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SME house builders: boosting diversity in housing supply

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1 SME house builders: boosting diversity in housing supply
Andrew Dixon Head of Policy, FMB

2 Federation of Master Builders
Established 1941 UK’s largest employers’ body for SME construction firms UK wide coverage Independent inspections for all members Warranties Customer complaints service Herts Housing

3 Agenda ...... The position of SME house builders… Barriers to growth…
Current policy… LAs and SMEs working in partnership… Herts Housing

4 SME house builders Shrinking supply… Decline in SME housing building
1988: 66% 2016: 23% Firms building <100 fell by half since 2008 Huge loss of capacity and reduced competition Herts Housing

5 SME house builders More than just supply…. Local growth and local jobs
Skilled employment - SMEs employ 2/3 construction apprentices Small and brownfield sites Quality Diversity Herts Housing

6 SME house builders Three key barriers ……….
1. Availability of suitable, viable smaller sites 2. Availability of finance 3. Cost, complexity and delay in navigating planning Herts Housing

7 SMEs: barriers to growth
Availability of small sites 67% view land availability as major constraint Most pronounced for sites smaller than 10 units Scarcity about size, location, planning & price Complex set of causes…. Treatment of smaller sites within plan-making process Disproportionate resistance to infill development Price expectations of landowners Herts Housing

8 SMEs: barriers to growth
2. Access to Finance FMB House Builders’ Survey 2016 – 50% cite access to finance as major constraint Banks reluctant to lend for small developments Lending terms unfavourable Significant improvement in last two years - mainly from alternative lenders Herts Housing

9 SMEs: barriers to growth
3. Cost and delay in planning application process Significant investment of resources, limited certainty of outcome Pre and post permission delays hit cashflow and increase cost of financing FMB House Builders’ Survey 2016 Biggest cause of extra cost: info requirements Biggest cause of delay: under-resourced planners Herts Housing

10 Current policy environment
Housing White Paper: Strong focus on small sites and speed of delivery 10% of allocations to be ½ hectare or less ‘Great weight’ given to small sites Opportunities for SMEs on larger Housing Delivery Test Movement on planning resources SMEs and Housing Supply Herts Housing

11 Current policy environment
Other key initiatives: £3 billion Home Building Fund Permission in Principle Brownfield Register 10 unit threshold for affordable housing SMEs and Housing Supply Herts Housing

12 FMB & LGiU small sites research
Context: 67% SME house builders say lack of small sites is a major barrier to building more homes Government keen to get more small sites going Interest from LAs in working with SME builders Aim: improved focus on smaller sites and the potential for LAs to work with SMEs.

13 FMB & LGiU small sites research
FMB and Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) Survey of local authorities and FMB members Roundtable workshops with builders and LAs Interviews with planning officers Case studies of good practice

14 Small sites: key findings
70% of councils deliver fewer than 40% of homes on sites smaller than 1.5 hectares 79% SME builders think the planning application process for small sites ‘too heavy handed’ 64% builders and 45% of LAs see under resourcing of planning depts. as barrier to small sites 55% of LA respondents said quality of planning applications for small sites often poor 80% SME builders said LAs in their area do not proactively communicate or engage with them

15 Small sites: key issues
Allocations in local plans: builders want councils to identify and allocate more small sites; planners see this as resource-intensive and time-consuming Small sites more difficult: LAs acknowledge privately small sites can be more difficult (politically and administratively) Planning bureaucracy: builders see planning for small sites as too bureaucratic; only 14% of planners agree Impact of under-resourcing: both sides agree; impacts on application process and ability to be proactive Engagement: 79% of LAs said they actively engage SMEs in plan-making process; only 4% of SMEs think so

16 Small sites: recommendations
Councils should improve their strategic engagement with SME builders - developer forums, online portals, workshops Councils should be required to include strategic consideration of small sites within local plans Councils should seek to reduce complexity and uncertainty in the planning application process Councils should use their land assets more creatively and look to broker between landowners and SME builders where possible Herts Housing

17 Small sites: recommendations
Government should give councils power to set and vary planning fees locally, if revenue can be ring-fenced and good service guaranteed. The industry, led by the FMB, should produce ‘best practice’ guidance for small builders on planning for small sites. Herts Housing

18 Good practice: case studies
Birmingham City Council Large number of small garage sites Required new partnerships On-line planning portal Dynamic purchasing system De-risking sites

19 Good practice: case studies
Leeds Council Monitoring of SHLAA Analysis of sites not coming forward Interventions can include: Signposting to funding Brokering relations between landowners and developers Assistance with planning

20 Good practice: case studies
NE Lincolnshire Council Local Development Forum Barnet Council Specialised pre-application service providing premium fast track planning support for a fee, with dedicated lead officer.

21 Local authorities and SMEs
General principles for a partnership approach: Ongoing engagement Strategic view of small sites Improved mutual understanding More upfront clarity in planning Rationalising processes Flexible, proactive approach to small sites

22 Questions?

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