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Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology
Class Experiment Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology
CITI training due to me today (turn it in as you leave if you haven’t already)
Upcoming APA “Cinderella” assignment Link on syllabus to the text for the assignment (no need to type it all in) Next week In labs: your group project introduction sections are due Each of you have homework THIS WEEKEND– find and test two people for the class experiment Announcements
Today going to go over the design and procedures for the class experiment.
Make sure that you download the experiment packet and test your participants this weekend This is what you are writing the Class Experiment APA style paper based on. You (as a group) are providing the data that you will be basing the results section on You will also be writing up the Methods section, so knowing what was done is important You will also be writing up the introduction section, so it is important to understand what the relevant variables are and how they are related to theories and past research. Class experiment
Recognition Demonstration
Instructions: I’m going to show you a list of scrambled internet company names. For each one, try to unscramble the nameas quickly as you can. You will have 2 minutes to complete the task Recognition Demonstration
kocbafoe eiwdaipki tritewt xilfent ietdrd sotmcofir nlkneidi logego boueuyt naoazm rgiaastnm plpea umrtlb ohoya sntepriet tsargicsil
Let’s check how you did facebook wikipedia twitter netflix reddit
microsoft linkedin google youtube amazon instagram apple tumblr yahoo pinterest craigslist Let’s check how you did
I have put the materials together and posted them on the syllabus (click on “class experiment”)
Your homework is to Download “Exp packet” Find two volunteers Collect some data Bring the data back to class on Tuesday I will compile and analyze the results You will go over the summarized results in labs Class experiment
I have put the materials together and posted them on the syllabus (click on “class experiment”)
Your homework is to Download “Exp packet” In the packet you’ll find: Instructions To create the stimuli To read to your participants For compiling the data (data sheet provided) Two consent forms Debriefing sheet Class experiment
What variables might influence performance on a task like this?
We have selected two things: Social Concepts/words: Social networking website name or Non-Social Network web name Feeling of connectedness: Cell phone – present or absent The issues
What variables might influence performance on a task like this?
We have selected two things: Social Concepts/words: Social networking website name or Non-Social Network web name Feeling of connectedness: Cell phone – present or absent The issues
Website type facebook wikipedia twitter netflix reddit microsoft
linkedin google youtube amazon instagram apple tumblr yahoo pinterest craigslist Website type
Website type facebook wikipedia twitter netflix reddit microsoft
linkedin google youtube amazon instagram apple tumblr yahoo pinterest craigslist Social networking sites Non-Social networking sites Website type
What variables might influence performance on a memory task like this?
We have selected two things: Social Concepts/words: Social networking website name or Non-Social Network web name Feeling of connectedness: Cell phone – present or absent The issues
Feeling socially connected
Cell phone present Cell phone absent Make sure that there is not a cell phone visible Try not to mention anything about cell phones Move them to a cellphone free place if need be Make sure that there is a cell phone visible by placing one clearly in view of your participant Feeling socially connected
The issues What are the issues that we’re looking at?
What is the Dependent variable? Construct? Operationalized? What is/are the Independent variable(s)? Social concept/words Op: websites are either for social networking or not Feeling of Connectedness Op: presence or absence of a cell phone Activation of social concepts accurate unscrambled words The issues
The design How many conditions do we have?
What is the design of the study? 2 factors Social Connectedness Cell phone No cell phone Social Concept/ Word type Non-social What are your predictions? The design
The Procedure Find 2 volunteers
Test each participant (one-at-a-time, in one of the conditions) Read and sign consent form, ask them their age (indicate age & gender on data sheet) Read instructions Present them with word list for 2 mins. Debrief them Count up the number of correctly unscrambled website names and this information into the data summary sheet (broken down by social or nonsocial) Bring the data back to class on Tuesday The Procedure
The design What do we need to control?
Amount of time for scramble task Number of items on the list Actual items on the list Any other things we need to think about? Ethics Consent form, debriefing I have create these and they are part of the experiment packet that you download 120seconds 16items Same websites for everybody The design
The class paper Complete APA style research report
Intro There are 3 required readings which you must include these in your introduction Dewing & Hetherington (1974) Przybylski & Weinstein (2013) Thornton, et al (2014) Additionally, you must find at least 1 additional article to include in your introduction Methods, Results, Discussion, References, etc. Two drafts (see web pages for specific details) 1st: due week after Spring Break (week 10 if you count Spring break as week 9) Final: due week 15 (again counting Spring Break as a week) The class paper
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