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Section 1: World Population Section 2: Global Cultures
Introduction Section 1: World Population Section 2: Global Cultures Section 3: Political and Economical Systems Section 4: Resources, Trade, and the Environment Visual Summary Chapter Menu
A study of the human world—population, culture, political and economic systems, and resources—will help you understand events in the world around you. Chapter Intro 1
Section 1: World Population
The characteristics and distribution of human populations affect physical and human systems. Population growth and distribution influence where people live and how they change the natural environment. Chapter Intro 2
Section 2: Global Cultures
The characteristics and distribution of cultures influence human systems. The spatial interaction of cultures can spread new ideas, establish trading relationships, cause wars, and build political partnerships. Chapter Intro 3
Section 3: Political and Economic Systems
Cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth’s surface. Political and economic systems provide the organization and power for groups of people to control Earth’s surface. Chapter Intro 4
Section 4: Resources, Trade, and the Environment
Changes occur in the use, distribution, and importance of natural resources. People are dependent on the world’s natural resources for survival, but certain economic activities can threaten humans’ future access to these resources. Chapter Intro 5
Chapter Preview-End
World Population Population growth and distribution influence where people live and how they change the natural environment. Section 1-GTR
World Population death rate doubling time population distribution
population density birthrate natural increase migration demographic transition Section 1-GTR
World Population trend community negative Section 1-GTR
World Population A. Hungary B. Germany C. Canada D. Bangladesh
E. Mexico City Section 1-GTR
World Population Which continent contains most of the world’s people?
A. Europe B. Asia C. Africa A B C Section 1
Population Growth Population growth varies from country to country and is influenced by cultural ideas, migration, and level of development. Nearly 6.5 billion people now live on Earth, inhabiting about 30 percent of the planet’s land. Global population is growing rapidly and is expected to reach 9 billion by the year 2050. Section 1
Population Growth (cont.)
The Demographic Transition The demographic transition model uses birthrates and death rates to show changes in the population trends of a country or region. Most of the industrialized and technologically developed countries have reached zero population growth, in which the birthrate and death rate are equal. The Demographic Transition Model Section 1
Population Growth (cont.)
Rapid population growth presents many challenges to the global community: difficulty producing enough food to feed everyone a shortage of resources an uneven distribution of age Section 1
Population Growth (cont.)
Countries, such as Hungary and Germany, have experienced negative population growth, in which the annual death rate exceeds the annual birthrate. Section 1
C. New varieties of crops D. All of the above
Which of the following will help with problems due to rapid population growth? A. Fertilizers B. Irrigation systems C. New varieties of crops D. All of the above A B C D Section 1
Population Distribution
World population distribution is uneven and is influenced by migration and the Earth’s physical geography. Almost everyone on Earth lives on a little less than one-third of the planet’s land. Section 1
Population Distribution (cont.)
Population Density To determine population density in a country, geographers divide the total population of the country by its total land area. This does not account for uneven population distribution. World Population Density Section 1
Population Distribution (cont.)
Population Movement Many people are moving to urban areas. The primary cause of urbanization is the desire of rural people to find jobs and a better life in more prosperous urban areas. Population movement also occurs between countries. Urban Growth in Selected Cities Section 1
Which country has one of the highest population densities in the world?
A. Bangladesh B. Canada C. Sweden D. China A B C D Section 1
Section 1-End
Global Cultures The spatial interaction of cultures can spread new ideas, establish trading relationships, cause wars, and build political partnerships. Section 2-GTR
Global Cultures culture cultural diffusion culture hearth
language family ethnic group culture region similar major Section 2-GTR
Global Cultures A. Egypt B. Iraq C. Pakistan D. China E. Mexico
Section 2-GTR
Global Cultures When studying a culture, what areas are looked at?
A. Language and religion B. Daily life, history, and art C. All of the above A B C Section 2
Elements of Culture Geographers divide the Earth into culture regions, which are defined by the presence of common elements such as language and religion. A particular culture can be understood by looking at the following elements: Language Religion World Language Families Section 2
Elements of Culture (cont.)
Social Groups Government and Economy Culture Regions World Culture Regions Section 2
Groups of people ranked according to ancestry, wealth, education, or other criteria fall under which term? A. Social group B. Social class C. Ethnic group A B C Section 2
Cultural Change Internal and external forces change cultures over time. The Agricultural Revolution The shift from hunting and gathering food to producing food is known as the Agricultural Revolution. Some of the farming villages evolved into civilizations. Section 2
Cultural Change (cont.)
The world’s first civilizations arose in culture hearths. The most influential culture hearths developed in areas that make up the modern countries of: Egypt Iraq Pakistan China Mexico World Culture Hearths Section 2
Cultural Change (cont.)
They have certain geographic features in common: Mild climate Fertile land Located near a major river or source of water Section 2
Cultural Change (cont.)
Cultural contact among different civilizations promoted cultural change as ideas and practices spread through trade and travel. Section 2
Cultural Change (cont.)
Industrial and Information Revolutions In the late 1700s and 1800s some countries experienced the Industrial Revolution, which led to social changes. At the end of the 1900s, the information revolution opened doors for experiencing new cultures. Section 2
Which of the following “set the stage for the rise of cities and civilizations”?
A. Nomadic hunting B. Housing C. Surplus food D. Military power A B C D Section 2
Section 2-End
Political and Economical Systems
Political and economic systems provide the organization and power for groups of people to control Earth’s surface. Section 3-GTR
Political and Economical Systems
unitary system democracy traditional economy market economy mixed economy command economy federal system autocracy monarchy oligarchy Section 3-GTR
Political and Economical Systems
unique authority assembly Section 3-GTR
Political and Economical Systems
A. United States B. Saudi Arabia C. United Kingdom D. China E. Vietnam Section 3-GTR
Political and Economic Systems
An oligarchy is a government ruled by what? A. A few individuals B. A single individual C. Many individuals A B C Section 3
Features of Government
Territory, population, and sovereignty influence levels and types of governments in countries around the world. Levels of government Most countries have several levels of government, ranging from the national level to the village level. Section 3
Features of Government (cont.)
Two types of government systems are: Unitary—the United Kingdom and France use this system. Federal—the United States, Canada and Switzerland are three of many countries that use this system. Section 3
Features of Government (cont.)
All governments belong to one of three major groups: Autocracy—rule by one person A monarchy is another form of autocratic government. Oligarchy—rule by a few people Democracy—rule by many people Section 3
Which form of government do you feel works best and why?
A. Autocracy B. Oligarchy C. Democracy A B C Section 3
Economic Systems The three major economic systems are traditional economy, market economy, and command economy. All economic systems must make three basic economic decisions: What and how many goods and services should be produced Section 3
Economic Systems (cont.)
How should they be produced Who gets the goods and services that are produced These decisions are made differently in the three major economic systems: Traditional—habit and custom determine the rules. Market—this economy is based on free enterprise, the idea that private individuals or groups have the right to own property or businesses and make a profit with only limited government interference. Section 3
Economic Systems (cont.)
Most market economies are actually mixed economies. Command—the government controls the economy is this system. Section 3
Economic Systems (cont.)
Two types of command economies: Communist—strict government control of the entire society Socialist—three main goals of this type of economy: An equitable distribution of wealth and economic opportunity Society’s control, through its government, makes decisions about public goods. Public ownership of services and factories that are essential. Section 3
Capitalism is another term for which type of economy? A. Traditional
B. Market C. Command A B C Section 3
Section 3-End
Resources, Trade, and the Environment
Although people are dependent on the world’s natural resources for survival, certain economic activities can threaten humans’ future access to these resources. Section 4-GTR
Resources, Trade, and the Environment
natural resource developing country free trade pollution industrialization developed country newly industrialized country Section 4-GTR
Resources, Trade, and the Environment
ensure benefit conduct Section 4-GTR
Resources, Trade, and the Environment
A. Malaysia B. European Union Section 4-GTR
Resources, Trade, and the Environment
Geographers and economists classify the world’s economic activities into how many types? A. Eight B. Two C. Four A B C Section 4
Resource Management Natural resources must be managed to ensure future needs. Because fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, and other nonrenewable resources cannot be replaced, they must be conserved. Section 4
Resource Management (cont.)
Alternative energy sources: Hydroelectric power Solar energy Nuclear energy The Global Economy Section 4
A B C D Which is a renewable resource? A. Oil B. Minerals C. Coal
D. Sun A B C D Section 4
Economies and World Trade
Countries with varying levels of economic development have become increasingly interdependent through world trade. Geographers and economists classify all of the world’s economic activities into four types: Primary economic activities—taking or using natural resources directly from the Earth Section 4
Economies and World Trade (cont.)
Secondary economic activities—raw materials are used to produce something new and more valuable. Tertiary economic activities—provide services to people and businesses Quaternary economic activities—the processing, management, and distribution of information The Global Economy Section 4
Economies and World Trade (cont.)
Factors affecting trade: The unequal distribution of natural resources Differences in labor costs Differences in education levels Section 4
Economies and World Trade (cont.)
Barriers to trade: Tariffs Embargos A quota on the quantity of a product that can be imported from a country Many governments around the world have moved toward free trade. World Economic Trends Section 4
Manufacturing automobiles would fall under with type of economic activity?
A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Quaternary A B C D Section 4
People and the Environment
Economic activities have led to environmental pollution. The water, land, and air have all been polluted due to human activity. When humans harm natural ecosystems, they are also hurting themselves. Section 4
A B C D What is a solution to our pollution problems?
A. Plant more trees B. Reduce chemical spills C. Alternative fueled cars D. All of the above A B C D Section 4
Section 4-End
World Population Population growth increased rapidly, but unevenly throughout the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century. The world’s population is unevenly distributed. Large numbers of people are migrating from rural areas to cities for jobs or to escape famine and war. As people become more mobile, so do goods. Countries trade to gain access to resources they lack. VS 1
Geographers divide the Earth into specific culture regions.
World Culture Language, religion, social groups, government, and economic activities define cultures. Geographers divide the Earth into specific culture regions. Trade, migration, war, and technology can change cultures. The world’s first civilizations arose in culture hearths in Central America, Africa, and Asia. VS 2
Government and Economic Systems
Governments may be organized as a unitary system, a federal system, or a confederation. An autocracy, an oligarchy, and a democracy differ in the way they exercise authority. The three major economic systems are traditional economy, market economy, and command economy. The type of economic system helps determine how a country will view international trade. Market economies are more open to free trade, while command economies are likely to put up trade barriers. VS 3
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
DFS Trans 1
DFS Trans 2
DFS Trans 3
DFS Trans 4
death rate the number of deaths per year for every 1,000 people Vocab1
birthrate the number of births per year for every 1,000 people Vocab2
natural increase the growth rate of a population; the difference between birthrate and death rate Vocab3
migration the movement of people from place to place Vocab4
demographic transition
the model that uses birthrates and death rates to show changes in the population trends of a country or region Vocab5
doubling time the number of years it takes a population to double in size Vocab6
population distribution
the pattern of population in a country, a continent, or the world Vocab7
population density the average number of people in a square mile or square kilometer Vocab8
culture way of life of a group of people who share beliefs and similar customs Vocab9
language family group of related languages that have all developed from one earlier language Vocab10
ethnic group group of people who share common ancestry, language, religion, customs, or combination of such characteristics Vocab11
culture region division of the Earth based on a variety of factors, including government, social groups, economic systems, language, or religion Vocab12
cultural diffusion the spread of new knowledge and skills from one culture to another Vocab13
culture hearth a center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spread outward Vocab14
unitary system a government in which all key powers are given to the national or central government Vocab15
federal system form of government in which powers are divided between the national government and the state or provincial government Vocab16
autocracy government in which one person rules with unlimited power and authority Vocab17
monarchy a form of autocracy with a hereditary king or queen exercising supreme power Vocab18
oligarchy system of government in which a small group holds power
democracy any system of government in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens Vocab20
traditional economy a system in which tradition and custom control all economic activity; exists in only a few parts of the world today Vocab21
market economy an economic system based on free enterprise, in which businesses are privately owned, and production and prices are determined by supply and demand Vocab22
mixed economy a system of resource management in which the government supports and regulates enterprise through decisions that affect the marketplace Vocab23
command economy system of resource management in which decisions about production and distribution of goods and services are made by a central authority Vocab24
natural resource substance from the earth that is not made by people but can be used by them Vocab25
industrialization transition from an agricultural society to one based on industry Vocab26
developed country country that has a great deal of technology and manufacturing Vocab27
newly industrialized country
a country that has begun transitioning from primarily agricultural to primarily manufacturing and industry activity Vocab28
developing country country in the process of becoming industrialized
free trade the removal of trade barriers so that goods can flow freely between countries Vocab30
pollution the existence of impure, unclean, or poisonous substances in the air, water, or land Vocab31
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