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K-2 Math Work Stations Week 7 “Place Value”

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1 K-2 Math Work Stations Week 7 “Place Value”

2 What are Place Value stations?
Exploration of base ten concepts Manipulatives for concrete to abstract Base 10 system Place value stations build on a student’s understanding of number concepts. Use of manipulatives help students a concrete understanding of place value so they will be more successful with abstract math concepts. For example, a solid foundation in place value of whole numbers will help students when they encounter decimals. Why are they important? Our math system uses base 10 so repeated hands on exposure to place value tasks all year is important to help establish an understanding the value of numbers.

3 Place Value Materials Unifix cubes Counters Bean sticks
Popsicle sticks, straw, etc. with rubber bands for groups of 10 Base 10 blocks Ten frames Numeral cards or Numeral cubes Dice Place value mats Hundreds charts Play money Bookmaking supplies

4 Place Value Math Talk Provide place value language through math talk cards and charts Explicit and intentional modeling

5 Place Value Modeling Read, write, count build numbers 11-20, 20-99, Estimating Using a hundreds chart Making groups of 10 Trading groups of 10 Using place value strategies for + and -

6 Literature Connections
List of place value books at next session. Number concept books as precursor

7 Station Structure Connections
M.A.T.H. great for H: Hands on B.U.I.L.D great for U: Using Manipulatives

8 Homework Please bring an addition and subtraction game or idea to share Please bring a place value game or idea to share Continue to develop your math work station system Next face to face meeting: Monday, Feb. 22

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