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Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Corporate Insolvency & Its Resolution Process – a Future perspective Underneath Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Corporate Consultants and Advocates
Presentation by A. K. Kuchhal Managing Partner IndiaCorp Law Corporate Consultants and Advocates In association with M/s A. K. Kuchhal & Co., Company Secretaries
Background At present the individual and corporate bankruptcy is governed by a host of legislations making the procedure quite complex and cumbersome. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, however is a consolidated single code that will govern insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings in the future. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code is a new generation law that provides efficient revival mechanism and also throws challenges in the form of capacity building, harmonization of various laws, creation of insolvency professionals, development of regulatory platform and so on.
Journey So Far Vishwanathan Committee constituted on 22 August 2014 which provided its final Report on 04 November 2015. MOF invited Comments in Nov 2015 Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code Introduced in Lok Sabha on 21 Dec 2015 Passed by Lok Sabha on 05 May 2016. Passed by Rajya Sabha on 11 May 2016. Finally, the Code received the Presidents Assent on 28 May 2016.
Structure of the Code Code has 255 sections divided into 5 parts as below- Part I Preliminary (section 1-3) Part II Insolvency resolution and liquidation for corporate bodies (Section 4-77) Part III Insolvency resolution and bankruptcy for individuals and partnership firms (Section )
Part IV - Regulation of Insolvency Professionals,
Agencies and Information Utilities (Section ) Part V - Miscellaneous (Section ) Schedule - Eleven Schedules (Schedules provide for amendments to be carried out in other statues such as Companies Act, 2013 etc )
Objective of the Code To Resolve Insolvency with Lesser Time Involved, Lesser Loss in recovery and higher level of Debt financing across instruments Time – bound resolution of insolvency and bankruptcy process Single consolidated legal framework for insolvency and bankruptcy resolution dealing with Body Corporate, Partnership Firms and Individuals;
Objectives… Contd. Empowers all class of Creditors (Secured & Unsecured Lenders, employees, Trade Creditors, Regulatory authorities) to trigger a Resolution process in case of non payment of a valid claim. The Code also ensures that, when the negotiations fail to establish viability, the outcome of bankruptcy must be binding.
Why it’s Code “Code” is usually known as a collection or compendium of Laws. It refers to a systematic and comprehensive compilation of laws, rules or regulation that are consolidated and classified according to a particular subject matter.
Insolvency, Bankruptcy & Liquidation
Insolvency is the inability of a person or corporation to pay their Debts as and when they become due and payable. Bankruptcy is when a person is declared incapable of paying their due and Payable bills. Liquidation is the process of winding up a corporation or incorporated entity.
Applicability of Code Any company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 or under any previous company law. Any other company governed by any special Act for the time being in force. Limited Liability Partnership incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. Any other body incorporated under any law for the time being in force, as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf. Partnership firms and individuals.
Regulatory Mechanism under the Code
Regulatory Mechanism…
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India Insolvency Professional Agencies Information Utilities Insolvency Professional Adjudication Authority
Adjudication Authorities
Adjudication Authority is a Body that would have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with Insolvency matters, Which is NCLT – In case of Companies and LLP DRT – In case of Individuals and Partnership Firms The Code also provide for appeal to Appellate tribunal against the Order of Adjudication Authority, which is NCLAT & DRAT respectively.
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India
IB Board as established u/s 188 (1) 0f the Code. It would consist of Members including representatives from MCA, MOF, RBI and would regulate the appointment of Insolvency Professional Agencies, Insolvency Professionals and Information Utilities.
Insolvency Professional Agencies
(Chapter III and Chapter IV of Part IV) As per Section 3(20) any person registered with the Board as an Insolvency Professional Agency. IPA is the Body that would admit Insolvency Professionals as members and develop a Code of Conduct and promote transparency and best practices in governance
Insolvency Professionals
As per Section 3(19) any person enrolled u/s 206 with an insolvency professional agency as its member and registered with the Board as an insolvency professional u/s 207. IP are professionals who are member of insolvency agency who would take the role of Resolution professional or Liquidator / Bankruptcy trustee in an insolvency resolution process.
Information Utilities
Section 3(21) means a person registered with Board as Information Utility u/s 210 IU are specialised licensed bodies which would collect, maintain and disseminate Information relating to the Indebtedness of Companies. Any Person (financial creditor /operational creditor ) can submit/ access the financial information from the Information Utilities.
Insolvency Adjudication process
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Insolvency Resolution & Bankruptcy for Companies & LLP
Persons who may Initiate...
Financial Creditor As per Section 5(7) of IBC “financial creditor” means any person to whom a financial debt is owed and includes a person to whom such debt has been legally assigned or transferred to; Operational Creditor As per Section 5(20) “operational creditor” means a person to whom an operational debt is owed and includes any person to whom such debt has been legally assigned or transferred Corporate Debtor itself As per section 3(8) of the IBC “corporate debtor” means a corporate person who owes a debt to any person; * Person includes a person resident outside India
Persons not entitled to make Application
A Corporate Debtor undergoing a corporate insolvency resolution process; or A Corporate Debtor having completed corporate insolvency resolution process twelve months preceding the date of making of the application; A Corporate Debtor or a financial creditor who has violated any of the terms of resolution plan which was approved twelve months before the date of making of an application under this Chapter; or A Corporate Debtor in respect of whom a liquidation order has been made.
PROCESS IN GENERAL NCLT shall within 14 days of receipt
Initiation of Corporate Insolvency Process Application to National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) NCLT shall within 14 days of receipt
PROCESS Rejects the Application if it is incomplete
…..CONTINUED Admit the Application if it is complete Rejects the Application if it is incomplete Date of Admission of the Application is called Insolvency Commencement Date NCLT shall With in 7 days of acceptance or rejection give notice to Applicant & to Corporate Debtor
... CONTINUED Declaration by NCLT
PROCESS ... CONTINUED The Insolvency Process shall be completed within 180 days (single extension of 90 days) Declaration by NCLT Public Announcement after Appointment of Interim Resolution Professional Declare a Moratorium Appointment of Interim Resolution Professional within 14 days of receipt of Application
In their 1st meeting within 7 days of the constitution
PROCESS ... CONTINUED Constitution of committee of creditors, comprising of all financial creditors In their 1st meeting within 7 days of the constitution (section 22(1))
Submission of resolution plan to NCLT
PROCESS ..... CONTINUED Resolve to appoint Interim Resolution Professional as Resolution Professional Replace the Interim Resolution Professional by another Resolution Professional or All decision of the committee shall be taken by a vote of not less than 75 % of voting share of financial creditor Preparation of information memorandum by resolution professional for formation of resolution plan Submission of resolution plan to NCLT
PROCESS NCLT shall, by order Appeal to NCLAT Moratorium ends
..... CONTINUED NCLT shall, by order Pass Liquidation Order Reject the Resolution Plan Approve the Resolution Plan Appeal to NCLAT Moratorium ends
ELIGIBILITY for Financial Creditor
Minimum Amount of the default required Rs 1,00,000. Which can be extended to Rs. 1,00,00,000 by Central Government.
An Application shall be made to Adjudicating Authority , Along with
Financial Creditor Record of the Default recorded with the Information Utility The name of the resolution professional proposed to act as an interim resolution professional
An Application shall be made to Adjudicating Authority , Along with
Operational Creditor A Copy of Demand Notice delivered to Corporate Debtor An Affidavit that no notice given by Corporate Debtor a copy of the certificate from the financial institutions maintaining accounts of the operational creditor confirming that there is no payment of an unpaid operational debt by the corporate debtor.
An Application shall be made to Adjudicating Authority , Along with
Corporate Debtor Books of Account The resolution professional proposed to be appointed as an interim resolution professional.
MORATORIUM The Code Provides for an automatic moratorium of 180 days against any debt recovery actions by the Creditors. The Moratorium can only be extended by a further period of 90 days in exceptional circumstances. The period of moratorium would be excluded for computation of period of limitation
MORATORIUM It Includes –
Institution/Continuation of suit or proceedings against the corporate debtor Transferring or disposing off any asset by the corporate debtor Recovery of any property by an owner where property is occupied/ is in possession of corporate debtor
Initiation of Liquidation
NCLT doesn’t receive any resolution plan with in the CIRP Period NCLT rejects the Plan Committee of creditors decides to liquidate Debtor contravenes Plan CoC doesn’t agree on workable resolution plan with 180 (+90) days – CoC decides to liquidate
Effect of Liquidation Order
APPOINTMENT OF LIQUIDATOR Resolution Professional to be appointed as liquidator by Adjudicating Authority, unless replaced by NCLT. Powers of Board of Directors/ Partners to vest with the liquidator Effect on Legal Proceedings When a liquidation order has been passed, no suit or other legal proceeding shall be instituted by or against the corporate debtor.
Liquidation Process Formation of Liquidation Estate – Sec 36 deals with taking possession and control of the liquidation estate of corporate debtor Consolidation, verification, admission/rejection and determination of valuation of claims Determination of value of claims Collect Creditors claims within 30 days Admission or Rejection of Claims by Liquidator
Liquidation Process Dissolution of corporate debtor
Contd……… Evaluation and sale/disposal of the assets of corporate debtor Avoidance of preferential transactions, undervalued transactions, transactions defrauding creditors and extortionate credit transactions Distribution of assets Dissolution of corporate debtor A copy of an order of dissolution shall be forwarded to the authority with which the corporate debtor is registered within 7 days from the date of such order
Priority of payment of Debts.
Insolvency Resolution and Liquidation Cost Workmen's dues ( for the period of 24 months preceding the liquidation commencement date) and Secured Creditor Wages and any unpaid dues owed to employees, other than workmen (for the period of twelve months preceding the bankruptcy commencement date) Central and state government dues. Unsecured Creditors
(Chapter IV of Part II) A fast Track CIRP has been provided under the code for the entities with less complex structures, where Insolvency process to be carried out takes a shorter time than the default maximum period allowed. A Corporate debtor with assets & Income below a level as may be notified by CG A Corporate debtor with such Class of Creditors or such amount of debt as may be notified by CG Such Other Category of Corporate Persons as may be notified by the CG
Contd…. An Application may be filed to the NCLT by a Creditor or Corporate Debtor along with Proof of Default & Other information to establish the eligibility for Fast track Resolution Process Time period for completion of CIRP from the insolvency commencement date Within 90 days One time Extension of 45 days
Voluntary Liquidation
Sec 59 of the Code Section 59 of the Code provides for the initiation of voluntary liquidation proceedings by the corporate debtor which has not defaulted on any debt due to any person A corporate debtor, being a company may choose to be wound up voluntarily.
Voluntary Liquidation
Contd…. Declaration of Solvency by majority Directors via Affidavit stating The Company has no debts an is able to pay existing Debt. Purpose of Liquidation is not to Defraud Documents to be accompanied with Declaration Audited Financial Statement Valuation Report of Assets
Voluntary Liquidation
Contd…. Special Resolution within 4 weeks of the Declaration To Liquidate the Company To appoint the Insolvency Professional as Liquidator 2/3rd majority of Creditors shall approve Special Resolution within 7 Days Initiation of Liquidation from the date of passing SR. Approval of creditors must be obtained within 7 days of resolution if the company owes any debt.
Voluntary Liquidation
Contd…. Inform ROC and the Board within 7 days of approval by Shareholders or Creditors as the case may be. Liquidation Process – Liquidation estate, Claims, Admission, Assets, Payments of debts etc. Liquidator to make Application the AA to pass dissolution order on completion of the Liquidation AA to pass an order of Dissolution and the order shall be forwarded (within 14 days) to the Authority where Corporate person is registered. *AA = Adjudication Authority
PENALTIES prescribed for: Concealment of Property Undertaking Transactions defrauding Creditors Misconduct in course of Corporate Resolution Insolvency process Falsification of Books of Corporate Debtor False representation to Creditors Contravention of Moratorium or Resolution Plan Non-disclosure of dispute or repayment of debt by operational creditor IMPRISONMENT for a term of 3-5 years or Monetary penalty in the range of INR 1,00,000 – 1,00,00,000 or both.
Cross Border Insolvency
The Central Government may enter into an agreement with the Government of any country outside India to enforce the provisions of the Code in relation to the assets or property of corporate debtor or debtor, including personal guarantor of a corporate debtor, situated in a country outside India.
Benefits Code to help Revival or Wind up of Sick businesses
Cross-border insolvency Protect workers of a bankrupt company Fast Track Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process Voluntary Liquidation of Corporate Persons, Firms and Individuals Concept of operational creditor. Consolidation of Insolvency and Recovery jurisdictions.
Thank You A. K. Kuchhal C -154, Sector 51 Noida, 201301
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