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Goldilocks & The Three Bears Nursery Summer 1 Week 1

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1 Goldilocks & The Three Bears Nursery Summer 1 Week 1
Expressive Arts and Design Our role play will be the three bears cottage, the children can play together, listening to each others ideas and acting out the story taking on the roles of the characters. On the creative table the children will be dressing a bear. They will be selecting materials to use and practising their cutting skills. Phonics In phonics some children will be playing lots of listening games and the older children will be learning all about the letter ‘u’, what sound it makes and objects that begin with that sound. Communication & Language Literacy The children will listen and join in with the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We will be naming the characters in the story, where the story is taking place and the order in which events take place in the story. ` Personal, Social, Emotional Development Our SEAL topic is – Relationships. The theme is about exploring our feelings within important relationships such as family and friends. It aims to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings and empathy. In addition there is a focus throughout on helping your child understand the feeling associated with loss whether of a favourite possession, a friend, a family home or a loved one. This week we hear the story about a boy who lost a favourite toy and the emotions he felt. Goldilocks & The Three Bears Nursery Summer 1 Week 1 Speaking & Listening In their key groups the children will be looking at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and answering questions about the story.` Mathematics The children will be sorting objects by size – small, medium and large. They will use mathematical language to describe how they have sorted the objects. They will also think of other ways to sort the objects – colour, shape etc. Physical Development We will continue to do our finger and upper body exercises in dough gym. During our PE time we will be starting a new scheme in which we learn to move in different ways . On our fine motor table we will be using our fine motor skills to dress the teddy bears. The children will fasten buttons do up zips and thread laces. Mrs C Mayne

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