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Welcome to Field End Junior School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Field End Junior School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Field End Junior School
Year 3 Teachers Miss Hall – 3H Year Group Leader Miss Duckett – 3S Miss Ahmed – 3A Mrs Delaney – 3K

2 A typical school day 8:30 - Soft start 8:50 – Registration
9:00 – Lesson 1 10:00 – Lesson 2 11:00 – Break Time 11:15 – Lesson 3 12:30 – Lunchtime 1:25 – Afternoon whistle 1:30 – Session 4 3:20 – Home time

3 What to bring to school Link diary Reading book Reading record
Multiplication Record Pencil case – writing pencils, 30cm ruler, rubbers, sharpener, colouring pencils and felt tips PE kits – PE kits are to be brought in at the beginning of each ½ term and left in school. .

4 Tuck Shop During break time there is a healthy tuck shop where you can purchase a snack and a drink. This sells items such as: Fresh fruit Crackers Yoghurts Cartons of drink You can bring in 20p - 70p a day to spend. Alternatively, you can bring in a healthy snack from home, which they you keep in your bag (not in their lunch box) to eat at break time.

5 Homework Daily Read with/to your child
Practise spellings and multiplication table facts in preparation for weekly tests. Mathletics and Spellodrome ICT programs can be used. Daily handwriting practise – Letter join Gratitude Diary (Link Diary) Eat together and engage in conversation about the day

6 Homework Weekly Home Learning Activity Log – with your child choose from one of the suggested activities OR you can decide on your own creative learning activity based on your child’s curriculum which can be found on the website. Your child will be required to complete a weekly activity log that will be brought in and shared with the rest of the class at the end of every half term. Some suggested weekly activities include: Go shopping Bake/cook with your child Visiting a place of interest e.g museum/place of worship etc. Play cards/board games and encourage your child to add/subtract the scores Play number games e.g addition/subtraction tennis

7 Homework Termly Power Projects will be set and handed in as instructed by the class teacher. To encourage your child to read for pleasure – choose at least one book per term from your child’s Recommended Reading list. Half Term/School Holidays To ensure continuity of learning, revision and pre-learning tasks will be set over the school holidays

8 Trips / Theme Days Autumn 1 – Ancient Egyptian Theme Day run by ‘History Off The Page’ 6th October – 3S, 3K 13th October – 3A, 3H Autumn 2 – WW1 Theme Day – Wednesday 23rd November Spring 1 – China Theme day 25th January Spring 2 – Trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum – Iron/ Stone Age 3K, 3S - Thursday 2nd March & 3H, 3A Friday 3rd March Summer 1 – Trip to the Gordon Brown Lodge – Extreme Survival Day 3H, 3K – Wednesday 17th May 3S, 3A – Thursday 8TH May Summer 2 – Trip to the Transport Museum 3H, 3A – Friday 23rd June 3S, 3K – Friday 30TH June Roald Dahl Theme Day Wednesday 28th June

9 Clubs

10 Suspense and mystery stories - linked to key text (2-3 weeks)
Key Text Narrative Units Non – fiction Units Poetry Units Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 3 Grimm’s Traditional Tales Word play – focus on alliteration (1 week) Traditional tales – linked to key text (2-3 weeks) Recounts – autobiographies - create a biography of a fairy tale character to link with key text (2-3weeks) A Soldier’s Friend Historical stories – linked to key text (2-3 weeks) Explanation texts – linked to prospectus theme (2-3 weeks) The Hodgeheg Classic poetry for performance - The owl and the pussycat and Please Mrs Butler (1 week) Adventure stories -linked to key text (2-3 weeks) Instructions – how to make Chinese items e.g. lanterns, dragons – linked to prospectus theme (2-3 weeks) The Abominables Stories from other cultures - linked to key text (2-3 weeks) Persuasion – letters (help the yeti) – linked to key text (2-3 weeks) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Haiku, cinquain and urban haiku (1 week) Portal stories – linked to key text (2-3 weeks) Non – chronological reports – information pages magical creatures – linked to key text (2-3 weeks) The Witches Suspense and mystery stories - linked to key text (2-3 weeks) Recount - reviews e.g. review of year 3 (2-3 weeks)

11 Provide a broad, balanced, challenging and engaging scheme of work.
Encourage pupils to show enthusiasm for reading and become readers for life. Teach the accurate use of grammar and punctuation. Promote the importance of reading and writing as skills for life and as tools for enjoyment and personal development.

12 Maths curriculum Counting Place Value Addition/Subtraction
Multiplication/ Division Mental Addition/Subtraction: Measures Fractions Geometry

13 Website - Updates

14 - Used to assess your prior knowledge, current knowledge and learning
Assessment Cups - Used to assess your prior knowledge, current knowledge and learning

15 Chilli challenges Chilli 1 Chilli 2 Chilli 3 Scotch Bonnet

16 Marking Purple Pens O – equivalent to red (L/O not met)
O – equivalent to yellow (L/O met) O – equivalent to green (L/O exceeded)  Purple Pens Teachers mark your work in green pen. You use the purple pens to respond to the comments/questions made by the teachers. Teachers will then read your answers and correct errors/misconceptions where necessary.

17 Uniform

18 Behaviour Caught being good Verbal Warning Warning Time Out A
Time Out B Time Out C

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