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2 Quick Write Ask students to write for a short amount of time (3-5 minutes) on a given topic (can be a phrase or question or word). This is an independent activity. Students write constantly, stream of consciousness style for the entire time. The room is quiet or there is music playing; students are not talking with each other. Quick writes are intended to help participants in this workshop and also are a helpful strategies to use with your students for the same purposes.

3 Metacognition frame  I know that I know something about ____________________________. First,_____________________________________________________________________________________. In addition,__________________________________ _____________________________________________. Finally,___________________________________________________________________________________. Now you know what I know about ______________________________. Rothstein, A. S., Rothstein, E. B., & Lauber, G. (2007). Writing as Learning: A Content-Based Approach. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, CA.

4 3W’s (What I Read, What’s in My Head, What My Partner Said)
Read the first part of the text individually, take notes of ideas that resonated or generated questions. Form a partnership, share your notes for 2 minutes. Write “what my neighbor said” and write new ideas you gained….repeat…

5 “I do, we do, you do” strategy
Affective, Linguistic, Cognitive needs Examples of what we see in the video: Affective: teacher uses humor Teacher uses a photo of herself as an example (relating to students, sharing who she is with them, sense of humor about self) Provides clear instructions, both oral and written (lowers anxiety because students know what is expected of them, teacher is clear in her expectations, there is no guesswork) Linguistic: teacher models language in her think aloud Teacher is aware of her rate of speech, articulation (speaks slowly) Cognitive: Teacher provides an example of the finished product, of a goal, expectation Teacher models how to fill out the graphic organizer, step by step Teacher models her own thinking (metacognition)

6 “Sentence frames” strategy
Affective Linguistic, Cognitive Affective: students are sitting on the floor, in a circle, teacher is at same level as students are Teacher gives students choices (to use sentence frames or not) Linguistic: the sentence frames provide a linguistic structure for answering the questions Cognitive: Students using the sentence frames don’t have to write as much and/or don’t have to come up with grammatical structures so they can concentrate on the content

7 “Three step interviews” strategy
3 step interview strategy Affective, Linguistic, Cognitive Affective: students are working with each other, small groups help students feel comfortable, students are talking about themselves Linguistic: teacher defines words to help scaffold (memorable), students are required to pose questions and also make statements (different grammatical structures) Cognitive: persuade others, defend your position, craft argument, provide rationale behind argument Listening: students listen to interviewee Speaking: students ask interview questions, answer questions, report out to group Reading: students read interview questions Writing: students write interview questions and answers

8 Reflection Take three minutes to write the most significant learning for you today. Turn and share with a partner.

9 Empty Outlines (Cloze procedure)
Distribute a partially completed outline of today’s lecture (or a text) and ask students to fill it in. Useful at start or at end of class.

10 Concept Mapping Students write keywords onto sticky notes and then organize them into a flowchart. Could be less structured: students simply draw the connections they make between concepts.

11 Human Tableau or Class Modeling
Groups create living scenes (also of inanimate objects) which relate to the classroom concepts or discussions. Can be used to illustrate a part of a text, novel, etc (Jeffrey Wilhelm).

12 Telescoping Images Craft sets of index cards that are to be grouped together by theme, and randomly pass them out for students to seek the other members of their new groups. Can be used to form new groups or to introduce or review a topic. Example: one set of four index cards has pictures of Europe on a map, then France, then the Eiffel Tower, then a person wearing a beret (thematically, the images “telescope” from far away to close up, and the students must find others in their particular set of telescoping images).

13 Total Physical Response (TPR)
Students either stand or sit to indicate their binary answers, such as True/False, to the instructor’s questions. Or this can refer to physical movement/acting out a concept. ( For example: Using body movements to understand parts of a globe.

14 Pass the Chalk Provide chalk or a stuffed toy or ball; whoever has it must answer your next question, and they pass it on to the student of their choice.

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