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Prof. Jacob van Klaveren

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1 Prof. Jacob van Klaveren
Risk-benefit assessment and models of aggregated exposure Towards a non-toxic environment Jacob van Klaveren

2 Integrated Risk-Benefit assessment
How many life years lost due to exposure to chemicals and/or microorganisms and how many life years lost due to unhealthy diets (DALY–approach) RIVM report: Our Food our Health (2006) Risks Benefits Weighing risks and benefits EU projects: BRAFO Qualibra Source: Hans Verhagen and Ada Knaap (RIVM) Jacob van Klaveren

3 Foodture: what do we consume in the future
RIVM update: Our Food our Health update (2017) integrated policy and ‘ONE HEALTH’ Foodture: what do we consume in the future Source: Nancy Hoeymans and Marga Ocké (RIVM) Jacob van Klaveren

4 How safe and sustainable is our food?
What about mixtures? What about endocrine effects? What about multiple exposure routes (aggregated exposure)? Source: Marcel Mengelers and Liesbeth Temme (RIVM) Jacob van Klaveren

5 What is an (integrated) policy?
1 Economical consideration (free trade) 2 Fair trade and food security 3 Sustainability and animal welfare 4 Food safety, non-toxic environment 5 Healthy food ……. Non-toxic environment is needs strict regulation on food safety and emission/waste recycle regulations Will there be a conflict between goals set for other aspects such as healthy and/or sustainable food? What will be the economic cost for safety testing (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Niet lezen Welke aspecten van voeding, voedsel zijn belangrijk: economische aspecten, gezondheids- en veiligheidsaspecten, duurzaamheid, rechtvaardigheid, gemak, sociale aspecten, smaak.. Jacob van Klaveren

6 RIVM – DTU cooperation Risk – benefit in food
optimal balance between hazardous and nutritional chemicals in food microbiological contamination Several EU funded projects are Nano-materials safe for use (safe by design)? model integration (consumer products, residues in food, dose-response models) International cooperation is needed to progress on complex issues Jacob van Klaveren

7 Where does the exposure come from? (Aggregated Exposure Pathways)
Teeguarden, Tan, et al. (2016) Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework. Environ Sci Technol, 50(9):

8 European funded project EuroMix
RIVM coordinates the EuroMix project (22 partners, WHO, EPA) Mixture testing in line with EFSA and JRC strategy (make use of new tests to reduce animal testing) How are we going to use more uncertain (in vitro or hazard based) testing in future risk assessment? Platform of models and data, including aggregated exposure Harmonisation between Europe, EPA and Codex Alimentarius Website: Jacob van Klaveren

9 Aggregated exposure models (bisphenol A and alternatives)
Source: Cecile Karrer (ETHZ) 9 Jacob van Klaveren

10 How are we going to test all chemical for mixture effects?
Jacob van Klaveren

11 How will the risk to humans be calculated in the future?
Models and testing should also link to epidemiological findings (EuroMix, EDCMixRisk, HBM4EU) How to organize our data and models, to improve our cooperation and knowledge? Jacob van Klaveren

12 EuroMix and EFSA-RIVM projects (ICT technology)
Aggregated exposure model development (operator models, refinement dermal adsorption, Browse, PACEM, ConsExpo and MCRA) Governmental policy to merge computer capacity of Dutch institutes Agricultural production Chemical Industry Jacob van Klaveren

13 Circular economy and how to check for chemicals
SAFE BY DESIGN, but if hazardous chemicals still present: circular Source: Martien Janssen and Sandra Boekhold (RIVM) Jacob van Klaveren

14 Research challenges New societal challenges such as animal free testing, sustainable food consumption and production, how to balance with food safety? Hazard (or in vitro testing) based risk assessment or inclusion of potency and exposure? Aggregated Exposure Pathways nice concept, but where are the data? How to divide the risk over different regulator silos (risk cups)? How can toxicology and epidemiology work together on complex risk assessment issues? How can we cooperate on complex data and information sharing bearing in mind that the science is at the Member State level? Jacob van Klaveren

15 Thank you for your attention
Thank you for your attention! Any questions: please send an to:

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