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Quebec: The three options

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1 Quebec: The three options

2 Option 1 – Modernise Quebec within Canada

3 Option 1 – Change within Canada
Led by Jean Lesarge and Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) Promises “Time for a change” – Modernise Quebec govt. Reduce influence of catholic church in Quebec life – have government social services. Wants Quebec to control own social services and economy Wants more power for Quebec as a province in Canada and French Canadians in Quebec

4 Option 2 – Political Seperation

5 Option 2 – Quebec independence - Politically
Led by Rene Levesque Leaves liberal party after being a minister Thinks Quebec will never be treated fairly by Canada Wants Quebec to be a separate country apart form Canada Promises referendum before this happens This will give French Canadians complete control over what happens in Quebec Forms Parti Quebecois (PQ)

6 Option 3 – Violent Seperation

7 Option 3 – Quebec independence - violently
FLQ – Front de Liberation de Quebec Formed in 1963 Mainly young, extreme people Minority group Believed in violence and terrorism to force Quebec separation Began bombing campaign against Mailboxes and railways

8 The Quiet Revolution Jean Lesarge wins 1960 provincial election
Wins many reforms for Quebec Includes provincial control of all social services, more tax powers and also nationalisation of hydro Promises to get rid of corruption Promises more jobs in Quebec government for French Canadians 1969 – French Becomes official language of Canada after recommendation of Bi and Bi committee

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