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Continuous Capnography ~ The “Wave” of the Future

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1 Continuous Capnography ~ The “Wave” of the Future
Amy Gutman MD ~ EMS Medical Director

2 Objectives What is the capnogram?
Review capnogram appearance in relation to physiology with clinical implications Incorporate capnography into protocols The program was designed to meet the following learning objectives. At the completion of this program you will be to: Relate a normal capnogram to the phases of breathing List five clinical applications for capnography Identify the four most common abnormal capnograms Describe how to incorporate capnogram to patient care according to your local protocol Appreciation to Medtronics for 2010 permission to use portions of their training module in preparing this presentation

3 Waveform Capnography Non-invasive, continuous measurement of airway CO2 concentration “Vital” sign of patient’s ventilatory & hemodynamic status Provides an early objective measurement & warning of changes in ventilation & cardiopulmonary status from one breath to another Important for medico-legal documentation Standard of care for prehospital & hospital patient monitoring

4 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) & End-Tidal CO2 (ETCO2)
“Capnos” From the Greek: “smoke” & “fire of life” (metabolism) Greeks were smart ~ CO2 produced as a waste product of metabolism CO2 diffused into bloodstream, transported to lungs, perfused into alveoli, eliminated / exhaled through airway ETCO2 is amount of CO2 measured at the peak of the exhalation wave What is End-Tidal CO2? Breaking the term apart, “carbon dioxide at the end of the tide” Breathing is done in waves (in and out) EtCO2 is the amount of CO2 measured at the peak of the wave going out at the end of exhalation EtCO2 is measured at the nose, mouth, or hub of the ET tube

5 Prehospital Capnography
Used by anesthesiologists to monitor sedated patients since 1970s For hospitals, in 2001 JCAHO recommended capnography as standard of care for all procedural sedation to monitor vital signs, oxygenation & ventilation In 2010 the journal Cardiology published the new AHA Guidelines recommending capnography as standard of care in monitoring prehospital patients with respiratory distress, post-advanced airway management, & during / post-resuscitation Capnography is not new. The technology was initially used for monitoring anesthetized patients in the OR. New technology is now available for EMS in both intubated and non-intubated patients.

6 AHA 2010 Guidelines Summary
Continuous waveform capnography recommended for intubated patients throughout arrest / peri-arrest period Confirm ETT Placement (Class I, LOE A) Continuous monitoring of patient, airway, equipment Monitor CPR quality (Class IIb, LOE C) <10mmHg not associated with successful resuscitation or effective compressions Push Hard, Push Fast Change rescuer every 2 minutes Detect ROSC (Class IIa, LOE B)

Litmus paper in which color changes indicate qualitative CO2 in exhaled air Intubated patients only Impaired by moisture / secretions False (-) in arrest or shock states Equates to “checking a pulse” Continuous waveform of quantitative values for ETCO2 concentration in exhaled air All patients Equates to “monitoring ECG” Colorimetric This is basically a device that contains specially treated litmus paper, that changes color indicating the amount of CO2 detected. Litmus paper changes color in reaction to the an acid-base balance and carbon dioxide is a gaseous state of carbonic acid. This disposable detector for intubated patients only; it fits on the hub of the ET tube.

8 Low Flow Capnography High flow and mainstream options for hospitalized patients; side-stream is most common prehospital monitoring method Sidestream: All age groups, intubated & non-intubated 50cc air required for sampling No calibration required Disposable tubing / cannulas Durable for EMS environment Mainstream ETCO2 measurement is a more direct method of measuring exhaled CO2 in intubated patients

9 Documentation Printed confirmation of procedural skills & patient responses to treatment No further “blame games”, i.e. “The tube was in place until you dislodged it” Prints out both waveform & patient trends State requirement to attach the waveform summary to your PCR (similar to an EKG) Documentation of this objective data on your patient includes: -

O2 bloodstream to cells Non-invasive measurement by pulse oximetry (SpO2) of %O2 in RBCs Changes in ventilation take minutes to be detected Affected by motion artifact, poor perfusion & some dysrhythmias Exhaling of CO2 metabolism byproduct via respiratory tract Measured by ETCO2 as a partial pressure (mmHg) or volume (% vol) of CO2 in airway at end of exhalation Breath-to-breath measurement provides info within seconds Not affected by motion artifact, poor perfusion or dysrhythmias Two completely different and separate functions: • Oxygenation is the transport of O2 via the bloodstream to the cells - Oxygen is required for metabolism • Ventilation is the exhaling of CO2 via the respiratory tract - Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of metabolism Capnogram from

METABOLISM Pain Hyperthermia Shivering / Increased Muscle Activity RESPIRATORY Depression / Hypoventilation COPD Analgesia / Sedation Effective Bronchospasm Treatment CIRCULATORY Increased cardiac output Effective Compressions MEDICATIONS Sodium Bicarbonate METABOLISM Hypothermia Metabolic Acidosis Decreased muscular activity RESPIRATORY Hyperventilation Bronchospasm Mucus Plugging / Obstruction CIRCULATORY Decreased cardiac output Shock states Cardiac Arrest Pulmonary Emboli

12 Capnography Waveform 1 waveform = 1 respiratory cycle
Height = amount of CO2 Length = time of respiratory cycle Information in 4 second views; Printouts in “real-time” views Baseline usually “0” as no CO2 normally present during inspiration Normal range is 35-45mm Hg (5% vol)

13 Capnogram Phase I: Dead Space Ventilation
Beginning of exhalation when no CO2 present Air from trachea, posterior pharynx, mouth & nose AKA “dead space” as no gas exchange occurs in these areas A B

14 Capnogram Phase II: Ascending Phase
“Early Exhalation Phase” CO2 from alveoli reaches the upper airway & mixes with dead space air Causes a rapid rise in CO2 levels which is detectable in exhaled air C B

15 Capnogram Phase III Alveolar Plateau
At this point, CO2 rich alveolar gas is majority of exhaled air Uniform “plateau” CO2 concentration from alveoli to nose / mouth Highest CO2 concentration (End-Tidal CO2) at end of tidal breath / alveolar plateau (“D”) Normal ETCO2 = 35-45mmHg In phase three, the carbon dioxide from the alveoli has reached the airway exit. The exhaled air is now rich in CO2. In normal ventilation of health lungs, the concentration of CO2 in the air is uniform. C D

16 Capnogram Phase IV: Descending Phase
Inhalation / Inspiration begins & O2 rapidly fills the airways CO2 level quickly drops to “0” baseline E D

17 ETCO2 Monitoring Airway Breathing / Ventilation
Verification & continuous monitoring of ETT placement Breathing / Ventilation Movement of air in & out of the lungs in respiratory illnesses Hyperventilation / Hypoventilation Bronchospasm, Restrictive, Obstructive breathing pattern differentiation Circulation / Perfusion Monitor low perfusion states & circulation of oxygenated blood Effectiveness of cardiac compressions & 1st indicator of ROSC Shock, pulmonary embolus, cardiac arrest, prolonged arrhythmias Diffusion Gas exchange between air-filled alveoli & pulmonary circulation Pulmonary edema, alveolar damage, CO poisoning, smoke inhalation End-tidal CO2 reflects changes in: • Ventilation - the movement of air in and out of the lungs • Diffusion - the exchange of gases between the air-filled alveoli and the pulmonary circulation • Perfusion - circulation of blood through the pulmonary capillaries

18 Clinical Capnography

19 Systematic Interpretation
“Is there CO2 present?” If there is a waveform, there is CO2 If there is no waveform there is an issue with patient, airway or equipment. “Does the ETCO2 value return to zero during inhalation / respiratory baseline?” If waveform does not return to baseline then patient rebreathing exhaled CO2. “Does waveform shape rise steeply, plateau, then steeply return to the baseline?” Sloping, notching, or prolonged waveform are signs of abnormalities. “What is the ETCO2 level?” Normal=35-45 mmHg, >45mmHg=hypercapnia, <35mmHg=hypocapnia.

20 Intubated Patients (Non-Arrest)
Verify & continuously confirm ETT placement Immediately detect ETT position changes Optimize ventilation management

21 ETT Placement Confirmation*
Annals of EM 2005; 45: No unrecognized misplaced endotracheal intubations were found in patients for whom paramedics used continuous ETCO2 monitoring. Failure to use continuous ETCO2 monitoring associated with a 23% unrecognized misplaced intubation rate Standard of care for confirmation & monitoring of the intubated patient is waveform capnography, pulse oximetry, & physical confirmation (i.e. auscultation, tube fog) Presence of exhaled CO2 indicates tracheal placement within seconds of proper placement Esophageal ETT placement may briefly detect CO2 but residuals “washed out” within 6 positive-pressure ventilations Gastric CO2 from: carbonated beverages, Tums, gastric distention from mouth to mouth ventilation These challenges are addressed by the American Heart Association in the International Guidelines 2000: “… emergency responders must confirm tracheal tube position by using nonphysical examination techniques.” P I-87 Secondary confirmation with an EtCO2 or esophageal detection has a Class IIa recommendation. P I-150 Source: Guidelines 2000 for Cardiovascular Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Circulation 102 (suppl I) 8. August 22,2000 *Guidelines 2000 for Cardiovascular Resuscitation & Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Circulation. August,2000

22 ETT Displacement 4 5 Traditional “physical” methods of monitoring ETT position subjective, unreliable & delayed ETT displacement likely to occur when patient moved in & out of the transport vehicle & from the stretcher to bed Useful “warning sign” when providers have other responsibilities Sudden drop in ETCO2 immediately signals obstructed or dislodged tube Detection of a displaced or obstructed ETT using pulse oximetry or changes in HR / BP can be delayed 2-3 minutes* *Guidelines for Cardiovascular Resuscitation &Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Circulation August, 2000

23 How Good Is ETCO2 In the Intubated Patient ?
1999: 1st research demonstrating efficacy of ETCO2 in prehospital ETI: “Confirmation of Airway Placement” (Sayre, M. PEC) 108 patients intubated in the field 52 trauma, 56 medical patients ETT placement at ED arrival showed 27 pts (25%) had improperly placed ETT 18 esophageal, 9 oropharyngeal No patients with quantitative capnography had misplaced ETTs Silvestri S. “Improvement in Misplaced ETT Recognition within a Regional EMS System” (AEM. 2003) 108 patients intubated in the field 9% had improperly placed ETT No unrecognized misplaced ETT in pts with continuous ETCO2 monitoring

24 Cuff leak It is not uncommon during to have a small cuff leak which may not be evident until many minutes / hours post intubation Continuous waveform will begin to show “gaps” or a “slide off” dependent on the area / severity of the leak

25 Assess Effectiveness of Chest Compressions
With constant ventilation, non-invasive capnography correlates with the blood flow / circulatory status produced by compressions Good correlation between ETCO2 & cardiac output Low cardiac output reduces blood flow to the lungs & fails to clear CO2 from the bloodstream Properly done chest compressions provide 25-30% of normal blood supply to the brain 5%-10% of normal blood supply to the heart Adequate chest compressions promote the elimination of metabolic wastes A spike in ETCO2 indicates ROSC prior to any other “vital” sign Airway- open with ET tube - confirmed with EtCO2. Breathing - controlled and stable - monitored by capnography. Circulation - cardiac output directly related to changes in EtCO2. Capnography provides a non-invasive method for monitoring blood flow generated by CPR.

26 Rescuer Fatigue & Compressions
4 5 Ochoa Study Rescuers not able to maintain adequate compressions for >1 minute Rescuers did not perceive fatigue even when measurably present Increased ETCO2 correlates with: Fresh rescuer with same or faster compression rate Mechanical compressions Use ETCO2 feedback to modify compression depth / rate / force

27 Detecting ROSC 4 5 Continuous ETCO2 an almost immediate indicator of successful resuscitation Sudden increase in ETCO2 is an indicator that cellular metabolism has resumed & that pulses soon to be regained (cardiac output increasing) Arrhythmia / arterial vasoconstriction makes pulses initially difficult to detect After 2 mins, briefly stop CPR & check for organized rhythm on ECG monitor Capnography predicts probability of successful outcome following resuscitation & may be used in the decision to cease resuscitation efforts ETCO2 <10 mmHg throughout the duration of a code signals a poor outcome.

28 ETCO2 90% sensitive in predicting ROSC
Canitneau J. ETCO2 during CPR in humans presenting mostly with asystole. Critical Care Medicine. 1996 Wayne M. Use of ETCO2 to Predict Outcome in Prehospital Cardiac Arrest. Annals of EM. 1995 120 non-OOHCA patients ETCO2 90% sensitive in predicting ROSC Maximal ETCO2 <10mmHg during 1st 20 minutes after intubation never associated with ROSC (0%) 90 medical OOHCA PEA patients 100% mortality if unable to achieve ETCO2 >10mmHg after 20 minutes 16 survivors In 13 survivors a rapid rise of ETCO2 was earliest ROSC indicator 1-3 mins before palpable pulse 3-7 mins prior blood pressure

29 Return of Respiratory Drive
If a “previously dead” or RSI patient regains respiratory effort, the waveform develops a “divot” “Divot” reflects patient’s inspiratory effort Important in judging neurological status, or in the presence of therapeutic hypothermia protocols post cardiac arrest May need additional sedatives / paralytics

30 Optimizing Ventilation in Head Traumas
CO2 has profound affect on cerebral blood flow (CBF) & intracranial pressures (ICP) Treatment goal to titrate & maintain “therapeutic” ETCO2 which directly affects ICP in patients sensitive to fluctuations Head trauma, Stroke / Intracranial Hemorrhage, Brain Tumors, CNS Infections Hyperventilation no longer recommended to lower ICP May decreased cardiac output, which decreases cerebral blood flow & ICP

31 Head Trauma Ventilation Goals
Current critical care recommendations (Class IIa) are to ventilate head trauma patients to achieve normocarbia ETCO mmHG causes mild cerebral vasoconstriction decreasing ICP Hypoventilation increases CO2 levels Increases cerebral hypoxia which causes cerebral vasodilation Cerebral hypoxia increases CBF to counter cerebral hypoxia, but increased CBF increases ICP which worsens brain edema & secondary brain injury Hyperventilation decreases CO2 levels Causes cerebral vasoconstriction decreasing ICP, but increases cerebral hypoxia

32 Non-Intubated Patients
Objectively assess respiratory disorders & response to treatment Assess hypoventilation severity: OD (sedatives, hyponotics) Respiratory distress (CHF, bronchospasm, PE) Procedural sedation & analgesia CVA, ICH, Head Injury Assess hypoperfusion severity: Shock (medical, traumatic), arrest states Sepsis DKA

33 Non-Intubated Patients
Identify problem Assess patient’s status & anticipate sudden changes Monitor treatments for respiratory, medical & traumatic processes Ventilation: movement of gases in & out of lungs Diffusion: gas exchange between oxygenated alveoli & pulmonary circulation Perfusion: blood circulation through arterial & venous systems

34 Oxygenation, Ventilation & Perfusion
Oxygenation: Process of getting O2 into the body Ventilation: Process of eliminating CO2 from the body Perfusion: Process of getting oxygenated blood into an organ or body

35 Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch
Ratio of the amount of O2 reaching alveoli to amount of blood reaching alveoli "V" = ventilation (air reaching alveoli) "Q" = perfusion (blood reaching alveoli) High Ratio Limited O2 / gas exchange due to impaired blood flow (i.e. “dead space”) Low ETCO2, low to normal O2 Example: Pulmonary embolism Low Ratio Bloodflow adequate for gas exchange, but not enough alveolar airflow High ETCO2, low O2 Examples: asthma, COPD, CHF, pulmonary edema

Ventilation without perfusion As no gas exchange occurs, air coming out is the same as air going in (no CO2 exhaled) Clinically suspect: Hypotension Pulmonary embolism Emphysema Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Cardiac arrest Perfusion without ventilation Effect on ETCO2 may be small but oxygenation may decrease greatly Clinically suspect: Bronchial intubation Increased secretions Mucus plugging Bronchospasm Atelectasis

37 Non-Intubated Patient: Ventilation
Movement of gases in & out of the lungs which may be restricted or obstructed from many processes Smooth muscle contraction Bronchospasm Airway narrowing Uneven emptying of alveoli Mucous plugs Patients can have several alterations in their ventilatory status. One that is of frequent concern in EMS is: Airway obstruction such as in: Smooth muscle contraction Bronchospasm Airway narrowing Uneven emptying of the alveoli Mucous plugs Capnography is useful in monitoring your patient’s airway.

38 Non-Intubated Patient: Diffusion
Gas exchange between air-filled alveoli & pulmonary circulation Inflammation Retained secretions Fibrosis Decreased compliance of alveoli walls Chronic airway modeling (COPD) Reversible airway disease (asthma)

39 Bronchospasm Airway irregularities lead to uneven emptying of alveolar gas / air flow Alveoli unevenly filled & emptied on inspiration & exhalation Asynchronous flow dilutes exhaled CO2 (Slower rise in CO2 concentration during exhalation ) Changes ascending phase (II) with loss of sharp upslope & alveolar plateau (III) producing a “shark fin” appearance

40 Bronchospasm: Asthma Asthma costs in the US $56 billion annually
10.5 million missed school days 14.2 million missed work days Prevalence increased 75% from 2002: 18.7 million adults (1 in 12) 2002: 7 million children (1 in 11) 2-3 million ED visits, 7 million outpatient visits annually 25% asthmatic pediatrics have >1 ED visit annually Most common chronic pediatric health problem with increasing hospitalizations & deaths ~9 people die from asthma daily Sources: Delbridge T., et al Prehospital Asthma Management. Prehospital Emergency Care 7 (1) 42-47 Asthmatic Statistics. American Academy of Allergies, Asthma and Immunology. http.//

41 Asthma Pathophysiology
Hyper-reactive airway response to a reversible obstructive process Release of inflammatory mediators (histamine, bradykinin prostaglandin) increases airway inflammation & edema Bronchial wall reaction causes reversible obstruction Spasm of bronchial smooth muscle Vasodilatation with swelling of bronchial mucous membranes Increased mucous production

42 Asthma Waveform Normal Expiratory airflow obstruction affects shape of the CO2 time curve due to uneven alveolar gas emptying of alveolar gas Waveform examples show increasing change in normal expiratory plateau with increasing obstruction / bronchospasm Bronchospasm

43 COPD Spectrum of diseases with major risk factors being: smoking, exposure to dusts /fumes, frequent respiratory infections 4th leading cause of death (adults) Annual deaths doubling in past 25 years Chronic, progressive, partially reversible obstructive process Inflammation causes excess mucous production, fibrosis, hyperplasia of mucus glands & smooth muscle Chronic alveolar damage causes hyperinflation due to air trapping, impairs air exchange Hyper-reactive airway (bronchospasm) Often have other cardiac & metabolic abnormalities (CAD, CHF, DM, HTN)

44 Capnography in COPD Normal Arterial CO2 (PaCO2) increases as disease progresses as patients retain metabolic waste Ascending phase and plateau are altered by uneven emptying of gases, similar to acute asthmatics COPD 4 5

45 Hypoventilation 4 5 Elevated ETCO2 (often >50mmHG)
Elevated ETCO2 (often >50mmHG) Box-like waveform shape unchanged, just height & time Longer time to “blow off” CO2 Higher levels of CO2 due to retention Seen in : Sedation Intoxication / Ingestions Stroke / Head Injury CNS infections 4 5

46 Hypoperfusion Pulmonary blood flow Systemic perfusion Cardiac output
x y g e n 2 V i A t Pulmonary blood flow Pulmonary emboli (V/Q mismatch) Systemic perfusion Sepsis Hypovolemia DKA Trauma Cardiac output MI CHF Arrhythmia

47 Pulmonary Embolus Typical: CP, SOB, tachycardia & unilateral lower extremity swelling (DVT) May have normal oxygenation Risk factors: Contraceptives Prolonged stasis (i.e. travel) Cancer Limited mobility Hx of DVT / prior PE Decreased alveolar perfusion causes low ETCO2 (V/Q mismatch)

48 Seizure Patients Patients may be actively seizing & have “normal” respirations for a period of time In seizing patients a low ETCO2 indicates inadequate respirations Useful in patients with pseudoseizures

49 Metabolic Conditions Elevated ETCO2 (>50mmHg) seen in hyperthermia
4 5 Elevated ETCO2 (>50mmHg) seen in hyperthermia Low ETCO2 (<29 mmHg) associated with metabolic acidosis CO poisoning, hypothermia, DKA If patient in DKA, ETCO2 level will be often be low 2002 study: 95% diabetic children presenting to ED with ETCO2 <29mmHg were in DKA Elevated ETCO2 in DKA with respiratory compensation or Kussmaul’s Waveform rapid / slow, but normal shape (not restrictive/ obstructive)


51 Capnography Waveform 1 waveform = 1 respiratory cycle
Height = amount of CO2 Length = time of respiratory cycle Information in 4 second views; Printouts in “real-time” views Baseline usually “0” as no CO2 normally present during inspiration Normal range is 35-45mm Hg (5% vol)

52 Quick Review: Normal Capnograph
Waveform begins at a “0” baseline, raises steeply, plateaus with a gradual upslope, & quickly returns to the “0” baseline ETCO2 reading within the normal range of mmHg

53 Quick Review: Bronchospasm
The loss of a slightly upsloping alveolar plateau indicates an incomplete or obstructed exhalation Waveform often has a “shark fin” pattern indicating that exhalation is slowed, often by bronchoconstriction Common causes include asthma, COPD, or an airway obstruction

54 Quick Review: Hypoventilation
Increasing ETCO2, though waveform retains a fairly normal shape Patients not breathing fast enough or deep enough to adequately remove CO2 from the lungs, resulting in increasing ETCO2 Seen in decreased respiratory drive due to narcotic OD, CNS depression, or sedation

55 Quick Review: Apnea Sudden loss of a waveform indicates no CO2 present
In spontaneously breathing patient ~ patient stopped breathing / respiratory arrest or equipment has malfunctioned If advanced airway in place, this indicates there is a problem with the airway itself (displaced or obstructed)

56 Quick Review: Esophageal Intubation
A normal capnograph is best evidence that the ETT correctly positioned & proper ventilation occurring When ETT placed in esophagus, either no CO2 sensed or only small transient waveforms are initially present ETCO2 verification considered “standard” for proper airway placement

57 Quick Review: Air Trapping
Baseline elevation indicates there is incomplete inhalation &/or exhalation (CO2 not completely washed out during inhalation) Often seen with air trapping in (history of asthma or COPD), or a malfunction in the BVM or ventilator exhalation valve Increasing expiratory time helps remove excess CO2

58 Quick Review: Hyperventilation
The capnograph initially appears normal Waveforms become closer together & the level of ETCO2 decreases as respiratory rate increases When decreasing CO2 levels are noted, slow the BVM ventilation (if intubated) In the spontaneously breathing patient, increasing respiratory rate and decreasing end tidal CO2 levels can be a sign of PE

59 Quick Waveform Review Normal Hyperventilation Hypoventilation
45 Normal 45 Hyperventilation 45 Hypoventilation 45 Bronchospasm

60 Case Study 1 4 5 3 2 88yo M with CC of “Short of breath” over the past week, now acutely worse. Already on home O2, taking multiple nebs PMH: MI, COPD, CHF, DM Vitals: HR 60, BP 110/70, RR 36 labored/shallow, O2 72% (2L), ETCO2 17mmHG Exam: Wheezing, rales, rhonchi through pursed lips. Skin cool/diaphoretic, pitting edema BL The following waveform is noted (see above). What is your diagnosis (or diagnoses) & treatment? Hyperventilation, no bronchospasm waveform shape. Improvement with treatment (rising CO2 levels). Likely CHF rather than COPD

61 Case Study 2 Hypoxic 82 yo F, NH patient on 2 L via NC, in profound distress, drowsy, lethargic, but alert to name PMH indicates she is a “Full Code”, with metastatic bone cancer on multiple medications for pain, CHF, HTN, dementia & AFib Vitals: SpO2: 82%, RR: 40bpm, HR: 130bpm / irregular, BP: 107/48 EKG : presented Exam: rousable to name, no focal motor / sensory findings, no evidence of recent trauma. Pupils:

62 Hypoventilation due to narcotics
Case Study 2 Continued Waveform is as above: What clinical condition(s) is exam, EKG & waveform consistent with? What would your immediate treatment(s) be to help with the respiratory distress Hypoventilation due to narcotics

63 Hypovolemia Due To Trauma
Case Study 3 Hypovolemia Due To Trauma 23 yo M involved in a high speed MVC in which he is currently entrapped. Helicopter called while patient extricated & stabilized. Exam shows obvious chest & lower extremity trauma, though pulses are intact distally (weak / equal / present BL). Patient is A&Ox3 but lethargic Vitals: HR 120 / reg; SBP 80, O2 sat 98%. While establishing IV, you place a NC on patient with side-stream capnography which shows the following: What is your assessment? How does this help you clinically? Let’s look at a case scenario of a patient with low perfusion. • 57 year old male • Auto crash with injury to chest • History of atrial fib, anticoagulant • Unresponsive • Pulse 100 irregular, BP 88/p • Intubated on scene

64 Case Study 4 Dislodged / Kinked ETT
You successfully intubated a patient in respiratory distress secondary to CHF with confirmed ETCO2 & a good waveform after Duonebs, lasix & nitroglycerin Even though patient’s oxygenation remains in the high 80s / low 90s, you note a sudden loss of waveform decreasing to near 0 What happened? Dislodged / Kinked ETT

65 Case Study 5 You are transferring a patient from your stretcher to the ED’s bed Though the waveform had been normal, with levels in the range, after transfer, you note the following waveform What happened? Absent alveolar plateau indicates incomplete alveolar emptying or loss of airway integrity ~ ETT dislodged, but likely in the hypopharynx or blocked by secretions

66 Case Study 6 Hypoventilation
You have placed ETCO2 on a patient with pinpoint pupils, & a respiratory rate of 8 who is maintaining his airway, though lethargic He has responded minimally to naloxone, & smells heavily of ETOH What does the waveform indicate? Hypoventilation

67 Case Study 7 Hyperventilation
You have been called to the house of a 16 year old girl who has just broken up with her boyfriend She is hysterical & her mother states that “she is having a bad asthma attack” He lungs are clear, O2 saturation is 99%, but she does appear to have some respiratory distress What diagnosis is suggested by upon the waveform? Hyperventilation

68 Case Study 8 You are resuscitating a patient in VF arrest with just you (“Joe Paramedic”), a driver, & one EMT The EMT has been doing compressions throughout the transport (10 minutes) when you note the change in waveform What are two likely scenarios to explain the waveform? Gradual decreasing ETCO2 with a normal waveform shape (just decreased height) indicated decreased CO2 production (death), hyperventilation (rapid BVM) or decreasing cardiac output resulting in decreased systemic & pulmonary perfusion (ineffective compressions)

69 Case Study 9 18 yo F with 2 days increasing SOB, wheezing, not controlled by her daily asthma medications or her rescue inhaler. Also notes possible peanut exposure with a known peanut allergy Called to the house to find patient tripodding,stridorous though with minimal wheezing heart. O2 sat 88%, HR 120s, SBP 90 & very anxious. The following waveform is seen: What is your immediate assessment & management plan?

70 Continue current care. Waveform & exam indicate the patient improving
Case Study 9 NRB O2 100% applied, IV started, solumedrol given, sub Q epineprine dosed, Duoneb initiated, medical control notified Within 5 minutes, the O2 saturation is 92%, HR in the 130s with patient remaining anxious but alert. SBP now 110 & the following waveform is seen: What is your plan? 1st Waveform Continue current care. Waveform & exam indicate the patient improving 2nd Waveform

71 Meet Howard Snitzer 54 yo male with a VF arrest in January 2011 in rural Minnesota which serves as a case study as to why to continue a “futile resuscitation” 2 dozens rescuers took turns providing CPR for 96 minutes during his prolonged transport with periods of VF, PEA, asystole 6 shocks by 1st responders, 6 more shocks by Mayo Air Flight on way to cath lab Had thrombectomy & stent to LAD, spent 10 days in Mayo Clinic Why did the rescuers continue when there were no signs of life? “The capnography told us not to give up” …ETCO2 averaged 35 during entire resuscitation

72 References “Waveform Capnography” 2009.
Bonner County EMS “Waveform Capnography” Medtronic “Capnography in Emergency Care” English J, Pointer J, Jacobs M. “Capnography: The Standard of Care”. 2005 Guidelines for Cardiovascular Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Circulation 102 (suppl I) 8. August 22,2010 Wayne MA, Levine RL, Miller CC. “Use of End-tidal Carbon Dioxide to Predict Outcome in Prehospital Cardiac Arrest” . Annals of Emergency Medicine. 1995; 25(6): Levine RL., Wayne MA., Miller CC. “End-tidal carbon dioxide and outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.” New England Journal of Medicine. 1997;337(5): Cummins RO. Principles & Practice. American Heart Association Weil MH Cardiac output and ETCO2. Critical Care Medicine 13 (11): Ochoa F. et al The Effect of Rescuer Fatigue on Quality of Chest Compressions. Resuscitation April; 37: White RD. Out-of-Hospital Monitoring of ETCO2 Pressure During CPR. AEM (1): Levine R. L. ETCO2 & outcome of OOHCA. NEJM (5): Huizenga JE. Guidelines for the Management of Severe Head Injury: Are Emergency Physicians Following Them? AEM (8): Asthmatic Statistics. American Academy of Allergies, Asthma and Immunology. Hall J.B., Acute Asthma, Assessment and Management, McGraw-Hill, New York. Falk J ETCO2 concentration during CPR. NEJM. 318 (10): Flanagan, J.F., et al Noninvasive monitoring of ETCO2tension via nasal cannulas in spontaneously breathing children with profound hypocarbia. Critical Care Medicine. June; 23 (6): Delbridge T, et al Prehospital Asthma Management. PEC. 7(1) 42-47 Capnography: The Standard of Care. JEnglish, J Pointer, M Jacobs, EMT-P. A;lameda Public Health Department. Hanley C. Perianesthesia Nurses Association of British Columbia. “Capnography in the PACU: Theory and Clinical Applications of end tidal C02 Monitoring” McEvoy M. Capnography Could Make You a Rock Star! CTICU and Resuscitation Committee Chair Albany Medical Center

73 Summary
Visual objective measure of ventilation Breath-to-breath readings for intubated & non-intubated patients Clinical information to guide patient care Objective documentation

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