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Exciting dates for this term include:

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1 Exciting dates for this term include:
This overview aims to provide you with enough information to be able to share and discuss the activities being covered in school with your child. It may also provide opportunities for you to visit places of interest connected with the learning taking place at school. It may be that having read the overview you are able to offer experiences and/or resources to enrich your child’s learning experiences. Welcome to Class 3 Autumn 2017 Light up the World This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this term. PE days this year/term will be on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Exciting dates for this term include: Stunning Start - Stockgrove Park - Monday 11th September Faith Tour - Wednesday 9th October We are also looking into the possibility of visiting the British Museum and a one night residential for the summer term.

2 Objectives we will cover
Light Up the World! Subject Objectives we will cover Maths Place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, measurement (Lengths, mass, volume), properties of shapes English Applying their growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes, Reading and writing comprehension, Science Light, Earth & Space, Electricity. History / Geography A study of Space History, Geographical zones PE & Games Ball Skills/Dodgeball Multi skills (FS) Art / DT Pencil Skills, Build a sun dial Shadow Puppets ICT/MFL Research skills, Education City, Learning Platform Basic Conversation – Introduce yourself, Numbers, Dates. RE / PSHE RE – What are the deeper meaning of festivals? PSHE – Relationships Circle time games and activities. Music P Bone

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