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Counting, Number and Place Value (NPV) Spring Term

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Presentation on theme: "Counting, Number and Place Value (NPV) Spring Term"— Presentation transcript:

1 Counting, Number and Place Value (NPV) Spring Term
1. What patterns and skills help to read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and words? Challenge–Exceeding-1000 5.What helps me to compare and order numbers from 0-100? using number line Challenge s 4. How does the position of a digit indicate it’s value? Compare pairs of numbers. Exceeding 2 digit/3 digit 2. How can I make realistic estimates and count objects to 100 ? Challenge -Exceeding 1000. 3. How can we locate numbers on beaded lines and 100 squares? 6. How can partition and combine each digit in a 2 and 3 digit number? tens and ones challenge-hundreds 9. How can I identify one more and one less of a given number? Challenge 1000 and beyond 8 Which multiple of ten do I round my number to? What are the rules? 7. Which strategies do we use to order 2 and 3 digit numbers? How can I check using a number line? 10.How do I use the greater and less than and equals signs to show the value of a number? Year 2 key skills 12.How do we use our skills with place value and number facts to solve problems? How does RUCSAC help us? 11.Which strategies do I use to add and subtract 9,10 and 11 from one and two digit numbers? RR??e

2 Spring Term-Mental Addition and Subtraction (MAS) and Multiplication and Division(MAD)
Which patterns and strategies help me recall number bonds to 6,7,8, 9,10? 3 How can I extend my knowledge of number bonds to multiples of 10 to 100 ? 5. Why can addition can be done in any order (communative) and subtraction can not? 7 Which strategies can I use to solve missing number problems? 4.Which strategies will help me recall number facts for 2x 5x 10 x 2. How can my skills with number bonds to 10 be related to subtraction facts? 6 How can I check calculations using the inverse? How can I use my addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills to solve real life problems?

3 Spring Term - Mental Addition and Subtraction (MAS 2)
How do I know more and less than any 2-digit number? Which strategies can I use to add two 2 digit numbers? Add tens then units or partitioning. Which digits change when you add and subtract a two- digit number and tens? Which strategies can we use to add and subtract numbers? Using objects, pictorial representations and mentally How can I locate 1 and 10 more or less on a 100 square? How does partitioning help to add and subtract two two-digit numbers? Which strategies do I use to add and subtract and 22 to any 2 digit number? Which digits change when add and subtract to any 2 digit number? How does counting on two- digit number and ones How can I quickly find the difference between 2 numbers?

4 Spring Term -Mental Multiplication and Division (MMD)
Challenge –Some children will apply the skills to open ended problem solving … Spring Term -Mental Multiplication and Division (MMD) Which strategies do I know to help me count in doubles and halves? Which patterns help me when I am counting 2s 5s and 10s? How can I find half of an odd number? Which strategies help me when recognise and count in ½s and ¼s? How does thinking of “multiplications with holes in” help us solve division questions? How do arrays help me answer multiplication questions? How can I represent x as “groups of” and show this as a division calculation? How do I know the next number when counting in 3x 4x? Does multiplication have to be done in a certain order? What does commutative mean? Which strategies help me to check my multiplication problems?- hops on number lines and arrays

5 anti-clockwise rotate forwards turn backwards left clock-wise right
Year Two – Spring Term – Maths Focus: Geometry – Position and Direction rotate Do I know my left and right? Play ‘Simple Simon’ game to reinforce left and right. e.g. Simple says …… touch your right knee, stand on your left leg, wave your left hand, hold your right ear with your left hand. forwards turn What language can I use to describe position, direction and movement? Work with a partner taking turns to describe the exact position and location of a teddy in relation to a box. E.g. Teddy is to the right of the box backwards left Play ‘Robots’ game. Children give their partner instructions to move around the room forward 3 steps, left 2 steps, a full turn clockwise, a half turn anti-clockwise etc. What do the terms clockwise and anti-clockwise mean? Complete rotating shape patterns e.g. clock-wise Key Vocabulary: in, on, under, over, behind, above, in front of, next to, between, left, right, forward, backward, top, middle, bottom, inside, outside, full turn, half turn, quarter turn, clockwise, anti-clockwise, rotation How can I rotate shapes to create a pattern? right

6 Year Two – Spring Term – Maths
Focus: Measurement – Telling the time, measuring distance and length Practice saying the days of the week. Complete a days of the week diary. Sequence the four seasons of the year and identify which months belong in each season. Can I recite the days of the week and months of the year? Can I name the day/month that comes before or after a given day or month? Which is the best unit of measurement to use to measure distance or the length of an object? (centimetres or metres). Answer questions relating to the passing of time e.g. if today is Monday what day will it be tomorrow? What day was it the day before yesterday? Which month comes after June? Which is the last month of the year? Look at various objects e.g. a pencil, paintbrush, ribbon, lolly stick, estimate then measure the length in centimetres. Write statements based on your findings e.g. the paintbrush is longer than the pencil. Choose the best unit of time to measure how long it might take you to do various activities e.g. turn on a light, eat a biscuit, walk to London What language can be used to measure time? How long is one minute? Measure and compare the heights of children in our class. Record in metres and centimetres. (decimal place) Use a one minute sand timer and record what you can do in one minute. E.g. How many pegs can you put in a peg board, How many times can you write your name? How many times can you bounce a ball? Measure the distance travelled by different toy cars after they have been sent down a ramp. Record in centimetres. Answer questions based on findings. How can I tell the time on an analogue clock? (o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past). Make a paper plate clock with moving hands. Use the clock to practise telling the time e.g make your clock show 4 o’clock, make your clock show half past 2. Use a metre stick to measure longer distances e.g. the width across the table, the length of the hall, the length of the corridor. How can I tell the time on a digital clock? (6:00, 7:30, 10:15, 12:45) Read the time on an analogue clock then show how this would be represented on a digital clock. Key Vocabulary: day, week, month, season, year, today, tomorrow, yesterday, second, minute, hour, analogue, digital, o’clock, half past, quarter to , quarter past, length, distance, estimate, long, short, longer, shorter, longest, shortest, centimetres, millimetres, metres, ruler,

7 Year Two – Spring Term – Maths
Focus: Statistics – Pictograms and Block Graphs What is the best way to collect, record and represent data so it is easy to interpret? Make a whole class pictogram to show the most popular fruit in Year 2. Collect data about the number of sweets of each colour in a packet of Starburst. Produce a block graph and interpret the data. How can I represent data in the form of a pictogram or block graph? What headings and labels will I need? Construct a block graph to represent some imaginary data about how a school of 150 children travel to each day. Devise a scale where each square represents more than one child. How can I change the scale on my graph to represent large numbers of data? Look at a range of pictograms and graphs and interpret the data? Which colour is the most popular, how many children have a birthday in May? etc. What information can I find out by interpreting a pictogram or block graph? Key Vocabulary: data, tally, interpret, block graph, pictogram, axis, scale, represent, popular, frequent, lowest, highest, least, most, common

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