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Optical Modulation Schemes
By: Seyed Reza Ehsani
In this presentation More Capacity Modulation Types
Limitation of more bit rate New Modulation Scheme Block Diagram Comparison Cost Study for higher bit rates.
Need for Speed & More Capacity : 40 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet
Evolution of optical and Ethernet standards
100 Gb/s data rate standards: IEEE (100 GbE client interface), 100GBASE-LR4 ITU-T (OTU4 framing), OIF standardized the PM-QPSK transceiver implementation Data port speed and transport channel capacity evolution
Why do we need Complex Modulation?
Optical transmission is about: • Sending high data rates • Over very long distances • For very little money Our biggest problem in optical fiber: • Loss • Dispersion • Modal dispersion • Chromatic dispersion • Polarization mode dispersion • Non-linear effects • Self phase modulation • Cross phase modulation • Four wave mixing If you stress any one of these variables, the others will respond For a given modulation type, the magnitude of these impairments scales roughly with the square of the symbol rate
More capacity More bit rate (TDM) More optical channel (WDM)
Increase bit rate (OOK Modulation.) Direct Modulation (Limit up to 2.5G) External Modulation (Limit up to 10G) New Modulation Scheme More optical channel (WDM) There is challenge between high bit rate with less channel spacing.
Modulation Types
Modulation Formats ABC
A transmitted signal s(t) can be described as: q(t) – pulse shape, Ak – symbols containing the information NRZ-OOK 1 RZ-OOK + - RZ-DPSK NRZ-DPSK CSRZ-OOK
Modulation Techniques:
1- Direct or internal modulation by varying the injection current of laser diode. Simple but has some limitations: - limited modulation speed up to 2.5 Gbps - limited output power - chirp. 2- External modulation changing the intensity of the beam after it leaves the light source.
EX. Mod. a) Electro-Optic (EO) Mach-Zehnder
Based on the electro-optic effect, that is the refractive index change of certain materials due to the applied electric field. Mach-Zehnder The Mach–Zehnder (MZ) modulator consists of a Y-splitter junction, one or two phase modulators, two waveguides, and a Y-combiner junction.
b) Electro-Absorption Modulator (EAM)
The electro-absorption (EA) modulator is an on–off optical device made with InGaAsP. The EAMs control the light intensity by changing the absorption coefficient as a function of the electric field. The EAMs are based on the reverse-biased PIN structure.
On–Off Keying On/Off Keying (OOK) may interpret the presence of a signal as a “1”, and the absence of a symbol as a “0” A binary OOK pulse train, the spectrum of the square modulating pulse, the spectrum of the modulated signal
NRZ Versus RZ OOK – NRZ: The logic “one” is lighted for the full period (T = 1/f), OOK – RZ: The logic “one” is lighted for a fraction of the period (such as ⅓ or ½), NRZ modulation utilizes the full period as compared with RZ, which is a fraction of it, The energy within a NRZ bit is much more than the energy in a RZ bit, thus the NRZ signal can propagate to longer distances than the RZ OOK modulation can be used in both coherent and direct detection. However, coherent detection requires phase stability.
NRZ Modulation: 1bit per symbol
Simple modulation technique Easy to implement Low power use But very sensitive to fiber impairments as bit-rate increases • This is what we’re talking about with the “square” relationship Increasing power will trigger non-linear effects
Return-to-zero (RZ) implementation
Methods to generate optical return-to-zero (RZ) signals: Modulating a semiconductor laser with an RZ data signal, Generating an optical pulse train and modulating it with a non-return-to-zero (NRZ) data signal, Pulse carving of an optical NRZ signal by a Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM).
Phase-Shift Keying Modulation of a light beam (the carrier) by changing the phase of the carrier (by 180 degrees) at the transition from logic one to logic zero and vice versa For multilevel PSK, the change may be in increments of 45 degrees (8 levels).As a consequence, PSK requires a coherent carrier. Electro-refraction modulators (ER) directly control the phase of an optical wave upon the application of a voltage.
Using Phase to Apply a Signal
Mach Zehnder Modulator as a Phase Modulator
A single Mach Zehnder Modulator, and the resulting phase constellation
Frequency-Shift Keying
Modulation of a light beam by changing the frequency of the carrier at the transitions between logic “zero” and logic “one”; wideband FSK: When the deviation is large, , the spectral bandwidth approaches , ; narrowband FSK: When the deviation is narrow, , the spectral bandwidth approaches 2B, ; FSK is achieved with electro-acoustic Bragg modulators or with DFB semiconductor lasers.
Duo-Binary Modulation
The duo-binary modulation case is an amplitude modulation case; Duo-binary modulation reduces the high frequency components of the signal compared to IM (Intensity Modulation) so it has higher tolerance to chromatic dispersion, and hence can reach longer distances; It combines two successive binary pulses in the digital stream to form a multilevel electrical signal. At the transmitting end, if the bit stream is Xk, the output of the duo-binary encoder is Yk = Xk + Xk–1, xk: –1 –1 1 – –1 –1 –1 1 –1 yk: – –2 –
Optical Duo-Binary The electrical method can be extended to optical binary using the symbols 0 and 1; The duo-binary levels may represent either optical power in three different power levels, one of three frequencies, one of three phases, or one of three polarization states; Power intensity suffers attenuation and, with additive noise. It may be suitable in certain short-haul and fiber-to-home applications; Three frequencies per channel implies that for spectral efficiency a channel must be sliced into three sub-spectral ranges, which may be possible in CWDM; In three phases case, the three symbols (–2, 0, +2) or (0, 1, 2) may represent a phase shift of –90, 0, and +90 degrees. Thus, in optical communications, this duo-binary version corresponds to a phase-shift-keying (PSK) method
ODB Modulation (Optical Duo-Binary)
First generation 40G modulation scheme Phase & Amplitude based modulation • Requires MZ modulator • Can use simple, direct detection Much more tolerant of dispersion Limited reach Widely used by 1st Gen 40G • Stratalight, Mintera
ODB implementation Types
Optical duobinary (ODB) format can be implemented by delay and add operations of two signals D(t) and (t-δ) ODB can be generated using drive signals in the following formats: D(t) + (t-δ) is used to drive MZM and δ = T. The delay corresponds with the bit period T (conventional ODB); D(t) and (t-δ) on push-pull MZM, δ ≈ 0.7T (fractional bit delay ODB) or T (full bit delay ODB); D(t) and (t) on push-pull MZM while both signals are Bessel low pass filtered (PSBT); Optically demodulating an NRZ-DPSK signal with a delay and add MZ differential interferometer (DI) to obtain ODB.
Implementation of optical duo-binary modulation
every symbol is a combination of the current bit being sent and the previous bit being received The MZM (Mach Zehnder Modulator) is driven by the modulated signal and the inverted signal The duo-binary bit stream provides the control signal to a MZM modulator; When the amplitude is 1, the phase is 0; when it is 0, the phase is –90; and when it is 2, the phase is +90 degrees.
BPSK optical modulation format
Q (quadrature, imaginary part) Traditional OOK format. Information is coded in the amplitude. There are two symbols. I (in-phase or real part) BPSK modulation format is used in coherent detection Q (quadrature, imaginary part) In BPSK (binary phase shift keying), the information is coded in the phase instead of amplitude. Number of symbols is still two! I (in-phase or real part) BPSK time domain waveform This technique will reduce the OSNR requirement, but not the channel bandwidth requirements.
DPSK: 1bit per symbol Data is superimposed on carrier wave and phase-shifted Differential technique allows phase slips to be ignored Useful for 40 Gbps PMD issues limit reach at 100 Gbps Used by OpNext & Mintera, and their OEMs
DPSK Time domain waveform
Data Stream Delayed Result for direct detection By one bit period In a DPSK signal, a phase change by p reflects a zero. If the phase does not change from one bit to the next, this is interpreted as a 1 It is a good choice though for speeds up to 40 Gbps for long-haul and ultra- long-haul
Differential phase shift keying (DPSK) modulation implementations
In DPSK line coding, the bits are encoded by the phase differences between successive bits; Phase to intensity conversion of a DPSK signal using 1-bit delay interferometer and balanced photoreceiver Modulation configuration using MZM modulator for NRZ-DPSK generation
State-of-Polarization Shift Keying
This method varies the polarization of light between two orthogonal states,PT and PII; It assumes that over the optical path, there is no strong birefringence or polarizing devices that may alter or shift one of the polarization states. SoPSK method can be used in multilevel (two, four, many) applications. However, the polarization dispersion mode (PMD) is a limiting factor. Polarization division multiplexing can double the signal capacity of a wavelength
Limitation of more bit rate: Ex. From 10Gbps to 40Gbps
Electronic Bandwidth increase by 4 Power dissipation Footprint Economic 40G system price expected to be 2.5~3 than 10G.
Limitation of more bit rate: Ex. From 10Gbps to 40Gbps
Optic OSNR Lower by 6dB CD tolerance goes down by 16 PMD tolerance goes down by 4 Nonlinear effect of fiber Shorter transmission range More linewidth with factor 4 (LW=2 X Bit Rate)
40G & 10G linewidth
Approaches to 100G Pre-standard approaches to 100G transmission:
10 Transmitters & Receivers carrying 10G per wavelength 10 optical channels consumed 2 Transmitters & Receivers carrying 50G per wavelength 1 optical channels consumed (internal 2:1 optical mux) OIF standardized single-carrier DP-QPSK approach 1 Transmitters & Receivers carrying 100G per wavelength 1 optical channels consumed Multiple component suppliers Multiple module suppliers Speed up/Optimize 100G Ecosystem Coherent Polarization-Multiplexed DQPSK (CP-DQPSK) modulation (Cisco CRS 1-Port 100 Gigabit Ethernet Coherent DWDM) providing 100-Gbps capacity transmission over existing 10/40-Gbps networks, up to 3000 km, thus enabling Ultra Long Haul (ULH) networks
Modulation formats for 100G
Binary amplitude modulation Technologies using multi-level modulation formats (RZ-) DQPSK format and direct detection RZ-DPSK-3ASK modulation format and direct detection PM-DQPSK (DP-DQPSK) with polarization demux and direct detection OP-FDM-RZ-DQPSK and direct detection PM-QPSK (DP-QPSK) and coherent detection PM-OFDM-QPSK (DP-OFDM-QPSK) and coherent detection
The 100 Gbaud Binary Amplitude Modulation
For channel rates higher than 10 Gb/s the continuous light of a DFB-laser is modulated utilizing external Mach–Zehnder modulators (MZM) or electro-absorption modulators (EAM) For the realization of 100 Gb/s OOK systems the performance of high-speed electronic and opto-electronic components as well as integration and packaging technologies have to be pushed to current technology limits To obtain binary 100 Gb signal data, signal electronic 2:1 multiplexer are realized At a given bitrate OOK systems are in general most sensitive towards signal distortions at fiber transmission like chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD).
The 100 Gb/s multi-level modulation formats
Multi-level formats (coding of several bits in one symbol) enable a reduction of the symbol rate of the system This lead to the expense of an increased transmitter and receiver complexity Multi-level coding reduces the optical bandwidth consumption of the channel This coding enables WDM transmission with a narrower DWDM channel spacing
Quadrature PSK: 2bits per symbol
1,1 0,1 1,0 0,0 Advanced modulation, 4 phase states = 2 bits More bits per symbol Doubles the line rate compared to OOK
This is QPSK... QPSK modulation can be obtained by using a single embedded MZ-I/Q-modulator which is driven by two binary electrical modulation signals at the in-phase and quadrature-phase modulators Precoded Data Laser Precoded Data This structure called a “Super Mach Zehnder”
Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK)
To avoid phase ambiguity in QPSK at the receiver side due to phase shifts induced by the fiber, just like in BPSK, a differential variation of QPSK can be used Splits the stream into two data channels each equivalent to 50Gbps for a 100Gbps line rate Allows 100 Gbps transmission on fibers not significantly PMD-impaired In order to retrieve the two initial data streams at the receiver there is a need for electronic pre-coding in the transmitter to generate appropriate I and Q modulation signals
Schematic setup of the opto-electronic components for DQPSK format
(RZ-) DQPSK format DQPSK signals can be achieved by using: a single embedded MZ-I/Q-modulator a cascade of two phase modulators for the modulation of the optical phase by 0..pi/2 and by 0..pi/4 applying binary modulation signals a single phase modulator driven by an electrical 4-level modulation signal Schematic setup of the opto-electronic components for DQPSK format
DQPSK Symbol Phase 00 01 /2 10 11 -/2
High order amplitude/phase modulation
IM-DD is very susceptible to fiber impairments, such as CD and PMD, as the data rate increases beyond 10 Gb/s. So, alternative modulation techniques such as DPSK and DQPSK modulation formats are investigated. In the case of DPSK, there is a significant advantage in the required optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) as compared to IM-DD By encoding more amplitude/phase changes in the carrier, it is possible to increase the number of bits carried in each symbol, and the sensitivity to fiber impairments relates to the symbol rate
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Considering QAM modulation schemes for 400 Gbps and higher data rates The constellation points of higher order QAM lie further apart than in pure PSK schemes like BPSK or 8-PSK QAM Less susceptible to noise and distortions, which results in a lower BER In a -QAM scheme, the -constellation points represent a series of n bits each, usually distributed in a square lattice 4-QAM may be different than QPSK, but the resulting constellation diagram is the same. 8-QAM/8-PSK constellation diagram
High order modulation using a super Mach Zehnder structure
A series of nested MZM components, known as a Super Mach-Zehnder, can be used to generate all of the amplitude/phase modulation techniques shown on the right of Figure For speeds of 400 Gbps and beyond, however, 16-QAM is preferable because of its easier implementation and better OSNR performance
Amplitude- and phase-shift keying
In APSK, as its name implies, both amplitude and phase are modulated
RZ-DPSK-3ASK modulation format
A combination of mixed ASK-modulation and phase modulation In this scheme, the 2.5 bits are coded in one symbol Due to limited extinction ratios of the ASK modulated levels, the OSNR tolerance is also limited, finally strongly limiting the transmission reach Schematic setup of the opto-electronic components for DPSK-3ASK transmission format.
Polarization Multiplexing
A further reduction of the symbol rate can be achieved by applying polarization division multiplexing By selectively transmitting modulated signals using polarization mutilplexed (PM) carriers we can effectively double the spectral efficiency of a given modulation technique while using the same PM receiver In this case a “symbol” is the combination of amplitude/phase states and polarization states, which can be referred to as a ‘dual-pol symbol’
PM-QPSK, 4 bits per “symbol”
Two Polarizations
PM-QPSK TX A more complex modulator is needed consisting of two embedded MZ-I/Q-modulator which modulate each half of the laser light
PM-QPSK Transmitter PBC Polarization Beam Combiner Schematic of 100Gb/s, single carrier, PM-QPSK transmitter, and the resulting phase constellations on each polarization state
PM-DQPSK (DP-DQPSK) Polarization Multiplexing for DQPSK:
Split the DQPSK modulated waves into respective polarizations Effective symbol rate is 25 Gbps for 100 Gbps line rate Improves performance of signal with impaired fiber links PMD compensation required only on PMD-impaired routes Support 100G DWDM transmission with 50 GHz channel spacing.
Main features of 100 Gb/s modulation formats.
Coherent Technologies
The high order modulation used by coherent technologies offers much greater spectral efficiency than IM-DD. Coherent technologies solve the problem of chromatic and polarization mode dispersion suffered by IM-DD systems above 10G Coherent technologies allow at least a factor of five increase in total fiber capacity The technology enablers for DWDM capacity
Coherent Implementation
Expectation: High order amplitude/phase modulation Polarization multiplexing Coherent detection using a local oscillator laser in the receiver High-speed ADCs and sophisticated digital signal processing in the receiver
Coherent Detection? Physically • A detection technique that is based on the phase properties of the carrier • If you are using a phase-based detector, you could claim to be implementing coherent detection Practically • The market has now come to expect a “coherent detector” to make use of sophisticated, digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms A direct detector operates on a square law principle, in which the output of the detector is proportional to the intensity Coherent detection is a linear process and linear equalization can be employed to effectively compensate for CD and PMD
Two very different functions in the detector
Separate the polarization components Create interference against a reference laser (local oscillator) Separate the phase components PD & A/D conversion Phase state extraction Compensate for local oscillator instability Compensate for static CD Compensate for dynamic PMD Signal processing
A Coherent Detector Schematic
Optical Circuit Electronic Circuit Incoming carrier (2 - polarizations, each with 4 phase states) ADC A/D Converter AMZ Adjustable Mach Zehnder DSP Digital Signal Processor LO Local Oscillator PD Photo Detector PS Polarization Splitter
Evolution of Modulation Formats
Coherent PM-QPSK Same as PM-DQPSK on the transmitter side Coherent receiver is employed incoming signal is coupled with a local oscillator and detected. Coherent receivers have superior sensitivity over incoherent detection Reduces the need for dispersion compensation Less sensitive to PMD Requires development of digital signal processing ASICs
PM-QPSK & Coherent Detection
The phase signals are converted from the optical domain into the electronic domain using a series of balanced photodetectors Schematic of a single-carrier coherent detector including polarization demux
Block Diagram: PM-QPSK / DP-QPSK
PM-QPSK= Polarization Multiplexing-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying DP-QPSK=Dual Polarization-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying PBS=Polarization Beam splitter Cube
Optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM)
OFDM was originally developed for multichannel data transmission The concept of OFDM is the division of a high bit rate data stream into several low bit rate streams by generating several sub-carriers and modulating each low bit rate stream on to a sub-carrier. When the spacing between adjacent sub-carriers is higher or equal to the sub-carrier baud rate, O-OFDM is commonly referred as Sub-Carrier Multiplexing (SCM). Three approaches to SCM
Externally modulated sub-carrier based implementation
One implementation for generating two-sub-carrier OFDM signals is to use an IQ-modulator First transmitter scheme for two-sub-carrier OFDM generation Another implementation for generating two-sub-carrier OFDM signals
Orthogonal polarization optical FDM-DQPSK (OPFDM-DQPSK)
In the case of two-sub-carrier OFDM implementation, NRZ-DQPSK or RZ- DQPSK modulation scheme can be applied to each sub-carrier after sub- carrier separation; The two sub-carrier DQPSK or RZ-DQPSK tributaries can be then orthogonally polarization-combined
OP-FDM-RZ-DQPSK To eliminate the fast automatic optical polarization demultiplexer, alternatively, the two polarizations can be used to carry two optical carriers The two frequency locked optical carriers (FDM), obtained by carrier suppressed RZ-carving, are splitted by an optical filter, modulated by DQPSK modulators and combined with orthogonal polarization (OP) Due to the separation of two optical carrier in two polarizations only 100 GHz channel spacing is supported
100G constellation diagrams…
Various modulation schemes – PSK, QAM, … NRZ vs. RZ (duty cycle) Multi-carrier OSNR optimum for (DP-) QPSK (coherent) QPSK Re Im 6PSK Re Im 8PSK Re Im 8QAM Re Im Bipolar 6ASK Re Im Re Im 9QAM Re Im 16QAM 16QAM Re Im 16PSK Re Im Re Im DP-QPSK Re Im DP-8PSK Re Im DP-16QAM
Characteristics of modulation formats at 100 Gbps without polarization multiplexing
System tolerances of 100 Gb/s modulation formats
Techniques to construct a channel with a data rate beyond 100 Gb/s: a) increase symbol rate; b) increase bits per symbol; c) use more optical carriers.
Modulation formats for systems beyond 100 Gb/s
The major focus is on multi-level modulation format based on M-QAM (quadrature-amplitude modulation) and coherent reception; Recently QAM scheme together with polarization multiplexing is utilized to achieve a channel rate of 200 Gb/s with 16 QAM. In an M-QAM or -QAM signal, m bits are transmitted in a single time slot or symbol, Adding polarization multiplexing to make PM QAM format, 2 x m bits are transmitted per symbol The major target is to maximize their spectral efficiency Two types of modulation formats are: Single carrier modulation formats Multi carrier modulation formats – optical OFDM transmission
Dual Carrier PM-QPSK Structure
The primary advantage of a dual carrier implementation is that the opto-electronics only need to operate at 12.5GBaud, plus overhead Schematic of 100Gb/s, dual carrier, PM-QPSK transmitter, and the resulting phase constellations on each polarization state
SUPER CHANNELS Super- channel is a channel that uses more than one optical carrier All subcarriers in a super-channel are routed as a group, allowing the subcarriers to be spaced closer together With this technique no attempt is being made to limit the bandwidth of each subcarrier and there is considerable spectral overlap Spectral characteristics for: a) a WDM super-channel; b) an all-optical OFDM super-channel; c) a Nyquist WDM super-channel; d) an OFDM super-channel.
Comparison of modulation formats 100G and beyond
Overview on single carrier M-QAM options
Transmitted over ~540 km (6 spans) with Wavelength-Selective Switches OSNR: 22.6 dB WSS, EDFAs and DCMs from current ADVA product line CW 28 Gb/s Data A 90 km SSMF DCM 6X PC PBS WSS 28 Gb/s Data B 28 GHz Clock EDFA 90° T+ T- BERT R (I) (Q) Q = 3.83 Q =3.48 X Polarization Q = 3.09 Q =3.24 Y Polarization
Carrier Core Trans/Muxponder
High-performance network interface PM-QPSK with coherent detection (OIF standard) 50 GHz channel spacing Re Im PM-QPSK Long-Haul capability >1500 km reach Dispersion (CD, PMD) compensation Strong FEC G.709-compliant mapping, multiplexing Services 100GbE (IEEE802.3ba), OTU4 (G.709) 10 x 10GbE / STM-64 / OC-192 4 Slots 4 Slots
100G DP-QPSK transmitters and 100G coherent receivers
Optical component integration
Spectral efficiency vs. SNR
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