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Corporate Plan (2016-2021).

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Plan (2016-2021)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Plan ( )

2 Mission (our core purpose)
To improve the quality of life for our customers To protect and maintain an affordable housing offer To develop a range of housing choices and personalised services To be a recognised and progressive regionally based organisation To acquire and develop a diverse range of activities

3 Vision (where we want to be)
To create a new dynamic, highly distinctive and independent regional housing group, that provides a variety of high quality services and offers different tenures to suit individual needs and aspirations.

4 Our Guiding Principles and Beliefs
These underpin everything we do and the way we work. They are: Passion: we are passionate about the needs of the residents and the work we do. Ownership: we take personal responsibility even when the task at hand is not ours, show the right attitude and approach Courage: we have the courage of our conviction, challenge appropriately in a non aggressive manner. Enjoyment: we are optimistic and encouraging with a “can do” attitude. Respect: we treat everyone as individuals, actively listen, respecting other people’s views and ideas.

5 We Believe In: Putting the needs of our customers first
Defending and sustaining our affordable homes Keeping it real, knowing our customers and places Delivering services we are proud of within available resources Delivering dynamic and innovative approaches fit for the 21st century Valuing our independence and building on our successes Working with partners who will add “value” to our business Investing in our people to be the best they can be Encouraging a strong work ethic, recognising and rewarding excellent performance Understanding that there will be occasions where we will have to say “no”

6 Corporate Objectives Areas of Operation Growth and Diversification
Transformational change Asset Management Service Excellence Capacity and Capability

7 Areas of operation Arcon Housing Association seeks to create its heartland in the Greater Manchester conurbation ADL to seek opportunities across the North West 2021 Ongoing

8 Growth and diversification
Our housing offer provides a multi-tenure approach to suit the individual needs and aspirations of our customers. Growth targets include : Home ownership Managing agency work (eg Rent Plus) Acquiring stock Lettings agency Market rent 30 units 300 units 100 units 500 units 70 units

9 Growth and diversification
Seeking out new businesses to enhance our services as well as our income stream of both a commercial and charitable nature that relate to our core activities, eg lettings agency and charities providing support to elderly people. Be proactive in acquiring merger partners into the group that add value to our work. Ringfence £1m to £2m 2021

10 Transformational change
We need to move from being a traditional to a more dynamic and progressive organisation if we are to survive and remain independent. This will require investment in modernising Arcon and completing the following tasks: Customer hub Establishing a single service directorate Introducing range of more flexible working practices Office move/rebranding New IT system July 2016 Sept 2016 October 2017 2017

11 Asset management It is imperative that the organisation “sweats its assets” in order to grow and diversify but also invest in its stock so customers enjoy excellent well maintained accommodation. In order to do this, the following tasks need to be performed: Update stock condition survey Identify poor performing assets Exploring stock rationalisation options (Cheshire) Compliance (Health & Safety) Review procurement practices including VFM March 2017 Sept 2016 July 2016 October 2016

12 Service excellence In recognising our limited resources, we need to be creative and work in collaboration with others (eg Placeshapers and CHANW) to provide service excellence such as the following initiatives: 80% of our customers accessing services on a self service basis To be in the top quartile within the sector and achieve the highest ratings for financial viability and governance Seek out initiatives working in partnership that enhance the well-being of our customers To be an organisation that people are proud to work for and with 2021 July 2016 Now

13 Capacity and capability
To modernise, transform and rebrand for the 21st century as well as growing and diversifying the organisation will require inward investment, both financial and human: Commercial Director leading on growth and diversification activity IT system and support New office Sept 2016 April 2017 October 2017

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