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Welcome to math class Mrs. Carsey.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to math class Mrs. Carsey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to math class Mrs. Carsey

2 Meet the teacher Mrs. Carsey High School: Clay High College: University of North Florida Married: Yes (6 yrs) Kids: Yes boys (5yr. & 1yr.) Hobbies: Volleyball, camping, art, movies Animal I would want to be: Pig (I like to eat and it's tail)

3 Contact Info Phone # ext. 56275

4 6th grade Advanced Math 7th grade Math
Course Info 6th grade Advanced Math 7th grade Math

5 Course content 6th grade Adv.-  MAFS.6.NS MAFS.6.NS.2.3 Unit 1 - Operations with Decimals MAFS.6.NS MAFS.6.NS.2.4 Unit 2 – Multiplying and Dividing Fractions MAFS.6.RP.1.1 MAFS.6.RP.1.2 MAFS.6.RP.1.3 MAFS.7.RP Unit 3 - Ratios and Rates MAFS.6.SP.1.1 MAFS.6.SP.1.2 MAFS.6.SP.1.3 MAFS.6.SP.2.4 MAFS.6.SP.2.5 Unit 4 - Data Analysis MAFS.6.EE.1.1 MAFS.6.EE.1.2 MAFS.6.EE.1.3 MAFS.6.EE.1.4 MAFS.6.EE.2.6 Unit 5 - Expressions MAFS.6.EE.2.5 MAFS.6.EE.2.6 MAFS.6.EE.2.7 MAFS.6.EE.2.8 MAFS.6.EE.3.9 MAFS.7.EE.1.1 MAFS.7.EE.1.2 MAFS.7.EE.2.4 Unit 6 - Equations and Inequalities MAFS.6.G.1.1 MAFS.6.G.1.2 MAFS.6.G.1.4 Unit 7 - Geometry MAFS.6.NS.3.5 MAFS.6.NS.3.6 MAFS.6.NS.3.7 MAFS.6.NS.3.8 MAFS.6.G.1.3 Unit 8 - Integers and Rational Numbers MAFS.7.NS.1.1 MAFS.7.NS.1.2 MAFS.7.NS.1.3 MAFS.7.EE.1.1 Unit 9 - Operations of Integers and Rational Numbers MAFS.6.RP.1.1 MAFS.7.EE.1.2 MAFS.7.RP.1.2 MAFS.7.RP.1.3 Unit 10 - Proportional Relationships

6 Course content 7th grade-
MAFS.7.NS.1.1 MAFS.7.NS.1.2 MAFS.7.NS.1.3 Unit 1 – Integers MAFS.7.NS.1.1 MAFS.7.NS.1.2 MAFS.7.NS.1.3 MAFS.7.EE.2.3 Unit 2 – Rational Numbers MAFS.7.EE.1.1 MAFS.7.EE.1.2 MAFS.7.EE.2.4 Unit 3 – Expressions and Equations MAFS.7.EE.2.4b Unit 4 - Inequalities MAFS.7.RP.1.1 MAFS.7.RP.1.2 Unit 5 – Ratios and Proportional Relationships MAFS.7.RP.1.3 MAFS.7.EE.1.2 MAFS.7.EE.2.3 Unit 6 – Applying Proportional Relationships MAFS.7.SP.3.5 MAFS.7.SP.3.6 MAFS.7.SP.3.7 MAFS.7.SP.3.8 Unit 7 – Probability MAFS.7.SP.1.1 MAFS.7.SP.1.2 Unit 8 – Samples and Populations MAFS.7.SP.2.3 MAFS.7.SP.2.4 Unit 9 – Statistics MAFS.7.EE.1.1 MAFS.7.EE.1.2 MAFS.7.EE.2.4 Unit 10 – Expressions and Equations replay MAFS.7.G.1.1 MAFS.7.G.2.4 MAFS.7.G.2.6 Unit 11 – 2-D Geometry MAFS.7.G.1.3 MAFS.7.G.2.6 Unit D Geometry MAFS.7.G.1.2 MAFS.7.G.2.5 Unit 13 – Triangle and Angle Exploration MAFS.7.G.1.2 MAFS.7.G.2.5 MAFS.7.G.2.6 Unit 14 – Geometric Replay

7 Expectations Be on time Be prepared Follow class/school rules
Show everyone/everything respect Participate in class Do your homework Try your best

8 Behavior 1st infraction- warning 2nd infraction-Parent contact and examples: time out of class, student-teacher conference, or moving seats 3rd infraction- Referral Tardies 1st- warning 2nd- contact parent 3rd- 3rd tardy referral and parent contact 4th and more- EReferral

9 Homework Homework will be posted on the board so that you can write it in your agenda Homework is also on skyward as well as Mrs. Carsey's website Homework MUST be completed!!! If you do not know how to do a problem... work through it the best you can and attempt it.  Turn in homework in the tray located in the back of the room (it's labeled) Homework is turned in when you enter the room 15 points will be taken from your homework each day it's late (none excepted after the third day) Homework is not only a grade but also practice. When you play a sport you practice to get better... It's the same with math.

10 Textbooks 6th grade advanced- Go Math Adv. Math 1 7th grade- Digits
We will be using other resources for both classes. Textbooks should be brought to class everyday. If you were not assigned homework that day then you can leave your book on your assigned shelf (only math).

11 Quizzes and Tests You may have exit tickets at the end of class each day which will be considered a part of classwork. Quizzes will be given at the end of each module  Tests will be given at the end of each unit

12 Tutoring/extra help Extra help will always be given during class (time permitted) If it seems that you need more help we may set up a time before school for tutoring.

13 Absences If you are absent...
All classwork and homework will be posted on skyward and the teacher's website All homework/quiz/test that were missed are due 3 days after you return back to school. It will be considered late after that which means 15 points off each day for 3 days.  If you are absent and you had homework due that day.. That homework must be turned in the day you return.

14 Restroom You are not allowed to leave the room while the teacher in teaching.  If it is an emergency... you may go to the bathroom by raising your hand to ask permission and if granted permission sign out on the sheet by the door.  For those that never go to the bathroom during class, at the end of the nine weeks you will get a treat. 

15 Supplies required Pencils are used in this class always (no pens on any work) Paper Folder with prongs or binder for only math (organized, classwork/notes in prongs, old homework in back pocket, dated. Keep everything until the nine weeks is up.  (will be checked and graded every Friday for a quiz grade) NO CALCULATORS!!!!

16 technology We will be using technology in this class for online assignments/games. Technology is a privilege not a right.... if I see that you can't act grown enough to use it, you will do book work instead.  

17 Grading scale Homework 10% Quizzes/classwork 50% Tests 40%

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