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Presentation on theme: "Salamanca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salamanca

2 La Universidad de Salamanca
Oldest university in Spain. If you find the tiny carved frog on the facade (fachada), legend has it you will be married within the year.

3 The chapel in the university. This is where Franco and Unamuno met
The chapel in the university. This is where Franco and Unamuno met. Unamuno said “vencera pero no convercera”. Mrs. Franco led him out and put him under house arrest. He died 3 months later. He was in his 80s.

4 La Universidad por la noche
La Plaza Mayor in Salamanca is considered the most beautiful in Spain.

5 Casa de las conchas This man made his pilgrimage to Santiago and wanted his neighbors to know he was going to heaven.

6 La Granja In the 1700s the Hapsburgs (royalty) dies out. Hapsburgs called the Burbons (French) and asked for a king and queen. The new king and queen were so homesick they built a mini Versaille outside of Segovia.

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