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Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red

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1 Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red
(Kernechtrot) Stain design properties polyvalent; copper anionic; aluminium colour blue red counterstain acid mucopolysaccharides and acetic mucins. specificity calcium nuclei : pink to red, tissue elements pale pink to red

2 Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red
Stain design pH pH 2.5 (3% acetic acid solution) sulphated and non-sulphated acidic carbohydrates pH pH 1.0 only sulphated carbohydrates composition - 3% acetic acid solution………3 min - 1% Alcian Blue solution…….30 min - 0,1% Nuclear fast red………..5 min fixation formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections. procedure manual; 1h 25min

3 Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red
(pH2,5) Stain target generic nuclei : red background: pale pink bright blue: sulfated and carboxylated acidic mucopolysaccharides weakly sulphated mucins and sulphomucins, hyaluronic acid sulfated and carboxylated sialomucins (glycoproteins)

4 Alcian Blue – acidic mucosubstances
Stain target Choanocytes central flagellum collar of microvilli thin membrane ‘Verongia sp.’ (Fixation for FISH)

5 Alcian Blue – acidic mucosubstances
Stain target pinacoderm (thin epithelial layer - glycoprotein)

6 Nuclear fast red – nuclei
Stain target Choanocytes Embryonic matrix? Mobile sponge cells Rogue, PJ, Malviya, AN (1999) Calcium signals in the cell nucleus. The EMBO Journal18:

7 Nuclear fast red – cytoplasm
Stain target Spongin Bacteria ? Sponge mesohyl

8 Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red
Stain target bacteria Cyanobacteria

9 Alcian Blue stains bacterial capsules and insoluble polysaccharides
Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red Bacteria stain Bacterial cell wall No diffusion through cell wall X Bacterial protoplasm Lack of internal polysaccharides? Alcian Blue 8GN150 dye was found to stain the bacterial capsules and insoluble polysac- charides in both puire and mixed cultures of bacteria andlprotozoa. This dye was found to be specific for any insoluble carbohydrate. At acid pH there was an affinity for acids as well as carbohydrates. The reaction was believed to be due to salt linkage in the case of the acids and to the internal hydroxyl group in the case of carbohydrates. The fact that bacterial protoplasm did not stain might be attributed to the complex- ity of the dye molecule preventing diffusion through the cell wall rather than the lack of affinity for the internal polysaccharides for the stain. R Ross E. McKinney (1953) Staining bacterial polysaccharides. J Bacteriol 66(4): 453–454. Alcian Blue stains bacterial capsules and insoluble polysaccharides 9

10 Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red
(pH2,5) Stain target specific (Verongia sp) red: nuclei, spongin, embryonal matrix pale pink: sponge mesohyl bright blue: flagellum/microvilli (mucus); epithelial glycoprotein, bacterial capsules and insoluble carbohydrates (acidic mycopolysaccharides and mucins)

11 Alcian Blue – Nuclear fast red
Stain efficiency CCChhhrrrrrrr!!!!

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