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1st and 2nd Samuel Dig Site 20

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1 1st and 2nd Samuel Dig Site 20
Red Level Questions

2 In what season did the kings go off to war? (11:1)
Spring Fall Summer

3 In what season did the kings go off to war? (11:1)
Spring Fall Summer

4 While David stayed in Jerusalem, who did he send out to lead the Israelite army? (11:1)
Nathan Joab Uriah

5 While David stayed in Jerusalem, who did he send out to lead the Israelite army? (11:1)
Nathan Joab Uriah

6 Who was Bathsheba’s husband? (11:3)
Uriah Nathan Saul

7 Who was Bathsheba’s husband? (11:3)
Uriah Nathan Saul

8 What did David tell Uriah to do when he arrived in Jerusalem from the war? (11:8)
“Go down to your house and wash your feet.” “Stay in the palace with me tonight.” “Go back to the battlefield.”

9 What did David tell Uriah to do when he arrived in Jerusalem from the war? (11:8)
“Go down to your house and wash your feet.” “Stay in the palace with me tonight.” “Go back to the battlefield.”

10 Where did Uriah sleep while he was back from the war? (11:9, 13)
At the entrance to the palace At his house One night at the palace, one night at home

11 Where did Uriah sleep while he was back from the war? (11:9, 13)
At the entrance to the palace At his house One night at the palace, one night at home

12 What did David say in the letter he sent with Uriah to Joab? (11:15)
“Put Uriah out in front.” “Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.” Both answers are correct.

13 What did David say in the letter he sent with Uriah to Joab? (11:15)
“Put Uriah out in front.” “Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.” Both answers are correct.

14 What did Bathsheba do when she heard that Uriah had died? (11:26)
“She mourned for him.” “She moved from Jerusalem.” Both answers are correct.

15 What did Bathsheba do when she heard that Uriah had died? (11:26)
“She mourned for him.” “She moved from Jerusalem.” Both answers are correct.

16 In the story Nathan told David, what did the poor man have? (12:3)
One little ewe lamb A big house A lot of children

17 In the story Nathan told David, what did the poor man have? (12:3)
One little ewe lamb A big house A lot of children

18 In the story Nathan told David, how did the poor man feel about his ewe lamb? (12:3)
“It was like a pet to him.” “It was just a lamb.” “It was like a daughter to him.”

19 In the story Nathan told David, how did the poor man feel about his ewe lamb? (12:3)
“It was like a pet to him.” “It was just a lamb.” “It was like a daughter to him.”

20 What did David do when he heard the story Nathan told him? (12:5)
“He told Nathan to bring the rich man to him.” He “burned with anger.” Both answers are correct.

21 What did David do when he heard the story Nathan told him? (12:5)
“He told Nathan to bring the rich man to him.” He “burned with anger.” Both answers are correct.

22 In the story, to whom did Nathan compare the rich man? (12:7)
David Saul Uriah

23 In the story, to whom did Nathan compare the rich man? (12:7)
David Saul Uriah

24 What did Nathan not say to David after David confessed his sin? (12:13)
“The Lord has taken away your sin.” “You are not going to die.” “You and your son will die.”

25 What did Nathan not say to David after David confessed his sin? (12:13)
“The Lord has taken away your sin.” “You are not going to die.” “You and your son will die.”

26 What was going to happen to David’s son because of David’s sin? (12:14)
His son would be a mean king. His son would die. His son would be crippled.

27 What was going to happen to David’s son because of David’s sin? (12:14)
His son would be a mean king. His son would die. His son would be crippled.

28 What happened to David’s son after Nathan went home? (12:15)
He became ill. He fell down. He became well.

29 What happened to David’s son after Nathan went home? (12:15)
He became ill. He fell down. He became well.

30 What did David do after his son became ill? (12:15-16)
He “pleaded with God for the child” and fasted. He slept day and night. “He worshiped the Lord.”

31 What did David do after his son became ill? (12:15-16)
He “pleaded with God for the child” and fasted. He slept day and night. “He worshiped the Lord.”

32 What did David do after his son had died? (12:20)
“He fasted and wept.” “He went into the house of the Lord and worshiped.” “He held a feast in his son’s honor.”

33 What did David do after his son had died? (12:20)
“He fasted and wept.” “He went into the house of the Lord and worshiped.” “He held a feast in his son’s honor.”

34 What did David’s attendants say to David when he ate food after his child died? (12:20-21)
“While the child was alive, you fasted and wept.” “Now that the child is dead, you get up and eat!” Both answers are correct.

35 What did David’s attendants say to David when he ate food after his child died? (12:20-21)
“While the child was alive, you fasted and wept.” “Now that the child is dead, you get up and eat!” Both answers are correct.

36 What did David and Bathsheba name their second son? (12:24)
Saul Solomon Jonathan

37 What did David and Bathsheba name their second son? (12:24)
Saul Solomon Jonathan

38 Finish this verse: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew…” (Psalm 51:10)
“… a covenant of faith with your people.” “… a spirit of peacefulness for me.” “… a steadfast spirit within me.”

39 Finish this verse: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew…” (Psalm 51:10)
“… a covenant of faith with your people.” “… a spirit of peacefulness for me.” “… a steadfast spirit within me.”

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