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GCSE English Language February 2017
Launch & Support GCSE English Language February 2017
Agenda Revision of GCSE Qualifications (for first teaching September 2017)
Introduction Overview of new Specification Specimen Assessment Materials (SAMs) Support Materials Q&A
Accreditation Process
Regulatory Framework General Conditions of Recognition CCEA will ensure that each qualification offered is fit for purpose Accreditation Process N Ireland GCE and GCSE Qualifications Criteria Two-stage process Stage 1: submission of qualification strategies for approval Stage 2: submission of qualification materials for review and accreditation
Qualification Strategies
CONTENT - Rationale for the proposed: inclusion of internal assessment, where relevant weighting of internal and external assessment wording and weighting of assessment objectives assessment of mathematical skills : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Business Studies assessment of QWC and subject content ASSESSMENT – Rationale for the: subject content for Specimen Assessment Materials (SAMs) content in assessments ensuring full coverage over the lifetime of the qualification duration of examination papers allocation of marks in examination papers, where appropriate number and type of questions in examination papers, where appropriate word limit or time limit for internal assessment and allocation of marks for internal assessment
Specification and Specimen Assessment Material (SAMs)
Northern Ireland Regulator will carry out: an administrative review a subject-specific review a review of regulatory requirements
Collaborative Approach to the Revision
Desk top Research Writing Teams Teachers Higher Education Consultation Existing Specifications Draft Specifications Consultation with students Relevant content Prepared for further study/work
Quality Assurance Higher Education - Higher Education Panel and Subject Advisory Team Industry - Industry Panel and Subject Advisory Team Teachers - Subject Advisory Team Equality Panel - Access for all Final CCEA Quality Assurance panel - Review of consultation comment logs and comment logs associated with all QA panels
Quality Assurance Equality Panel Final CCEA Quality Assurance panel
Access for all Final CCEA Quality Assurance panel Review of consultation comment logs Review of comment logs associated with all QA panels Only when CCEA Quality Assurance panel is satisfied that all issues raised have been appropriately addressed will the Specification and Sample Assessment material be submitted for accreditation
GCSE English Language Unique features Employability
Opportunities for students to apply reading, writing and oral skills in real-life contexts It is a unitised specification so there is flexibility in entering for a unit and each unit can be re-sat individually Embedded assessment of Speaking and Listening skills It is linked with GCSE English Literature so texts studied in the Literature course can be used as stimulus for Controlled Assessment in English Language. This qualification helps students develop their skills of critical analysis and creativity whilst also giving them opportunities to develop their ability to present cogent arguments Potential pathway into a range of careers, for example: teaching, law, marketing, Public Relations, media, journalism, etc.
Specification at a glance
Content Assessment Unit 1: Writing for Purpose and Audience and Reading to Access Non-Fiction and Media Texts Unit 2: Speaking and Listening Unit 3: Studying Spoken and Written Language Unit 4: Personal or Creative Writing and Reading Literary and Non-Fiction Texts External paper – 1 hour 45 mins Controlled assessment
GCSE English Language Unit 1: Writing for Purpose and Audience and Reading to Access Non-Fiction and Media Texts Content Assessment Weighting Availability External written examination 1 hour 45 mins 30% Summer from 2018 and January 2019 Section A: Writing for Purpose and Audience Section B: Reading to Access Non-Fiction and Media Texts ONE written task FOUR tasks based on stimuli (including images)
Unit 2: Speaking and Listening
GCSE English Language Unit 2: Speaking and Listening Content Assessment Weighting Availability Task 1: Individual Presentation and Interaction Task 2: Discussion Task 3: Role Play Controlled Assessment Teachers assess the tasks and then CCEA moderate the outcomes 20% Summer from 2018 and January 2019
Unit 3: Studying Spoken and Written Language
GCSE English Language Unit 3: Studying Spoken and Written Language Content Assessment Weighting Availability Task 1: The Study of Spoken Language Task 2: Written Language Controlled Assessment 1 hour to complete the piece for final assessment of each task Teachers assess the tasks and then CCEA moderate the outcomes 20% (10% for each task) Summer from 2019 and January 2020
GCSE English Language Unit 4: Personal or Creative Writing and Reading Literary and Non-Fiction Texts Content Assessment Weighting Availability External written examination 1 hour 45 mins 30% Summer from 2019 and January 2020 Section A: Personal or Creative Writing Section B: Reading Literary and Non-Fiction Texts ONE written task (choice of two) THREE tasks based on stimuli
Quality of Written Communication
QWC is assessed in every Unit and Section as each require extended writing Students should: ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate so that meaning is clear; select and use a form and style of writing that suit their purpose and complex subject matter; and organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary where appropriate.
Terminal Assessment Rule Reminder
Students must take at least 40% of the assessment at the end of the course
GCSE English Language What has changed? No tiers
40% controlled assessment; 60% exam Unit 3: two written tasks New exam paper structure; longer exam time Functional English elements in discrete Units (1 and 2)
GCSE English Language Unit 2: Speaking and Listening (AO1) Candidates must: i. speak to communicate clearly and purposefully; structure and sustain talk, adapting it to different situations and audiences; use standard English and a variety of techniques as appropriate; ii. listen and respond to speakers’ ideas and perspectives, and how they present meaning;
GCSE English Language Unit 2: Speaking and Listening (AO1) Candidates must: iii. interact with others, shaping meanings through suggestions, comments and questions and drawing ideas together; and iv. create and sustain different roles.
GCSE English Language
GCSE English Language Unit 3: Studying Spoken and Written Language
Study of Spoken Language (AO2) Candidates must: i. understand variations in spoken language, explaining why language changes in relation to contexts; and ii. evaluate the impact of spoken language choices in their own and others’ uses.
GCSE English Language Unit 3: Studying Spoken and Written Language
Studying Written Language (AO3) Candidates must: i. read and understand texts, selecting material appropriate to purpose, collating from different sources and making comparisons and cross‐references as appropriate;
GCSE English Language Unit 3: Studying Spoken and Written Language
Studying Written Language (AO3) Candidates must: ii. develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives; and iii. explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic, structural and presentational features to achieve effects and engage and influence the reader.
GCSE English Language Unit 3: Controlled Assessment Controls
Planning and prep work can be done under limited supervision – i.e. can be homework, group work Direct/formal supervision of production of final piece (i.e. piece being marked and available for moderation). This means candidates must be in direct sight of the supervisor at all times. Use of resources and interaction with other candidates is tightly prescribed
GCSE English Language Unit 3: Controlled Assessment
Controls (continued) 1 hour time limit given for final write-up (final production) – doesn’t all have to be in one sitting; work must be stored securely after each sitting Students must not have access to work completed in between controlled sessions and no feedback can be given in between sessions Please ensure you are familiar with the Joint Council for Qualifications(JCQ) document Instructions for Conducting Controlled Assessments, available at
GCSE English Language Units 1 & 4 External assessment units
GCSE English Language Studying Written Language (AO3) Reading
Candidates must: i. read and understand texts, selecting material appropriate to purpose, collating from different sources and making comparisons and cross‐references as appropriate; ii. develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives; and iii. explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic, structural and presentational features to achieve effects and engage and influence the reader.
GCSE English Language Writing (AO4) Candidates must:
i. write to communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively using and adapting forms and selecting vocabulary appropriate to task and purpose in ways that engage the reader; ii. organise information and ideas into structured and sequenced sentences, paragraphs and whole texts, using a variety of linguistic and structural features to support cohesion and overall coherence; and
GCSE English Language Writing (AO4) Candidates must:
iii. use a range of sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Section A: 1 Writing Task Section B:
GCSE English Language Exam Paper New Format Booklet Style Section A: 1 Writing Task Section B: Unit Short Reading Tasks Unit Short Reading Texts
Specimen Assessment Materials Unit 1 (Exam Paper)
GCSE English Language Specimen Assessment Materials Unit 1 (Exam Paper)
Unit 1 (Paper 1) Writing for Purpose and Audience and Reading to Access Non-fiction and Media Texts
1 hour 45 minutes Total mark for paper = 150 Complete all tasks. Spend 55 minutes on Section A and 50 minutes on Section B. Section A Writing - one task – 87 marks Section B Reading - four tasks based on two reading texts – 63 marks Write the responses in the booklet.
Specimen Assessment Materials Unit 4 (Exam Paper)
GCSE English Language Specimen Assessment Materials Unit 4 (Exam Paper)
Unit 4 (Paper 2) Personal/ Creative Writing and Reading Literary and Non-Fiction Texts
1 hour 45 minutes Total mark for paper = 150 Complete all tasks. Spend 55 minutes on Section A and 50 minutes on Section B. Section A Writing - one task (choice) – 88 marks Section B Reading – three tasks based on three reading texts – 62 marks Write the responses in the booklet.
New Mark Scheme Format
Option 3: Unit 2 Speaking and Listening CA tasks are spread across the two years. The focus for Year 11 is on the two Unit 3 CA tasks: The Study of Spoken and Written Language. The focus for Year 12 is Unit 1 and Unit 4, the two externally assessed units. Unit 1 is taken in January and Unit 4 at the end of Year 12. This allows for a repeat of Unit 1 at the end of Year 12 if required. Year Term1 Term 2 Term 3 Targets for the year Year 11 CA Focus Preparation for and completion of two Speaking and Listening tasks for Unit 2 CA (role play and individual presentation and interaction). Begin preparation for Unit 3 Spoken Language CA. Preparation for and completion of two Speaking and Listening tasks for Unit 2 CA (group discussion and individual presentation and interaction). Preparation for Unit 3 Spoken Language CA - ties in with Speaking and Listening work during terms 1 and 2. Unit 3 Study of Spoken Language CA completed at end of Term 2. Begin preparation for Unit 3 Written Language CA. Preparation for and completion of two Speaking and Listening tasks for Unit 2 CA (role play and an individual presentation and interaction). Preparations for Unit 3 Written Language CA to be taken at end of Term 3. Begin preparation for Unit 1. Six Speaking and Listening tasks prepared and assessed for inclusion in Moderation. Completion of Unit 3 Study of Spoken Language CA - end of Term 2. Completion of Unit 3 Study of Written Language CA - end of Term 3. Year 12 Exam Preparation for and completion of two Speaking and Listening tasks for Unit 2 CA (role play and group discussion). Preparation for and taking of Unit 1 (external assessment) in January. Preparation for and completion of final two Speaking and Listening Tasks for Unit 2 CA (two group discussions). Focused preparation for Unit 4 (the remaining external assessment). Completion of Speaking and Listening Tasks for Unit 2 CA including preparation for external Moderation. Revision of essential skills and approaches for Unit 4. Four more Speaking and Listening tasks prepared and assessed. Unit 2 Speaking and Listening CA (March). Unit 1 taken in January. Unit 4 taken in May/June.
GCSE Support Sample assessment materials
Type of Support Date Sample assessment materials Rolling basis from January 2017 Student guides/subject Snapshots Microsites Planning Frameworks Fact files Rolling basis from March 2017 Bespoke Materials Support Events Ongoing
Contacts: GCSE English Language
Education Manager: Olivia McNeill Telephone: Ext Subject Support Officer: Joan Jennings Telephone: Specification, sample assessment and support materials available on the subject microsite at
Why choose CCEA? mbvbmvbmvb
We support Learners - CCEA puts the learner at the centre of everything we do. We think about what learners need for life and work and then build solutions to meet those needs. We do this for the entire curriculum – from Foundation and Early Years to A level and beyond. mbvbmvbmvb We are Local - CCEA is Northern Ireland’s awarding body. We understand local needs and we are focused on providing services and products for learners in Northern Ireland. This also means we’re near you, should you need help or support. We are Listening - CCEA listens to those who use its products and services; this means listening to teachers, employers and learners, and taking action to ensure better outcomes for learners. This approach ensures that we develop relevant, high quality and innovative specifications and support.
Working with CCEA The benefits: teacher cover provided
first-hand experience of how the examining system works user insight to the standards required for the assessment opportunity to examine assessments across a range of abilities improved learning and teaching outcomes creates links with CCEA personnel/subject officer opportunity to network with other professionals provides recognition and enhances the professional development of teachers Examiners and moderators are vital to the success of the examining system Teachers provide expert knowledge of the specification content Understanding of the capabilities of the candidature at a specific level
Keeping you informed The ReVision microsite –
Essential updates Specifications & SAMs Monthly e-Vision newsletter Subject specific e-alerts Face to face Social media Twitter @ccea_info Facebook Don’t forget to register for your updates on the microsite – ‘keep up to date’ section
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