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“La Guerra Civil Española”

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1 “La Guerra Civil Española”
(Spanish Civil War)

2 Opposing Factions “Nacionalistas”(Nationalists)
Pro- Franco “El bando Nacionalista” la “derecha” (the political “right”) Allied with Nazi Germany / Mussolini Italy (Axis Forces) la burguesía (bourgeoisie) la Iglesia Católica (the Catholic Church) aristocracía (aristocracy) “Republicanos”(Republicans) Anti-Franco “El bando Republicano” / “El bando Leal (Loyal)” / “rojos” la “izquierda” (the political “left”) Allied with the U.S.S.R. / European democracies (Allied Forces) obreros, campesinos (workers, farmers) socialistas, comunistas, anarquistas (socialists, communists, anarchists)

3 Francisco Franco Fascist Dictator of Spain
Ultra-Conservative, Pro-Monarchy Allied with Nazi Germany and Italy under Mussolini Won Spanish Civil War. Ran Spain from April – November 1975 “El Caudillo” Used concentration camps, forced labor, and executions against political and ideological enemies. Restored the monarchy before his death and installed Juan Carlos I as his successor.

4 Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) Spanish painter, sculptor
Major figure from the “cubist” school of art Angered by the Spanish Civil War, painted the social protest mural “Guernica” in 1937. Blue Period Rose Period African-Influenced Period Analytic Cubism Synthetic Cubism

5 “Guernica” - Pablo Picasso (1937)

6 Federico García Lorca Spanish Poet, Playwright, Artist
Critical of Dictator Francisco Franco and the “nationalist” regime Famous for the trilogy of plays “Bodas de Sangre”, “Yerma”, and “La Casa de Bernarda Alba” Mysteriously disappeared – most historians believe he was killed by pro-Franco forces

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