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Presentation on theme: "EXECUTES HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK"— Presentation transcript:


Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Executes safety activity and health of job activity at work BASIC COMPETENCY Applies principles safety activity and health of job activity at work Executes inspection of safety Identifies health repair and safety Follows clauses of program safety activity and health of job activity company is including emergency procedure Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 LEARNING AIM After learning finish
Educative participant can apply principles safety activity and health of job activity at work Educative participant can execute inspection of safety Educative participant can identify health repair and safety Educative participant can follow clauses of program safety activity and health of job activity company is including emergency procedure Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Safety and job activity health be instrument protecting worker, company, environment, and public around from danger of as result of job activity accident. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 Law about health and safety at work
Legal Fundament Law about health and safety at work UU no.13/2003 Pasal 86 UU No. 1 Tahun 1970 UU no.14/1969 Pasal  9 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Purpose of health and safety at work
Protects labour by right of its the safety in doing work for prosperity of life and increases national productivity. Guarantees safety each and everyone other at one's post job activity. Source of produce of looked after and utilized safely and efficient Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 Labour Rights And Obligations
Saying is honest Uses equipment of self protection Adheres all conditionses health and safety at work Asks health and safety at work so that is executed Express objection of job activity at work where condition health and safety at work and equipment of working safety obliged by breakdown Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 Condition of Working safety
prevents and lessens accident prevents, lessens and fights fire prevents and lessens danger of detonation Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 Equipment of Working safety
Protector of Head is Helmet. Exhalation protector is masker. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

11 Eye-shade is spectacles. Ear protectors is ear plug/ ear muff
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 Face protector is face shield Hand protector is gauntlet
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

13 Body protector is wearpack Foot protector is safety shoes
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

14 2. GIZI JOB ACTIVITY Gizi job activity is gizi required by labour to do a work as according to its(the work type and work load or nutrition applied to labour public as a mean to increases health level of labour causing is reached level of productivity and job efficiency that is at the highest. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Body measure (height and body weight) Age Gender Activity Condition of certain body (pregnancy woman and suckles) Work environment Teknologi dan Rekayasa

16 Influence Condition Of Physical Of To Job activity Health
Motion Restating Physical Attack Dangerous Matter Contagion Noise Extreme Temperature Teknologi dan Rekayasa

17 3. Company Hygiene Company Higiene is science and artistic in doing antisinisi, rekognitiation, evaluation, and operation to environmental factors or stresses, in or from workplace,  its can causes pain,  health trouble and prosperity meaning for worker and also member of public. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

18 Danger in work environment
The cause of danger Danger of chemical type Danger of project type Danger of physics type Teknologi dan Rekayasa

19 Danger Of Chemical Type
Danger of chemistry type for example breathed or the happening of contact between skins with dilution of metal, dilution non-metal, hydrocarbon and ash, gas, vapour steam, smoke and poisonous dew. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

20 Danger Of Physics Type Danger of physics type for example area having temperature cool temperature, area which radiation ionising and non ionising, noise, vibration and air pressure that is below par. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

21 Danger Of Project Type Danger menacing man because of type project of for example illumination and lighting that is less, danger of transportation, and danger generated by equipments. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

22 Accident Prevention of Job activity
Regulation about all company components. standardization of Job(activity and company. Observation about execution of company discipline. Research about nature and dangerous material characteristic. Medical research emerging as result of job(activity accident Psychological research about psychological of employee. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

23 4. Fire danger Fire Triangle There must be a gas or flammable vapour.
Oxygen there must be, can of this will be given by surrounding air There must be source of temperature with enough intensity to start chemical reaction, what yields flame. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

24 Equipment of Fire company
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

25 First Aid At Accident Supply :
Plaster, band, and plasters to dress a wound and incision Drugs noted as bargainer for poisoned at other pesticide lables or chemicals Masker pocket, as of cloth sheet, or thick plastic bale with adjoining hole which will be applied when you to do oral exhalation to orifice One activated carbon bottles or powder carbon Scissors or knife to cut plaster, plaster, and plastic bale Teknologi dan Rekayasa

26 Supply of First aid at Accident
Forceps to abstract planted fraction in body Nipper or bone antier stick to that is broken First aid guide-book at accident Antibiotic eye balm Antiseptic cream to clean hurt Two rubber gauntlet tides or plastic Stretcher and blanket to bring Wounded man or pain. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

27 First aid Type at Accident
Handles hurt which caused by chemicals Handles singe Shock Exhalation for Saving Oral Exhalation to Orifice Teknologi dan Rekayasa

28 Handles Hurt Which Caused By Chemicals
Breaths in chemicals: Keeps away victim from area where s(he breaths in poison Brings victim into the air open. Alleviates its(the clothes. Seats or lain down victim with upraised head and shoulders. If s(he didn't breathe, does oral exhalation to orifice If seen marking to endanger medical help searching. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

29 Handles Hurt Which Caused By Chemicals
Swallows chemicals: If unconscious victim, lain down and ascertains s(he still breathe. If s(he didn't breathe, does soon oral exhalation to orifice Closes over you mouth with masker sack; bag, or as of cloth sheet before you does oral exhalation to mouth. If she can drink, asks to drink as much as possible. Finds its the chemicals bale and its(the lable read is soon. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

30 Handles Hurt Which Caused By Chemicals
When chemicals about body or clothes: If safe, first of all keeps away victim from chemical goods overland flow. Takes off clothes, shoe, and ornament of victim hit by overland flow. Cleans part hit by overland flow. If its the chemicals stepped into eye, cleans with clean water during 15 minutes until entirely is cleaned. If victim desisted breathing, soon does oral exhalation to mouth. Applies dust-cloth to permeate chemicals. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

31 Handles Singe Stops combustion immediately enters combustible part into cool water. Continues to make cool the singe at least 20 minutes. Lessens ill taste with other aspirin or pain taste subtractor. Prevents the happening of shock Teknologi dan Rekayasa

32 Shock Handling Lain down with position of foot/feet is rather higher from its the heads. Stops haemorrahage and handles every hurt. If she is chilled, blankets. If she can drink, gives drinking water. If s(he experiences dehydration, gives water as much as possible and dilution rehidration. If painfulness, other aspirin berry or pain taste subtractor drug, but doesn't containing narcotic like codeine. Keeps head and create s(he to feel balmy. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

THANK YOU Teknologi dan Rekayasa


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