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Marianne Skytte August

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1 Marianne Skytte August 18 2010
Life story analysis Marianne Skytte August

2 What status are biographical accounts assumed to have in relation to lived life?
What kind of reality is of concern to the social sciences?

3 The life focusing approach The story focusing approach
Factual approach Subjec-tivist approach Phenomenological approach Herme-neutical approach Construc-tionistic approach Life history ~ A window to objective historical facts A window to the storytellers mental life The storytellers own biographical reconstruction A product of interpersonal relations A social construct that is a product of certain structural and cultural representa-tions

4 The story focusing approach
Phenomenolo-gical approach Hermeneutical approach Constructionist approach Life history ~ The storytellers own biographical reconstruction A product of interpersonal relations A social construct, that is a product of certain structural and cultural representations

5 Levels of analysis Lived life The experienced life The told life
Life as it happened The experienced life Thoughts, wishes, regrets, feelings etc. in relation to the lived life The told life Life as it is told in the life story Analysed life Life as the researcher analysed and retold it Kilde: Öberg 1997:80

6 Phenomenological approach Constructionist approach
Hermeneutical approach Constructionist approach Lived ~ Experienced ~ told life Lived ~ Experienced but unlike told life Biographic consciousness is an individual matter Biographical consciousness is a social relationship Biographical consciousness is a construction Focus: The subjectivity of the storyteller The storyteller as a situated social individual Stories about life – the normal-biography of a certain context

7 In a bibliographical interview it is the goal through non-directed and unspecific questions to facilitate the interviewee to tell a story that is as complex and multi-layered as possible

8 Narratives can be about
Personal memories Significant others Turning points Strong emotions Meaning Reflection Communication Report Self-presentation Argumentation Legitimation Source: Kupferberg 2006, p. 1

9 A biographical narrative talks about the past, it happens in the present, but its purpose is actually about creating possibilities for the future

10 Comments are welcome Marianne Skytte Department of Sociology, Social Work and Organization Aalborg University Denmark

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