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Scientific idea and experimental setup

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1 Scientific idea and experimental setup
Coherent coupling between a ferromagnetic magnon and a superconducting qubit Science 349, 405 (2015) by Y Tabuchi, S Ishino, A Noguchi, T Ishikawa, R Yamazaki, K Usami, Y Nakamura, Tokyo University Motivation of the talk Scientific idea and experimental setup Experimental result and discussion “In my dreams, I have a plan….” ABBA

2 Motivation 1. Microwave/optical conversion 2. “To get out of the fridge” (microwave superconducting qubits require housing in dilution fridges, while optical qubits can operate in room temperature) 3. Identify the R&D parts of industry that are interested in

3 A ferromagnetic magnon in YIG and a superconducting qubit (transmon)
f= GHz f=8.488 GHz f=8.136 GHz Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) sphere m=NmB , N =1.4x1018

4 Coherent coupling between a ferromagnetic magnon and a superconducting qubit
Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) sphere m=NmB , N =1.4x1018 TE102 mode f=8.488 GHz

5 The experimental setup
g – transmon-type superconducting qubit f – YIG sphere glued to an aluminum-oxide rod c – A pair of disc-shape neodymium permanent magnets, 0.29T in a gap of 4mm e – superconducting coil of ~ 1.7 T/A, d- a magnetic yoke made of iron

6 Measurement scheme

7 Coupling of magnons of Kittel mode to TE102
Strong coupling of 21 MHz between the magnons and TE102 mode

8 Static coupling of magnons and qubit
gqm=gmgq/D=10MHz, D=wq- wT102 Reflection at wT103

9 Dynamically tunable coupling between the qubit and the Kittel mode
gqm,p~Pd((wFMR+wq)/2) wD=(wFMR+wq)/2

10 Dynamically tunable coupling between the qubit and the Kittel mode

11 Dynamically tunable coupling between the qubit and the Kittel mode
Experiment with a probe frequency close to wFMR

12 Conclusion 1. Coherent static coupling of qubit, magnons and resonator modes are demonstrated. 2. Parametric coupling is a demonstrated 3. Where the technology can be utilized: magneto-optical transducer?

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