by an authority). The UK has no written CONSTITUTION (the supreme legal act). Common law is based on judicial PRECEDENTS (previous court decisions). Those of higher courts are BINDING (must be followed). Those of lower courts are PERSUASIVE (do not have to be followed). Magistrates are LAY (not professional) judges who are not paid for their work. Civil law is also concerned with matters that may give rise to a CLAIM (lawsuit) by a natural or legal person for COMPENSATION (restitution of damage) or an INJUNCTION (court order).

7 Exercise 3 (11 points) Complete the sentences with the following words: bill – conduct – counsel – dispute – either summons – warrant - charge – plea – ratio A criminal proceeding is initiated by a …………… of arrest or a ……………, which is served on the person …………… with a crime. The accused entered a ‘guilty’ …………… and the case was closed. The binding part of a precedent is called …………… decidendi. …………… are proposed by the Government and debated in Parliament. The number of civil …………… that end up in courts is under 20 %. Criminal law deals with unlawful …………… for which the state reserves punishment. Offences triable …………… way include some drug related offences, acts of violence against the person and theft. In the courtroom, barristers may be referred to as …………… .

8 Exercise 3 (10 points) Complete the sentences with the following words: bill – conduct – counsel – dispute – either summons – warrant - charge – plea – ratio A criminal proceeding is initiated by a WARRANT of arrest or a SUMMONS, which is served on the person CHARGED with a crime. The accused entered a ‘guilty’ PLEA and the case was closed. Obligations not arising from a contract are dealt with in the law of TORTS. BILLS are proposed by the Government and debated in Parliament. The number of civil DISPUTES that end up in courts is under 20 %. Criminal law deals with unlawful CONDUCT for which the state reserves punishment. Offences triable EITHER way include some drug related offences, acts of violence against the person and theft. In the courtroom, barristers may be referred to as COUNSEL.

9 Exercise 4 Translate into Croatian: Persons of low economic status are eligible for free legal aid. High court decisions are binding precedents on the lower courts. Solicitors draft contracts and wills but do not have the right of audience in superior courts. A bill can become law if both Houses of Parliament approve the same version. The state prosecutes crimes, but individuals initiate civil proceedings.

10 Exercise 4 Translate into Croatian: Osobe nižeg ekonomskog statusa mogu zatražiti besplatnu pravnu pomoć. Odluke visokih sudova obvezujući su presedani za niže sudove. Niži odvjetnici sastavljaju ugovore i oporuke, ali nemaju pravo zastupanja na višim sudovima. Prijedlog zakona može biti prihvaćen ako oba Doma Parlamenta odobre istu verziju. Država kazneno progoni kaznena djela, ali pojedinci pokreću građanske parnice.

11 Thank you for your attention!

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