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David Lowe, Data librarian Evans library, Florida Tech

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1 2017-02-10 David Lowe, Data librarian Evans library, Florida Tech
Digital Scholarship Laboratory Workshop Series I can you a license to install Tableau on your laptop! Tableau David Lowe, Data librarian Evans library, Florida Tech

2 Agenda Why Tableau? The BI Market Tableau Flavors Data Connections
T’s Viz. Products Diving into Data Work (simple walk through interface from graph types to dashboard) Sales data

3 Why Tableau? From Gartner’s 2016 Annual Report for Business Intelligence and Analytics: Visionary Leader in Magic Quadrant

4 But Fierce Competition is ongoing:
Qlik’s Qlikview Microsoft Power BI Google Data Studio

5 The Ecosystem You are here
From Biewald, Lukas, “The data science ecosystem part 2: Data wrangling,” in Computerworld, April 1, 2015, accessed September 8, 2016 from article/ /the-data-science- ecosystem-part-2-data- wrangling.html .

6 Tableau Flavors Tableau Server* Tableau Desktop You are here
Tableau Public* *also a means of sharing the visualizations produced (up- to-date & interactive), but .pdf or image files would also be alternatives You are here

7 Data Connections Data files (.xls, .csv, etc.) You are here
Relational Databases Other Online Data Sources You are here

8 Visualizations produced
Worksheet: individual graphic Dashboard: set of graphics Story: ordered presentation of graphics and dashboard

9 Diving In {1 of 6; the data source}
Start Tableau and within it, from the desktop, open the Excel file “Global Superstore Orders 2016.xls” [download as shared from Florida Tech Google Drive] Drag the sheet “Orders” to the center pane (that reads “Drag sheets here”) Note upper right: can either connect live or extract from source into Tableau (do “live”) Below, in the data preview pane, using down arrow that appears upon mousing over the column name, rename the field “Row ID” to “RowNum” and its data type from numeric to string Next, using its mouse-over menu, split the concatenated field “Order ID” into its component fields Delete splits #2, 3, and 4 Rename split #1 to “Distribution Center” Click on the Sheet 1 tab at bottom to work with this sheet’s data

10 Diving In {2 of 6; 1st viz.} First graphic using Show Me palette visualization picker (which is not a comprehensive!) Click on “Show Me” in upper right corner to expand palette Next, hold down control key and from data fields menu at left select Sales and Country Note the symbol map (with proportional bubbles) as the recommended option; select it Drag and drop State from data fields menu onto the map to see state breakdown On the Marks palette, click Size button to increase bubbles’ diameters to taste Click Color button to set Transparency % downward; also add a border to the bubbles Drag Profit onto Color to reveal problem areas Drag Category to Filters shelf to explore problems; select Furniture, then OK Click the Furniture filter pill and select “Show Filter” (appears at right, under Show Me palette) Go to the new Quick Filter on the right, click its drop-down caret, and select Single Value List At bottom tab, double-click Sheet 1 & rename to “Global Sales and Profits”

11 Diving In {3 of 6; 2nd Viz., part a}
Next, create fresh sheet by clicking New Worksheet icon as illustrated: Back to Show Me; hold down Control and select Category, Sub-Category, and Sales Select the Bar Chart from Show Me, then collapse the Show Me palette In the Data fields menu at left, drag Sub-Category onto Category In the resulting dialog box, rename this hierarchy Products At left, drag Product Name into new Products grouping as well Note: via +/- signs on left of pills (or in the graphic), can expand or contract new categorizations Next, click Swap Axes by clicking as illustrated:

12 Diving In {4 of 6; 2nd viz., part b}
Select Category pill and organize by clicking Sort Descending as illustrated: Select Sub-Category pill and repeat above step Drag Profit onto Color button Swap axes again Rename Sheet 2 to “Sales by Category” Create new sheet

13 Diving In {5 of 6; 3rd viz.} In new sheet, drag:
Profit to rows Shipping Cost to columns Market to shape Category to color Customer ID to detail Resulting representation is of Sums (Shipping + Profit per Customer), so disaggregate transactions by going to Analysis menu and deselecting Aggregate Measures Could now dig down into all the profit problems by hovering over points with mouse or clicking points to get dialog boxes for the underlying data per item Could view trend per category via Analytics’ tab’s pane on left; drag Trend Line to viz. as Linear; right click in viz. and deselect to remove Rename sheet “Customer Breakdown”

14 Diving In {6 of 6; dashboard}
Click the New Dashboard icon as illustrated: Resize from Desktop to Laptop (800X600) at left Drag each of your three graphics onto the dashboard Map across top Other two below Adjust Fit via drop-down menu per viz. as shown at right: Rename this viz. as Sales Dashboard Add this new title to graphic by checking “Show Title” in lower left

15 Ta-Da!

16 From Here:

17 Digital Scholarship Laboratory
Thank You! Questions? Contact info David Lowe:

18 What was the muddiest point?
Question For you: What was the muddiest point? Please share your feedback:

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