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Today in Lab… Digestion Hepatic Portal System Blood Glucose

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1 Today in Lab… Digestion Hepatic Portal System Blood Glucose
Insulin Shock DKA ** Next lab is comprehensive lab mid-term. Labs 1-5 inclusive.

2 Digestive System = Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract

3 Hepatic Portal System & Liver Functions

4 Blood Glucose Most cells have 3 fuel options… Carbs Lipids Proteins
Brain… Only fuel is glucose No ability to store glucose Lipids yield Ketones… Potential ketoacidosis… At rest… Storage Liver Skeletal muscle Fat Hormonal controls Insulin Glucagon Blood Glucose Fig

5 Measure your blood glucose

6 Blood Glucose Values (fasting)
Normal = mg/dl (a.k.a. mg/100ml) [this range varies with source] Hypoglycemia = <60 mg/dl with S&S S&S? - light-headed, headache, syncope, “shaky” nausea, sweating, LOC, irritable, combative Called Insulin shock if due to insulin misuse Some prone to “Rebound Hypoglycemia” Hyperglycemia = >140 mg/dl S&S for G = mg/dl: ?? Usually none until microcirculation has been damaged Some Type I diabetics may become irritable Hyperglycemia common in DM types 1 & 2… Present in DKA and may lead to Diabetic Coma

7 More on DKA DKA stands for…? Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Result of cells burning …? Lipids (FAs) (too many too fast) instead of glucose Ironically, pt. is often hyperglycemic And producing too many …? Ketones are produced faster than liver can process them and kidneys cannot eliminate them Effect on pH …? pH < 7.35 Called Acidosis or Ketoacidosis Theoretically more likely in DM type 1 but DM type 2 is so much more common so…

8 More on DKA cont’d S&S (g-r-a-d-u-a-l onset) (several days):
“fruity” breath due to Acetone (a type of ketoacid) LOC is due to the pH (acidosis) 1) pH causes  RR (compensatory rapid & deep ventilations) “Blows off” too much CO2 . CO2 is a vasodilator. Cerebral vasoconstriction results from low CO2 Therefore cerebral ischemia and hypoxia = LOC 2) Acidosis casues H+ to move into tissue cells K+ moves out to ISF  hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia alters neuron function = LOC

9 More on DKA cont’d If [G] > 300 mg/dl Glucosuria Polyuria
Dehydration Polydipsia abdominal pain (generalized) w N&V if pH goes low enough then diabetic coma Trtmt: hospitalization (several days) to control diet and meds It was a g-r-a-d-u-a-l onset and it’s a g-r-a-d-u-a-l fix

10 Insulin Shock Severe hypoglycemia due to misuse of insulin
Common in IDDM Scenario… S&S (rapid onset): Weak & “shaky,” light headed, diaphoretic (sweating), LOC & syncope, irritable, combative Trtmt: If conscious sugar by mouth followed by balanced meal If unconscious dextrose by injection or IV and possibly glucagon by injection

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