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Florida Housing Coalition Sadowski Affiliates Webinar

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1 Florida Housing Coalition Sadowski Affiliates Webinar
December 2, 2016

2 It’s Free. Thanks to support from
To join, your contact information to Johnitta Wells at:

3 Presenters Jaimie Ross, President & CEO Florida Housing Coalition; Facilitator, Sadowski Coalition Johnitta Wells, Conf. and Education Mgr. Florida Housing Coalition Meghan Hoza, Associate The P5 Group, Representing the Sadowski Coalition

4 Agenda What happened in the state 2016 Elections
What’s Next? The Appropriations Process What Housing Advocates can do to help

5 Election Results Florida Senate now has 25 Republican and 15 Democrats (previously 26 R and 14 D) Redistricting caused all 40 Senate seats be up for election in 2016 16 new Senators Florida House has 79 Republicans and 41 Democrats 47 newly elected House members 43 new to State House – 4 former Senators or ran in new district

6 Election Results Fla. House of Representatives
2 White, Frank (REP) (Escambia, Santa Rosa) 3 Williamson, Jayer (REP) (Okaloosa, Santa Rosa) 4 Ponder, Mel (REP) (Okaloosa) 8 Alexander, Ramon (DEM) (Gadsden,Leon) 9 Ausley, Loranne (DEM) (Leon) 11 Byrd, Cord (REP) (Duval,Nassau) 12 Yarborough, Clay (REP) (Duval) 13 Davis, Tracie (DEM) (Duval) 14 Daniels, Kimberly (DEM) (Duval) 16 Fischer, Jason (REP) (Duval) 19 Payne, Bobby (REP) (Bradford,Clay,Putnam,Union) 21 Clemons, Chuck (REP) (Alachua,Dixie,Gilchrist) 23 McClain, Stan (REP) (Marion) 25 Leek, Tom (REP) (Volusia) 26 Henry, Patrick (DEM) (Volusia) 33 Hahnfeldt, Don (REP) (Lake,Marion,Sumter) 34 Massullo Jr., Ralph (REP) (Citrus,Hernando) 36 Mariano, Amber (REP) (Pasco) 41 Killebrew, Sam (REP) (Polk) 45 Brown, Kamia (DEM) (Orange) 48 Mercado, Amy (DEM) (Orange) 49 Smith, Carlos Guillermo (DEM) (Orange) 53 Fine, Randy (REP) (Brevard) 54 Grall, Erin (REP) (Indian River, St. Lucie) 60 Toledo, Jackie (REP) (Hillsborough) 61 Shaw, Sean (DEM) (Hillsborough) 68 Diamond, Ben (DEM) (Pinellas) 70 Newton, Wengay "Newt" (DEM) (Hillsborough,Manatee,Pinellas,Sarasota)

7 Election Results Fla. House of Representatives (cont’d)
72 Miller, Alex (REP) (Sarasota) 73 Gruters, Joe (REP) (Manatee,Sarasota) 80 Donalds, Byron (REP) (Collier,Hendry) 85 Roth, Rick (REP) (Palm Beach) 86 Willhite, Matt (DEM) (Palm Beach) 87 Silvers, David (DEM) (Palm Beach) 88 Jacquet, Al (DEM) (Palm Beach) 91 Slosberg, Emily (DEM) (Palm Beach) 92 Hawkins-Williams, Patricia (DEM) (Broward) 95 Russell, Barrington (DEM) (Broward) 106 Rommel, Bob (REP) (Collier) 108 Hardemon, Roy (DEM) (Miami-Dade) 112 Duran, Nicholas (DEM) (Miami-Dade) 114 Baez, Daisy J. (DEM) (Miami-Dade) 118 Asencio, Robert (D) (Miami-Dade)

8 Election Results Florida Senate
Gainer, George (REP) (Bay,Holmes,Jackson,Okaloosa,Walton,Washington) Book, Lauren (DEM) (Broward) Farmer, Gary (DEM) (Broward)

9 Legislative Process Legislative Session begins March 7, 2017 and ends 60 days later The appropriation of the state and local housing trust fund programs will happen during that time

10 How does the Legislature make appropriations?
By passing a Budget Bill also known as the Appropriations Act There is no “housing bill” for appropriations There is an Appropriations Committee in the House and an Appropriations Committee in the Senate When the Senate and House Appropriations Committees agree on the amounts of money to allocate for the state and local housing programs (SAIL and SHIP, primarily), it becomes law (after signed by the Governor)

11 How do we know how much money to ask for?
We ask for the appropriation of all the state and local housing trust fund money; the money collected from the portion of the doc stamp that is dedicated for affordable housing The trust fund money is automatically deposited into the state and local housing trust funds by operation of law (that’s what the Sadowski Act- which passed in 1992 accomplished- we have a dedicated revenue source for housing) In FY that is approximately $303 million.

12 Where does the $303 million number come from?
It is a combination of projected revenues coming into the housing trust funds during FY (from the August 2016 Revenue Estimating Conference) and FHFC’s projections of housing trust fund balances as of June 30, The REC numbers will be updated during the legislative session. Funds Available for Appropriation from Housing Trust Funds FY 17-18 $ million Estimated Doc Stamp Distributions to Housing Trust Funds During FY 17-18 State Housing Trust Fund (SAIL & FHFC Programs) 90.80 Local Government Housing Trust Fund (SHIP) 212.63 TOTAL 303.43

13 Revenue Estimating Conference
The Revenue Estimating Conference (the official estimate of tax revenues made by a combination of legislative, executive, and Department of Revenue staff projects what revenue will be in those trust funds.) Based on the August 2016 Revenue Estimating Conference, fiscal year , that amount is $ million. Therefore, the total available for appropriation is $ million. This number will change when the REC does a new estimate during the legislative session

14 SHIP and State Programs
Split Between SHIP and State Programs 70% goes to the Local Government Housing Trust Fund for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program $ million for SHIP (includes $4 million for Homeless Programs at DCF and DEO) 30% goes to the State Housing Trust Fund for the Florida Housing Finance Corporation programs such as the State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) Program $90.8 million for SAIL and other FHFC Programs

15 The TED Subcommittees are given an “allocation” of funds to appropriate
The allocation comes from the Chairs of the Appropriations Committees in House and Senate House Appropriations Chair Representative Trujillo (R, District 105- Parts of Broward, Collier, Miami-Dade) Senate Appropriations Chair Senator Latvala (R, District 16- Parts of Pasco and Pinellas)

16 Senate House Organizational Chart
President Negron (R, District 25- St. Lucie, Martin, part of Palm Beach) Appropriations Chair Latvala TED Subcommittee Chair Brandes House House Speaker Corcoran (R, District 37- part of Pasco) Appropriations Chair Trujillo TED Assignment not made yet

17 What Should Housing Trust Fund Advocates Do Now?
The most critical legislators are the six listed in the last slide. Many thanks to all who have already met with legislators in their home offices Any member of a TED subcommittee is also important. We don’t yet know who will be appointed in the House and will update you with that info Do you live in one of their districts? Yes or no, you have some important work to do: If you are in the private sector, set an appointment to meet with your legislator or legislative aide in the district anytime prior to March 7

18 What if you don’t live in one of those 6 Key Legislator’s Districts?
You should still meet with your senators and representatives and ask that legislator to contact the TED Appropriations Chair and Leadership and ask that the housing trust funds be appropriated for housing. The Committee Chairs need to hear from other legislators that using the housing trust funds for housing is important to their constituents. Now is the time to talk with newly elected legislators too.

19 Set up a Meeting in District Office
Your legislators will be at home (available in the district office) the following weeks between December and March: December 19-23 December 26-30 January 2-6 January 16-20 January 30- Feb 3 February 27- March 3

20 What if you are in the public sector and not permitted to reach out to legislators?
Use your partnerships! Realtors, the Business Community, faith based groups and nonprofits are great partners for advocacy.

21 Provide Feedback to FHC
We need to know about your meetings with legislators or their aides– we can follow up in Tallahassee. You do not have to be an expert in housing or the trust fund numbers to meet with your legislator/aide If you are asked a question you don’t feel comfortable answering (unlikely to happen) just say “I’ll be happy to get back to you with that info” And give us a call! 850/878/4219

22 Media Coverage – Editorial
While Manatee County and Bradenton engage the advancement of public policies to address the lack of attainable housing with vigor, the state lags behind. As we’ve opined before, the Sadowski Housing Trust Fund is a wise investment into local communities and a wise investment in families, veterans, the elderly, the disabled, the homeless and other needy Floridians. The Legislature and governor should recognize all these benefits and stop diverting funds elsewhere.

23 How You Find Sadowski Info
Resources Tab Toolkit button (each page) Sadowski One Pager and Sadowski Affiliates Talking points for meeting with legislators Includes our “ask” = use all housing trust funds for housing.

24 Contact Information For Assistance, contact: Jaimie Ross (850)

25 Final Thoughts We had an important victory in Sadowski Trust Funds were again appropriated– SHIP offices received continued funding. We must keep this momentum going! The Legislature has a great opportunity to improve Florida. The legislature can create 28,300 jobs in one year and more than $3.57 billion in positive economic benefit if it appropriates all the money $ million in the housing trust funds for housing.

26 THANK YOU 30th Annual Statewide Affordable Housing Conference
SEPT , 2017 30th Annual Statewide Affordable Housing Conference Submit Success Story Videos to 2017

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