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Published byJosephine Burns Modified over 7 years ago
EPA & the Supermarket Industry: Partners in Environmental Protection
GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership EPA & the Supermarket Industry: Partners in Environmental Protection 1
Agenda Supermarket Refrigeration & the Environment
GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership Purpose Partner Benefits Supermarket Partner Responsibilities Small Businesses Achievements in 2007/2008 Ongoing Projects
Supermarket Refrigeration & the Environment
R-22 is primary refrigerant Harms the ozone layer (ODP of .055) Contributes to climate change (GWP of 1810) Phase-out in 2010 of R-22 production for new equipment; Limited production allowed until 2020 to service existing refrigeration equipment DX systems are the dominant technology Lg. refrigerant charges (ave. spmkt. = 4000 lbs.) High leak rates (ave % = about 1000 lbs. of refrigerant emitted PER SUPERMARKET per year)
GreenChill’s Purpose EPA cooperative alliance with the supermarket industry Promotes the adoption of advanced refrigeration technologies, strategies, and practices Reduce charges & emissions of ozone-depleting substances (potent greenhouse gases) Help protect the ozone layer and protect against global warming Let me take a moment to explain the term “cooperative alliance” There are 2 ways EPA achieves environmental improvements The regulatory way and through voluntary partnerships, which is another name for a cooperative alliance. Cooperative means that we work together with you. We don’t tell partners what to do; partners tell us what they need and I tell partners what EPA needs, and we cooperate to meet both needs. It is an alliance because I run GreenChill but so do its partners. All the achievements I am going to speak about later are due to GreenChill’s partners, and there is no way that EPA would have taken on any of these topics if it weren’t for the partners. You all know much about the regulatory side of what EPA does, and Dave Godwin is speaking after me on that subject. GreenChill is a voluntary partnership. EPA decided to work in partnership with the supermarket industry to cut the environmental impact from refrigerants because EPA felt that the willingness and desire was there on the part of the supermarket industry. Especially with a new administration coming soon, it is very important that GreenChill can continue to increase the number of its food retail partners to demonstrate that the voluntary way is working. Through GreenChill EPA seeks to reduce refrigerant charges and emissions, which is good for the environment and good for your bottom line. We do this by promoting advanced refrigeration technologies, strategies, and practices. That means we promote distributed systems and secondary loop systems, but we are also in favor of “advanced” DX systems that reduce charges and emissions. We are in favor of good data management; we are in favor of leak alert systems; we are in favor of service tech training, we are in favor of CO2 systems. We are in favor of anything that reduces charges and emissions. Because that’s what we need to do to repair the ozone layer and fight global warming.
Why Adv. Refrigeration Tech.?
Montreal Protocol’s goal is ozone layer recovery – reduces ozone-depleting substances (CFCs & HCFCs) Substitute refrigerants (HFCs) are ozone-safe, but they are greenhouse gases Leaking 1000 pounds of greenhouse gas instead of 1000 pounds of ozone-depleting gas is just substituting one environmental problem for another The Strat Prot Division’s mission is to repair and protect the ozone layer Theoretically, we could all pat ourselves on the back if you move from R-22 that depletes the ozone layer to a refrigerant that doesn’t. However the refrigerants that are being used as substitutes for R-22 are potent greenhouse gases. So why in the world would we pat ourselves on the back if all we are doing is moving you from harming the ozone layer to higher global warming impacts? The answer is that we aren’t - we are trying to get you out of this never ending cycle of you switching from refrigerant to refrigerant. Reduce your charges and reduce your leaks because what does not enter the atmosphere cannot harm the atmosphere.
Benefits of Joining GreenChill
Benchmarking to evaluate progress Recognition for actions beyond regulatory requirements Build brand equity Tools to attain corporate environmental stewardship and sustainability goals Prepare for HCFC phaseout and other deadlines Access to latest information on state-of-the-art refrigeration technologies, alternative refrigerants, and best practices Networking & information sharing among partners Better strategic planning Better awareness among consumers for the good things you are doing - consumers want to do business with companies that care about the environment. Improve your bottom line by reducing leaks and charges. Let me just talk a little more about the value of having a friendly face at the EPA - GreenChill does not offer you regulatory relief - so if you illegally vent refrigerant you don’t get a pass because you are a GreenChill Partner. But I have been able to straighten out situations that resulted from poor communication between food retail partners and enforcement people, and it can be helpful just to be able to call me if you don’t understand something. My Partners can and do call me with questions that they feel more comfortable asking me, and if I don’t know the answers, I find them out, anonymously, and help in any way that I can. I am a resource that EPA has provided to you food retailers,so take advantage of it.
Supermarket Partner Responsibilities
Commit to using only non-ozone-depleting refrigerants in both newly constructed stores and major remodels Report a baseline of corporate-wide refrigerant stocks and emissions Commit to an annual emissions reduction goal Develop a corporate Refrigerant Management Plan and emissions reduction strategy Report annual aggregate corporate-wide refrigerant stock and emissions If you join GreenChill you get all the listed benefits, and we ask only 1 thing from you: that you bring the desire to reduce your emissions. You don’t have to change technologies. You don’t have to retrofit. You don’t have to stop using R-22. You can have an exemplary refrigeration management system at your company or you can have an abysmal one. We work with you to establish a baseline measurement of your refrigerant stocks and emissions,, using data you already have because the regulatory side of EPA requires it. Then you set an emissions reduction goal and try to achieve it. Nothing happens to you if you don’t achieve it- you just don’t get an award. We realize that everyone is at a different stage in terms of their refrigeration management, so everyone’s reduction goal is different. We ask that you have a plan in place to achieve that goal. That’s it.
GreenChill and Small Retailers
Requirements are the same Track your stocks and emissions Reduce emissions Benefits are also the same Greater need for information? Fewer resources? Greater need for benchmarking? There seems to be a misconception that GreenChill is only relevant to large food retailers. The requirements are the same whether you own a single store or a couple thousand. The only thing different may be the level of resources a small store has for refrigeration management and the access to information that a small store has, but that is more reason to join GreenChill…it should not be a disincentive.
First Year Achievements
Launch & Partner Expansion Partner Reporting - Benchmarking Data Range of in-store marketing ideas Retrofit Best Practices Guideline Best Practices Guideline on Installation Leak Tightness GreenChill Adv. Refrigeration System Certification for retailers Energy Efficiency Theoretical Study Information sharing between partners I’d like to spend some time on GreenChill’s first year achievements. The launch was a little over 9 months ago, but our partners have achieved so much!
First Year Achievements GreenChill Launch
Official launch end Nov. 2007 10 founding partners Food Lion Giant Eagle Hannaford Harris Teeter Publix Whole Foods Hill Phoenix Kysor Warren DuPont Honeywell EPA launched GreenChill towards the end of last year with 10 founding partners. We’ve expanded the program to 31 partners.
First Year Achievements GreenChill Supermarket Partners
We have 22 supermarket partners. 4 systems manufacturers And 5 chemical companies
First Year Achievements ART Systems Manufacturers
After GreenChill was launched last year, I received several hundred s and calls from component manufacturers. Our supermarket partners became very concerned very fast that GreenChill was going to lose its focus and be done before it really even got started We decided to limit equipment manufacturing partners to those who manufacture entire advanced technology systems. Our theory is that the systems manufacturers can work together with all the different types of component manufacturers, and GreenChill goals of leak tightness and smaller charges will trickle into the component manufacturers. I know that is less than ideal. I am in the process right now of trying to figure out how to channel the enthusiasm brought to the table by component manufacturers. One things is for sure - you can’t talk about leaks without talking about components. I understand that, but I haven’t been able to figure out a way to take the next step without being overrun. As with any small organization, I have to make sure that we grow in a way that adds value to the partnership, rather than growing in a way that overextends us and interferes with meeting our objectives.
First Year Achievements Chemical Manufacturing Partners
First Year Achievements GreenChill Supermarket Partners
5824 stores (17% of total)* In 46 of 50 states, plus DC $115+ billion in annual sales** So I think we are off to a good start! *35,000 U.S. supermarkets – FMI ***Does not include Hannaford and Price Chopper sales (part of larger holding companies)
First Year Achievements Supermarket Data Reporting
Partner Corporate Emissions Rates Partner Average = 13.7% (Industry Average = 23.5%) GreenChill partners saved 30 ODP tons Refrigerant greenhouse gas emissions equal to 2,500,000 metric tons of CO2 (same as 500,000 passenger cars) Important to point out that GreenChill is not just for food retailers with exemplary emissions rates. We have partners who are just average - which means that some of their stores are worse than average, some are better. I hear from prospective partners “we’re not quite ready - we’re still making improvements”- it’s not about your corporate emissions level. It’s about making a commitment to do something to lower those emissions. The only reason to not join GreenCHillis if your corporate emissions rate is 0. Even then, why not join anyway for all the reasons I listed before - plus you will win all the awards. Speaking of awards, it is my distinct pleasure today to give an environmental achievement award to the GreenChill Partner with the best emissions rate. I said “the partner,” but we have an enviable situation in that we have 2 best partners. They are within hundredths of percentage points away from each other, so rather than split hairs we decided it was a great thing to be able to give out 2 awards. Would Cliff Timko of Giant Eagle and Michal Shepard of Harris Teeter please come up here? Giant Eagle and Harris Teeter are not just GreenChill’s leaders in terms of emissions rates. To lead is not just to be the best - to lead is to share and enable others to follow in your footsteps. I was told a year ago when I joined EPA that food retailers won’t share information - well, just one example Cliff and Mike agreed to hold a webinar for our other partners to share information on how they got down to a 10% emissions rate. To lead is to keep setting challenging goals, and Harris Teeter and Giant Eagle have set among the most challenging goals in the partnership. I am proud to give them this award
First Year Achievements Benchmarking to Measure Progress
Compare leak rates to previous years Compare leak rates to GreenChill average Compare leak rates to competitors Compare leak rates to nationwide average Allows you to learn where you stand, are you doing as well as you thought you were? Allows you to learn what is possible Allows you to determine where you want to go Benchmarking is absolutely key to strategic planning
First Year Achievements In-Store Marketing Ideas
Supermarkets told us that they want to do more to communicate their membership in GreenChill to their consumers, so we designed a set of in-store marketing ideas that are available for our food retail partners. They range from “A GreenChill Zone” as pictured here, to a GreenChill design that partners can incorporate into their non-disposable shopping bags, to cooler stickers and shelf stickers.
First Year Achievements Retrofit Best Practice Guidelines
Retrofits = most widespread strategy to prepare for HCFC-22 phaseout in existing stores Opportunity to reduce leaks GreenChill Retrofit Best Practices Guidelines Leak tightness improvements during retrofits Conversion checklists Best practices for handling recovered HCFC-22 Case studies
First Year Achievements Retrofit Best Practice Guidelines
Retrofits = most widespread strategy to prepare for R-22 phaseout in existing stores Opportunity to tighten up and improve the system! Complete, objective information source Peer reviewed by compressor manufacturer, systems manufacturers, supermarket representatives, and EPA experts Available at
First Year Achievements Retrofit Best Practice Guidelines
Range of Retrofit Options New Refrigerant Retrofit Retrofitting with New Mechanicals and New Refrigerant Leak Tightness Improvements during Retrofits
First Year Achievements Retrofit Best Practice Guidelines
Factors to consider when assessing the available retrofit chemicals on the market Explanation of factors and watch-outs Cooling capacity Efficiency Mass flow of refrigerant Lubricant compatibility Compressor manufacturer’s approval Estimated retrofit cost Store disruption Global warming potential
First Year Achievements Retrofit Best Practice Guidelines
Performance Data on Retrofit Refrigerants vs. R-22 Global warming potential & ozone depleting potential Lubricant Glide Standard Performance Capacity & Efficiency Mass Flow Evaporator pressure & temperature Degree of Subcooling at TXV Inlet Superheat at Evaporator Outlet Compressor Isentropic & Volumetric Efficiency Compressor Suction Gas Temperature Condenser Temperature Discharge temperature without demand cooling Added Subcooling Capacity & Efficiency
First Year Achievements Retrofit Best Practice Guidelines
Step-by-step list of procedural best practices Changing oil, removing R-22, charging system with new refrigerant, leak testing, adjusting TXV settings, material compatibility watch-outs, etc. Differences in retrofit procedures for various substitute chemicals
First Year Achievements Retrofit Best Practice Guidelines
Value/Cost Calculation Best Practices - HCFC-22 End of Life End of Life Options for Refrigerants Best Practices – Recovery, Reclamation Safety Information Case Studies for R-422D, R407A, and 427A Retrofits Specific Conversion Checklists for each HFC Substitute Chemical
First Year Achievements Best Practices for Installation Leak Tightness
Step-by-step guideline to ensure newly installed equipment is leak tight Best practices for leak tightness testing Available at
First Year Achievements GreenChill Store Certification
Sets standards for store recognition for “GreenChill Certified” advanced refrigeration technology Gold Level Certification & Silver Level Certification Reduced Refrigerant Charge (lbs. of refrigerant p BTUs/hr.) Low Emissions Rate No Ozone-Depleting Refrigerants Only allowed to use refrigerants found acceptable for retrofits by EPA’s SNAP Program More details at One project I am very proud of is our GreenChill’s Advanced Refrigeration System certification Program. I am happy to announce it’s launch today. If you have a food retail store that meets the level of refrigerant charge reductions and leak tightness in our standards, if you do not use any ozone depleting refrigerants, you will be awarded GreenChill’s silver or gold award for your advanced refrigeration system. GreenChill is not wedded to any one type of advanced refrigeration system. We came up with our own criteria. You can have a DX system, and as long as you have reduced your charge and your leak rates to these levels, you may qualify. We decided to develop this because existing standards and certification systems that we came across did not give enough credit to refrigerant management, even though refrigerants are the sole responsible activity for the industry’s effect on the ozone layer, and they are overproportional contributors to supermarkets’ impact on global warming. Not giving proper credit for stores that are taking the lead in refrigerant management is perhaps encouraging stores to invest in environmental improvements that do not have as much impact on the environment as refrigerants. So we decided to solve that problem. This is not just for GreenChill partners - though if you are making this kind of progress I don’t know why in the world you wouldn’t want to join the partnership.
First Year Achievements Energy Efficiency Theoretical Study
Hurdle: do advanced refrigeration technologies use more energy than DX technology? EPA theoretical study compared energy consumption of advanced refrigeration technologies to baseline DX technology Available at reticalStudy.pdf
First Year Achievements Energy Efficiency Theoretical Study
Secondary Loop and Distributed Systems are good alternatives to centralized Direct Expansion systems. Secondary Loop Systems can reach energy parity with DX at a minimum Better energy efficiency in some climates Distributed Systems can exceed the energy efficiency of DX Systems
First Year Achievements Information Sharing - Webinars
August 20: Leak Prevention & Maintenance September 25: GreenChill Certification for ART in Food Retail Stores October 14: Retrofit Guidelines TBD: ART Energy Use TBD: Installation Leak Tightness I mentioned before that a benefit of belonging to GreenChill is the information sharing and the learning that results from that sharing of information. We had our 1st webinar a couple weeks ago for our partners, and I’m told it was a great success. Some of these are for partners only, for instance the one on leak prevention and maintenance, because of the semi-confidential nature of the information. Others will be open to everyone, such as the next 2 that are upcoming. Our goal is to have 1 a month. We want GreenChill to offer food retailers value above and beyond publicity for your environmental leadership. Some companies believe “no publicity is good publicity” That’s fine, but there are other good reasons to join the partnership - and if you want me to, I’ll promise that the name of your company will never cross my lips except to add your name to the list of members.
GreenChill Projects 2008/2009 Implementation of GreenChill Store Certification Advanced refrigeration technology best practices guideline Quantifiable goals for ART systems manufacturers Service Tech & Contractor Environmental Best Practices Certification Program Quantifiable goals for chemical manufacturers Increase supermarket recovery & reclamation
GreenChill Projects 2008/2009 ART Best Practices Guideline
Describes and explains advanced alternatives to conventional DX systems Factors to consider when selecting an advanced refrigeration option Construction costs Maintenance costs Installation costs Reliability Refrigerant charge Leak rate Lifecycle value Overall env. benefit Viability of future remodels Ancillary technologies
GreenChill Projects 2008/2009 ART Best Practices Guideline
Best practices to reduce refrigerant charge Best practices for ongoing leak tightness Selecting primary & secondary refrigerants Case studies Look for these to come out at the beginning of next year.
GreenChill Projects 2008/2009 Systems Man. Partner Data Reporting
Equipment leak tightness at production Equipment leak tightness at installation Shipments of DX systems vs. advanced refrigeration systems Refrigerant used in all refrigeration systems shipped Benchmarking is just as important to GreenChill’s systems manufacturers Information that our food retail partners want to know too Are you doing everything you can to ensure that the systems you deliver to food retailers is leak tight? How leak tight is it possible to get equipment? How do you even measure that? No universal standard - 100% leak tight as measured with nitrogen testing, or helium testing, or hydrogen testing? We have to develop a standard before we can start measuring. Can you guarantee that your system is leak tight when it is installed? Traditionally, this has not been the realm of the systems manufacturers, but we are developing a system that creates accountability all the way to leak tight installation. Which leads into the next slide.
GreenChill Projects 2008/2009 Service Tech / Contractor Certification
North American Technical Excellence (NATE) Exams Commercial Refrigeration Service: 44% pass rate Commercial Refrigeration Installation: 23% pass rate (Beta Test) GreenChill/NATE project to improve service tech knowledge of environmental best practices in refrigeration service & installation As a result of feedback from our partners, GC realized there was a missing link in terms of the types of stakeholders who worked with GreenChill. We are just at the beginning of a new project with NATE to allow service technicians to obtain GreenChill certification, which will be proof to food retailers that these service techs know the best environmental practices related to refrigerant management. We are also working with the Green Mechanical Council on several projects. I’ll be able to report more on that next year.
Svc. Tech Certification Program Environmental Best Practices
Training & testing on GreenChill best environmental practices GreenChill certification for Service Techs / Contractors passing grade on NATE exam Agree to report installation leak tightness statistics to GreenChill
GreenChill Projects 2008/2009 Chem. Man. Partner Data Reporting
Baseline & annual reporting of supermarket HCFC-22 & HFC recovery & reclamation Annual goal to increase refrigerant recovery & reclamation Best practices for recovery & reclamation Chemical manufacturer “Corporate Recovery & Reclamation Plan” HCFC-22 end-of-life guidelines Safety information You will hear from EPA later on when Dave Godwin gives you a regulatory overview that when EPA projects for R-22 demand in 2010, 2015, and 2020, they assume a certain level of recovery and reclamation. R-22 users are not recovering and reclaiming at the rate that EPA estimates they can and should be. GreenChill has plans to work with our chemical manufacturers to increase recovery and reclamation within the supermarket industry. GreenChill is challenging our chemical manufacturing partners to provide more incentives for supermarkets to recover refrigerant and reclaim refrigerant. How do we make sure that the recovery and reclamation process is proceeding according to the best environmental programs available. We are just getting started on this, and I’m told this is another area where I’m going to run into all sorts of challenges. We’ll see. Recovered refrigerant is a valuable resource. Why give it to someone else if you are going to need it at another store in your group, and why pay someone to haul it away for you.
For More Info Keilly Witman Stratospheric Protection Division, US EPA
Tel: (202) Supermarket News Webinar – the GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership Michael Garry – Supermarket News Keilly Witman – U.S. E.P.A. Wayne Rosa – Food Lion George Ronn – Supervalu September 18th at 2pm Register at Supermarket News’ website For more information, check out our website and give me a call and by all means grab me in one of the breaks here. Also, I’d like to mention that Supermarket News is holding a webinar on GreenChill on Sept. 18th. In addition to some more info from me, you’ll get to hear from Supervalu and Food Lion on why they joined GreenChill and what they get out of the Partnership. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m happy to answer any questions you have during breaks.
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