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MATREX OneSAF Transition Update
U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command MATREX OneSAF Transition Update For the Alabama M&S Council OneSAF Workshop 17 January 2008 Christopher J. Metevier MATREX Deputy PM & OneSAF Transition Project Lead /
MATREX Overview Primary Elements of MATREX: Architecture / Environment
Model & Simulations Tools Interoperability Collaboration
MATREX Purpose Purpose: Benefits: Primary Partners and Customers:
To develop a composable M&S environment wherein a collection of multi-fidelity models, simulations and tools can be integrated, and mapped to an established architecture for conducting analysis, experimentation and technology trade-offs for RDECOM and others. Benefits: Enables reconfiguration and reuse of components for: Engineering model development and evaluation Technology tradeoffs Capabilities assessments Concept development Experimentation Testing Mutually and collectively leverages the world-class expertise of all RDECOM M&S laboratories for the benefit of the Army Supports decision making over entire acquisition cycle Primary Partners and Customers: RDECOM HQ, RDECs, and Labs PM FCS (BCT) MSO / FCS LSI TRADOC (BLCSE) ATEC (OTC) 3CE (Cross Command Collaboration Effort) Other Army PMs and PEOs Critical M&S capabilities necessary to support Network Centric Warfare representation and analysis
Expanded Common Environment (Interoperable Components)
Supporting TRADOC BLCSE Integration Events (on-going) FCS Simulation Environment (FSE) And FCS Spin Out *Ongoing Interoperable testing - started as early as V0.5 Select JANUS OT-TES STORM IMASE ExCIS ATEC/OTC JOSIE Federation Interoperability testing with MATREX Components During FY08
MATREX Tools Enable a Common Integrated Architecture
Lowers the barrier to entry for utilization of MATREX High-Level Architecture (HLA) and widely used ATEC, RDECOM, and TRADOC M&S and tools Distributed Virtual Lab (DVL) Network Interconnects RDECOM M&S users/developers via DREN Connected to ATEC, TRADOC, and FCS LSI Maintained by MATREX and the Centers/Labs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) MATREX distributed engineering and communication capability over Internet Linked and mapped content mgt system for rqts, design, (code) Program Configuration Management mechanism ProtoCore M&S interoperability without gateways Provided as GFX by MATREX with support & training available Interoperability includes HLA RTI 1.3NGmatrex, IEEE 1516, (TENA 5.4 and DIS FY08) Advanced Testing Capability (ATC) Unit, integration, and federation-level testing of M&S applications RTI and OM agile, simple test cases to scenario vignettes (HLA, 1516, or TENA) C3Grid Supports entity-level communications and network analysis Interconnects comms effects, sensor fusion, human behavior, human decision-making, OneSAF (OF OOS v1.5.1) C4ISR Static Analysis Tool (CSAT) With OneSAF MSDE, complete scenario development process & tool set Helps with remote creation of federates and force structure laydown. Provided as GFX by MATREX with support & training available for both MSDE and CSAT. Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI) enables M&S interoperation over a network, including distributed Embedded functionally to support entity-level analysis Provided as GFX by MATREX, supported by MATREX Federation Object Model (FOM) In-common data structures, operations, and comms between federates Describes which HLA services are used, how they are used, and how they are tied to events. Co-managed with FCS LSI, provide basis for commonality in FCS M&S community and elsewhere
MATREX Distributed Virtual Laboratory Connected to 3CE
BLCSE TRADOC TARDEC Warren, MI NSRDEC Natick, MA CERDEC-M Ft Monmoth, NJ ARDEC Picatinny Arsenal, NJ Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) AMSAA APG, MD ATIN ATEC MATREX DVL RDECOM ECBC Edgewood, MD ARL APG, MD STTC Orlando, FL AMRDEC Redstone. AL MATREX Prime Alexandria. VA CERDEC-B Ft Belvoir, VA FSE FCS LSI Persistent network Facilitates sharing of capabilities Collaborative use of RDECOM and Army resources Work requirements as integrated systems of systems To Be Connected
MATREX Tools Enable a Common Integrated Architecture
Lowers the barrier to entry for utilization of MATREX High-Level Architecture (HLA) and widely used ATEC, RDECOM, and TRADOC M&S and tools Distributed Virtual Lab (DVL) Network Interconnects RDECOM M&S users/developers via DREN Connected to ATEC, TRADOC, and FCS LSI Maintained by MATREX and the Centers/Labs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) MATREX distributed engineering and communication capability over Internet Linked and mapped content mgt system for rqts, design, (code) Program Configuration Management mechanism ProtoCore M&S interoperability without gateways Provided as GFX by MATREX with support & training available Interoperability includes HLA RTI 1.3NGmatrex, IEEE 1516, (TENA 5.4 and DIS FY08) Advanced Testing Capability (ATC) Unit, integration, and federation-level testing of M&S applications RTI and OM agile, simple test cases to scenario vignettes (HLA, 1516, or TENA) C3Grid Supports entity-level communications and network analysis Interconnects comms effects, sensor fusion, human behavior, human decision-making, OneSAF (OF OOS v1.5.1) C4ISR Static Analysis Tool (CSAT) With OneSAF MSDE, complete scenario development process & tool set Helps with remote creation of federates and force structure laydown. Provided as GFX by MATREX with support & training available for both MSDE and CSAT. Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI) enables M&S interoperation over a network, including distributed Embedded functionally to support entity-level analysis Provided as GFX by MATREX, supported by MATREX Federation Object Model (FOM) In-common data structures, operations, and comms between federates Describes which HLA services are used, how they are used, and how they are tied to events. Co-managed with FCS LSI, provide basis for commonality in FCS M&S community and elsewhere
MATREX Enables M&S Interoperability
M&S Interoperability Problem Space Problem: The Army spends millions of dollars per year migrating Models and Simulations between various middleware architectures and building gateways The average rate of change migrating from one middleware layer to the next is increasing Current Architecture Path (Too Costly) FY 02 IDEAS HLA DIS Model A Model B Model X Model Y CDAS CMS2/UC MC2 $ $ $ AMS MSLS C3 Grid LVS ARMS VDMS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 03-05 HLA Meta-Modeling & Code Generation Concept FY06-07 OOS & TENA FY08 SoSCOE $ Model X Model Y LVS MC2 CDAS CMS2/UC Model B Model A AMS ARMS VDMS MSLS C3 Grid FY10 ? ???? Results In use at RDECOM M&S activities In use at USAOTC with JOSIE+1 federation In use at FCS LSI at Huntington Beach FSE Planned for Stryker in Jan 2008 Demonstrated at 2006 DoD M&S Conference FY HLA Migrate onto MATREX Meta Model Migrate onto Meta Model Code Generate Interface Code Generate Interface $ Code Generate Interface $ $ $ Code Generate Interface $ FY06-07 HLA HLA OOS / TENA OOS & TENA FY08 SoSCOE ???? FY10 ?
MMIC ProtoCore Object Model Architecture
Colors Legacy Models Metamodeling Tools Static Code Generated Code Data Repository Shading Existing Components To be built in FY08 To be built in Future Legend TENA Template HLA1.3 Template HLA1516 Template Future Template Future OM Plugin FY08 HLA1516 Plugin Dec 07 HLA1516 Plugin TENA Plugin Dec 07 HLA1.3 Plugin Today
MATREX Tools Enable a Common Integrated Architecture
Lowers the barrier to entry for utilization of MATREX High-Level Architecture (HLA) and widely used ATEC, RDECOM, and TRADOC M&S and tools Distributed Virtual Lab (DVL) Network Interconnects RDECOM M&S users/developers via DREN Connected to ATEC, TRADOC, and FCS LSI Maintained by MATREX and the Centers/Labs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) MATREX distributed engineering and communication capability over Internet Linked and mapped content mgt system for rqts, design, (code) Program Configuration Management mechanism ProtoCore M&S interoperability without gateways Provided as GFX by MATREX with support & training available Interoperability includes HLA RTI 1.3NGmatrex, IEEE 1516, (TENA 5.4 and DIS FY08) Advanced Testing Capability (ATC) Unit, integration, and federation-level testing of M&S applications RTI and OM agile, simple test cases to scenario vignettes (HLA, 1516, or TENA) C3Grid Supports entity-level communications and network analysis Interconnects comms effects, sensor fusion, human behavior, human decision-making, OneSAF (OF OOS v1.5.1) C4ISR Static Analysis Tool (CSAT) With OneSAF MSDE, complete scenario development process & tool set Helps with remote creation of federates and force structure laydown. Provided as GFX by MATREX with support & training available for both MSDE and CSAT. Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI) enables M&S interoperation over a network, including distributed Embedded functionally to support entity-level analysis Provided as GFX by MATREX, supported by MATREX Federation Object Model (FOM) In-common data structures, operations, and comms between federates Describes which HLA services are used, how they are used, and how they are tied to events. Co-managed with FCS LSI, provide basis for commonality in FCS M&S community and elsewhere
SMEs Across Acquisition Life Cycle
MATREX Collaborations Distributed to Mounted Maneuver Battle Lab Air Maneuver Battle Lab Depth & Simultaneous Attack BL Battle Command Battle Lab TRAC Leavenworth TRAC-WSMR IRCC WSMAR HQ USAOTC USAOTC-IEW Electronic PG, Fort Lewis APG Test Center WDTC, Dugway PG RTTC RTTC-RSA PEO-STRI NLOS-LS PM C4ISR On-The-Move PM FCS (BCT) – FCS LSI PEO Soldier LMC-Orlando (USN) Navy Research Lab Naval Air Warfare Center JTAGGS (USAF) TRADOC Partners & Collaboration ATEC (OTC/DTC) - Test Event Support - Live Interface - Sim to C2 - Sim Research TRADOC - Analytical Requirements - BLCSE Conversion to HLA - FFID Planning - Sim Infrastructure & Tools ATEC SMEs Across Acquisition Life Cycle 3CE - Core Planning - Sim Systems Engineering - Federation/FOM/Tools - FCS Spin Out 1 - Sim Infrastructure & Tools PM FCS LSI - FOM - FCS Simulation Environment (FSE) Collaboration & Development - GFX Delivery, Training & Support Services Other
MATREX Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering for MATREX & RDECOM: Operational View PEO/PM PEO/PM PEO/PM PEO/PM Integrated M&S System of Systems Engineering (SE) Capability for RDECOM via MATREX: Supporting PEOs and PMs with a coordinated and uniform RDECOM approach Common integrating SoS Architecture synchronized across RDECOM Developing SE Nodes for M&S across RDECOM: Single integrated M&S culture In-Common engineering tools Common requirements database, terminology, and processes Distributed and Collaborative enabling services: Web Collaboration (STEM, IDE, AKO) DVL Services Maximize interoperability, flexibility and adaptation of RDECOM M&S capabilities to the Acquisition Communities needs. Common OM and Core Capabilities/Tools AMRDEC ARL CERDEC MATREX Prime STTC Joint Aviation, Missile, and Unmanned Systems (JAMUS) Network Effects Command and Control (NEC2) Missile Server (MSLS) OOIDEAS Human Centric Network Enabled Battle Command (HC-NEBC) Federation Constructive Behaviors Night Vision Lab Tool Set Communications & Network Effects Server Object Model Distributed Simulation Tools Interoperability Cross-Command System Engineering Interface w/One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF) MATREX Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Static Weather SE Node SE Node SE Node SE Node SE Node Verification, Validation, & Accreditation MATREX Systems Engineering FCS / 3CE DVL & Restricted Access Cloud SE Node SE Node SE Node SE Node SE Node MATREX is the technical coordination agent for lower technical risks & cost! In 2005 The MATREX ended its ATO status. The challenges to the program resulted in the recognition of a need to stand up core program level technical management functions to address the many demands of enabling Army M&S Capability development. One of these core functions was a Program Level Systems Engineering Team. The Systems Engineering Team serves as a center of gravity for Capability Development and Planning for the program. The MATREX SE Team has two over-arching objectives: Support the MATREX Program in Capabilities Planning and Development to provide RDECOM a with an integrated Acquisition M&S Support Capability. Support the SOSI Enterprise IPT in implementing a common Systems and Software Engineering processes, tools and culture in RDECOM. SE Teams Core Activities: Vision Capabilities Decomposition Fiscal Year Technical Planning / Schedule Development Capabilities Planning & Road Map Development Enterprise Architecture Systems Architecture Description (SAD) Development Technology Insertion Systems Verification and Validation FOM Management and FOM Management Focus Group (FMFG) Support Systems Management Requirements Management / Content Management (IDE Support) Process Management Risk Management / Reporting AMSAA ARDEC ECBC NATICK TARDEC Certified Data (APEDs) Armaments Server (ARMS) Logistics Server (LS) Chem-Bio Simulation Suite (CB SimSuite) Infantry Warfighter Simulation (IWARS) Survivability Suite Vehicle Dynamics & Mobility Service (VDMS) PEO/PM PEO/PM PEO/PM PEO/PM PEO/PM MATREX reduces Technical and Cost Risks for the FCS and other programs through external coordination of RDECOM M&S
FY08 MATREX Projects (1/2) Activity Description
Network Centric Warfare M&S supporting entity-level analysis/experimentation capabilities of Battle Command Distributed Virtual Laboratory (DVL) RDECOM network supporting distributed simulation, simulation events, interoperability with ATEC, TRADOC, FCS LSI Event Management Sim Init, DCRA, Analysis, Data, SE, tools, and processes, cross-command collaborative development VV&A Independent assessment of MATREX/RDECOM M&S products RDECOM MATREX tools, processes, integrated RDEC federates, SE processes, IPT support, DVL, integrated PEO/PM support 3CE 3CE Core Planning, collaborative requirements development, host or support IPTs, SO1 Support for HLA and MATREX FOM FCS LSI Integrate Armaments Server, Missile Server, MATREX HLA, FOM, tools, collaborative architecture and environment development ATEC OTC Transition JOSIE+1 USAOTC federation, DIS to MATREX HLA using ProtoCore, training, support, develop L-VC interoperability
FY08 MATREX Projects (2/2) Activity Description TRADOC BLCSE (MMBL)
Supporting installation of MATREX HLA, tools, and federates at MMBL, proof of process prior to engaging other battle labs C4ISR On-The-Move Testbed Phase 1: Transition to MATREX HLA and tools; Phase 2: Support MATREX community with MATREX/Testbed interoperability PEO GCS (PM Stryker) Phase 1: MATREX RTI, FOM, tools; Phase 2: MATREX/RDECOM/USAOTC federates PEO Soldier Supporting transition to MATREX HLA and tools OneSAF Collaborative SAF capability development, integration into MATREX environment CB Sim Suite Integrate the CB Sim Suite with entity-level MATREX architecture and environment to support high-resolution CBRN analysis, such as for JPEO CBD Sensor Fusion Level 1 sensor fusion algorithm integrated with Organic Communication Service Human Performance Model the decision-making of individual combatant Comms & Net Effects Integrate FCS SNT CES, requirements from FCS LSI and 3CE Event Participation Transition AMRDEC M&S to MATREX HLA, MATREX tools, federates, annual event support
FCS: a Key Collaboration
Actual CY07 FCS-MATREX/RDECOM collaboration (selected highlights) C3Grid Software Development, Installation, Maintenance, Training, and Support Requirements CSAT Maintenance, Training, and Technical Support Requirements Integration and testing support Technical and Management meeting participation and support FOM collaboration and support On-site technical support Test and V&V requirements Documentation FCS funded MATREX M&S and tools for CY07 FOM (Co-chaired FCS-MATREX) RTI (HLA 1.3NGmatrex) ATC MATREX Reference Implementation versions CSAT/FCC C3Grid (OCS, MTS, SANDS, DOS, R2S) ARMS MSLS NVESD Suite (CMS, CMS2, UC, NVIG, 3D Viz) Proposed CY08 FCS-MATREX/RDECOM collaboration FCS Command and Control Interface Support Requirements LOE Armament Server (ARMS) Maintenance, Training, Integration and Testing Support LOE Missile Server (MSLS) Maintenance, Training, Integration and Testing Support LOE Provide Technical and Management Meeting Support Requirements Provide General Federation Object Models (FOM) Support Provide On-site Technical Support Test Specific Documentation Requirement Verification and Validation Specific Requirements Data Deliverables Option 1: Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) FOM Changes Option 2: LVC Interoperable Tools Option 3: Scalability Option 4: Event Management Option 5: Static Weather
Common MATREX/FSE Components
MATREX Core Infrastructure/ Common Components in FSE Complementary Systems Test Article Common MATREX/FSE Components Complementary Systems Test Article Complementary System Platform Simulation Commercial / 3rd Party Developed Tactical Network Socket MATREX/RDECOM Developed OOS Native HLA FSE Simulation Controller TNG TMCI Simulation Controller TNG TMCI Simulation Controller TNG Analysis & Review TMCI BSO Display* HLA Gateway ITG Simulation Core CES HLA Gateway Simulation Core HLA Gateway Simulation Core CPG OneSAF MTS Common C4I Adapter (MATREX Modifying & Migrating to OneSAF) hlaResults Missile Server FCC C3Grid DCARS C4I Federate hlaControl MATREX RTI & FOM OTB MSDE OTB PTC* DES Weather Server CMS2* OTB Armaments Server CSAT (MATREX Migrating to OASES) (Numerous MATREX Modifications To OTB) *Usage TBD
MATREX DVL and Reference Implementation Release Schedule
Today MMIC (HLA 1.3NG Plug-in) (May 06) Sim Init – CSAT v1.0 (Oct 06) MMIC (TENA Plug-in) MMIC Blk I (Start) Sim Init - CSAT v0.1 (Mar 06) OTB Rel. Drop 3 - (Mar 06) OOS V0.9 Rel. - (Mar 06) OTB Rel. Drop 4 (Sep 06) MATREX FY08 Planning Decision OOS V1.0 (Aug 06) MMIC Demo (Feb 06) BLCSE STTC AMRDEC CERDEC-B FSE “B” Code Freeze (Exp 1.1+) Feb 07 ECBC FSE “C” Code Freeze (IMT-1) 15 Jul 07 MATREX v3.0 MATREX v4.0 Distributed Virtual Laboratory TARDEC ARDEC CERDEC-M TEC ARL AMSSA NSRDEC TRADOC ATEC RDECOM PM FCS (BCT) Tools v1.2 (Aug 05) ATIN MATREX v1.0 (Oct 05) V3.0 FOM ER #1 (May 07) Tools v1.3 (Mar 06) V1.3 FOM (Mar 06) Tools v2.0 (Jul 06) v2.0 FOM (Jul 06) v2.2 FOM ER #1 (Sep 06) MATREX v1.1 (Dec 05) Tools v3.0 (Jun 07) v3.0 FOM (Jun 07) ALCES ARMS C3Grid LOG MSLS OTB (w/ DES) Tools (FOM/RTI/Cores/ATC) MATREX v1.3 (May 06) MATREX v2.0 (Oct 06) MATREX v2.2 (May 07) MATREX v3.0 (Jan 08) ALCES AMS ARMS NVESD Toolset: (CMS2/UC/CM) C3HPM C3Grid LOG MSLS NEC2 (WI/EE) OTB (w/ DES) VDMS Tools (FOM/RTI/Cores/ATC) LEGEND FCS Key S/W Dates No Functional Change (Re-tested) Enhanced Functionality (+ PTR fixes) New Functionality ATIN Network Connectivity BLCSE Network Connectivity DVL Network Connectivity (As of: Apr 07) ALCES ARMS C3Grid LOG MSLS AMS C3HPM VDMS NEC2 (WI/EE) OTB (w/ DES) Tools (FOM/RTI/Cores/ATC) NVESD Toolset: (CMS2/UC/Counter Mine/NVIG) ALCES MSLS SNT CES AMS ARMS C3Grid CAT Crew/ESS Signature Server BAPS HC-NEBC IWARS LOG NEC2 (WI/EE) VDMS OTB (w/DES) OOS Tools (FOM/RTI/Cores/ATC,CSAT) NVESD Toolset: (CMS2/UC/Countermine/NVIG) ALCES MSLS SNT CES AMS ARMS C3Grid CAT Crew/ESS Signature Server VLHPM BAPS IWARS HC-NEBC NEC2 (WI/EE) LOG OTB (w/ DES) VDMS OOS Weather (Static) Tools (FOM/RTI/Cores/ATC,CSAT) NVESD Toolset: (CMS2/UC/Countermine/NVIG) ALCES MSLS SNT CES AMS ARMS C3Grid CAT Crew/ESS Signature Server VLHPM BAPS IWARS HC-NEBC NEC2 (WI/EE) LOG OTB (w/ DES) VDMS OOS Weather (Static) Tools (FOM/RTI/Cores/ATC,CSAT) NVESD Toolset: (CMS2/UC/Countermine/NVIG)
General MATREX OneSAF Update
MATREX is an Official OneSAF Collaborative Developer
MATREX OneSAF Update MATREX is an Official OneSAF Collaborative Developer FY07 focus was to “swap” OTB out & replace with OneSAF (i.e., maintain same interface functionality with MATREX components). All “Swap” interface work completed as planned & delivered to PM OneSAF in “Handover Package” on 31 Jul 07. All MATREX code changes were integrated into OneSAF (OF) v1.5 & remain part of OF baseline. Will be used with MATREX v3.0 release (due out 25 Jan 08). Training User: M-Prime personnel trained in May 07 Developer: 4 M-Prime & 15 lab personnel from most labs trained in March & June 07 (MATREX funded 5 in March & 10 in June)
MATREX OneSAF Collaborative Development
Coordination Across U.S. Army RDECOM Labs and Centers Interoperability Through HLA RTI Rapid Deployment Using Protocore Coordinated Simulation Event Management Message Transceiver Service (MTS, delivery) HLA RTI Situational Awareness Sissemination Service (SANDS, COP Mgt) Intrinsic Services Dynamic Organization Service (DOS, topologies) Proxy Services Organic Communication Service (OCS, translation) Relative Roles Service (R2S) Interface To High-Fidelity Models in MATREX Simulation Event Management Missile Server (MSLS) Damage Effects Server (DES) Armaments Server (ARMS) Comprehensive Munitions and Sensor Simulation (CMS2) C3 Human Performance Model (C3HPM) Network Effects Command and Control (NEC2)
MATREX OneSAF Update (continued)
FY08 Focus: MATREX SE Team will lead putting together an “Architecture Roadmap” for full integration of OneSAF Include addressing items currently designated as “Architectural Issues,” such as: Simulation initialization / Event Management synchronization with the MATREX paradigm Mixed resolution & mixed fidelity modeling SA/COP integration Behavior integration & orchestration with HC-NEBC etc. Address SSS Statements that OneSAF needs to meet, including via modifications to OneSAF On IDE:
MATREX OneSAF Update (continued)
FY08 Focus (continued): Possible “Facilitated Model Review” on priority basis w/ each individual RDECOM lab to examine tighter integration of their component(s) with/into OneSAF. Continue to support Cross-RDECOM OneSAF Collaborative Development Team (next slide) Weekly coordination telecons MATREX OneSAF developer resources will support individual RDECOM lab OneSAF developers as they start to develop OneSAF code Possible Advanced (Level 3) Developer’s Training Possible addition of OneSAF s/w development & CM tools to MATREX IDE to support coordinated cross-RDECOM development of OneSAF code as well as Handover Packages to PM OneSAF.
MATREX OneSAF Transition Current Task Organization
Project Lead Chris Metevier (Govt) 3CE Lead Susan Harkrider PM OneSAF Chief Engineer Oanh Tran (Govt) Systems Engineers Bonnie Eifert & Donnie Palmer (Govt) Deputy Project Lead Don Logston PM OneSAF Lead Engineer Hy Ly (Govt) Programmatic Team Technical Team SE Lead S. Antommarchi Architecture Lead Scott Gallant Configuration Mgt Lead Sylvie Platre Design & Development Lead Gary Smith Integration & Test Lead Karla Pereira Core MATREX OneSAF Transition Team 3CE Partners: ATEC TRADOC (BLCSE) FCS LSI PM OneSAF Team Lead Eric Root OneSAF: Rodney Angry Karyn Eusey Jim Page III Mike Dayton Kim Speck AMS: Jason Rupert ARMS: Leslie Tasey VDMS: C. Kaniarz CMS2/CMS/UC Tim Collins HC-NEBC / C3HPM C. Dunmire Tim Lee Joshua Walters Indiv. Combatant: Dave Tucker Von Ly MMIC/Protocore: Keith Snively CBRN: Chris Goughan Mike O’Conner Derrick Briscoe Joshua Combs NEC2 / EE / WI: Lewis Harmon (TBD) SNE/Weather: Bonnie Eifert Ed Sears SimInit: Charles Budde MSLS: Daniel Flagg Survivability: P. Bounker Syed Mohammed Brian Kelly CATCrewstn: Kevin Hope RDA Domain Rep: John Thomas Systems Engineering: vice Hiep Tran VV&A: Charles Derrick Josh Miller C4ISR OTM TB: Art Lugo (TBD) Engin Altan (Lead) Jim Duke Rob Whitman & other OneSAF A&I Team Personnel as Needed Khoi Do (Deputy) Bob Wittman Steve Wurster James Ramsey Eric Kemmler Daphne Hurrell (Additional TBD…) (Additional TBD…) (Additional TBD…)
Conclusion MATREX is helping to advance simulation technology, infrastructure, and processes to enable better informed decision making. MATREX (RDECOM) is working with TRADOC, ATEC, and the PM FCS(BCT)/FCS LSI to build an Army solution for M&S experimentation applicable across the acquisition life cycle. MATREX is providing many of the tools and methodologies to help reduce technical, cost and schedule risk for PMs.
Acronyms 3CE – Cross-Command Collaborative Effort
ACS – Aerial Common Sensor AKO – Army Knowledge On-Line ALCES - Aggregate Level Communications Effects Service AMS – Aviation Mobility Service AMSWG – (OSD) Acquisition Modeling & Simulation Working Group ARMS – Armaments Service ATC – Automated Test Capability ATEC – Army Test and Evaluation Command ATIN – ATEC Test Integration Network AUTL – Army Universal Task List BCT – Brigade Combat Team BLCSE – Battle Lab Collaborative Simulation Environment C3HPM – Command, Control, & Communications Human Performance Model C3GRID – Command & Control, Computer GRID CES – Communications Effects Server CMS – Countermine Server CMS2 – Comprehensive Munitions & Sensor Server CSAT – C4ISR Static Analysis Tool C4ISR – Command & Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance DCARS – Data Collection, Analysis & Reporting System DCA – Data Collection & Analysis DCAT – Data Collection & Analysis Tool DES – Damage Effects Server DOTMLPF – Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel & Facilities DOS – Dynamic Organization Service DTC – Developmental Test Command DTE – Distributed Test Event DT&E – Developmental Test and Evaluation DVL – Distributed Virtual Laboratory EE – Effects Engine FCS – Future Combat Systems FOC – Full Operational Capability FOM – Federation Object Model FRP – Full Rate Production FSE – FCS Simulation Environment HLA - RTI – High Level Architecture – Run Time Interface HC-NEBC – Human Centric – Network Enabled Battle Command HPM – Human Performance Model IDE – Integrated Development Environment IOC – Initial Operational Capability IOT&E – Initial Operational Test and Evaluation IER – Information Exchange Requirement IP03 – Integrated Process 03, Networked Fires IPT – Integrated Process Team IWARS/DI – Infantry Warrior Simulation/Dismounted Infantry JCAS – Joint Close Air Support JCIDS – Joint Combat Integrated Defense System JROC – Joint Requirements Oversight Council JSBE – Joint Service Battlespace Environment KPP – Key Performance Parameters LSI – Lead Systems Integrator (FCS) LVC – Live Virtual Constructive LVCI - Live Virtual Constructive Interoperability LVS – Lethality/Vulnerability Service MATREX – Modeling Architecture for Technology, Research, & EXperimentation MC2 – Mobile Command & Control MDA – Model Driven Architecture MMIC – MATREX Middleware Independence Capability MOE – Measures of Effectiveness MOP – Measures of Performance M&S – Modeling and Simulation MSDE – Military Scenario Development Environment MSDL – Military Scenario Definition Language MSLS – Missile Service MSO – PM FCS (BCT) Modeling & Simulation Office MTS – Message Transceiver Service NCW – Network Centric Warfare NEC2 – Networked Effects Command & Control NVIG – Night Vision Image Generator OCS – Organic Communications Service OneSAF – One Semi-Automated Forces OOS – OneSAF Objective System OTB – OneSAF Testbed Baseline OTC – Operational Test Command PEO – Program Executive Office PM – Product, or Program or Project Manager R2S – Relative Roles Server RDECOM – Research, Development, & Engineering Command RDEC – Research, Development & Engineering Center S3E – Systems Engineering, Experimentation, and Enterprise SANDS – Situational Awareness Normalization & Dissemination Service SE – Systems Engineering Sim Init – Simulation Initialization SNE – Synthetic Natural Environment SoS – System of System SoSE – System of System Engineering SOSCOE – System of Systems Common Operating Environment STEM – Science and Technology Enterprise Management S&T – Science and Technology TENA – Test & Training Enabling Architecture TIE – Technical Integration Event TRADOC – Training & Doctrine Command UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UC – Universal Controller UJTL – Universal Joint Task List USAF – United States Air Force USMC – United States Marine Corps VDMS – Vehicle Dynamics & Mobility Service V&V – Verification and Validation VV&A – Verification, Validation & Accreditation WECM – Warfighter Electronic Collection and Mapping WI – Warfighter Interface
MATREX Personnel Completing OneSAF Developer’s Training
Five M-Prime & 4 NVED personnel successfully completed NVESD: MATREX: John Vintilescu, Keith Snively, Dave Itkin, Tim Good NVESD: Mike Butler, Steve Webster, Brian Sohr, Joe Brazil MWTB/UAMBL (used NVESD slot): Paul Monday Ten MATREX/RDECOM personnel successfully completed Orlando course Jun: AMRDEC: Daniel Flagg (contractor) AMSAA: Brian Kelly, (Government) vice ARDEC: Donnie Palmer, STTC (Government) ARL: Joshua Walters, (contractor) CERDEC: Art Lugo, (Government) ECBC: Derrick Briscoe, (contractor) NSRDEC: Von Ly (contractor) STTC: Bonnie Eifert (Government) TARDEC: Christina Kaniarz (Government) vice M-Prime: Joshua Combs, ECBC (Government) (vice Gallant)
The MATREX Paradigm Perspectives of the MATREX Paradigm
MATREX M&S Environment Service-Oriented Architecture Entity-level COP, distributed SA, with NCW emphasis Supports FCS LSI, 3CE, BLCSE, USAOTC, & more Distributed Virtual Laboratory Network hardware Infrastructure Interconnect RDECOM M&S activities Connect to 3CE Network (TRADOC BLCSE, ATEC ATIN, FCS LSI ) Perspectives of the MATREX Paradigm Integrated Development Environment Distributed Systems Engineering Processes and tools Collaboration within M&S development and user community To understand the scope and perspective of MATREX requires four views, physical network, or Distributed Virtual Laboratory (DVL); Distributed Systems Engineering over the Integrated Development Environment (IDE); the MATYREX composable M&S Environment (V2.2 depicted); and the collaborative MATREX M&S Event management 0process and tools. MATREX event management is being worked collaboratively with the M&S community. Functional Communications representation to model the network Human modeling to model the decision process Common Operating Picture (COP) information representation Multi-fidelity and multi-resolution functional services Interchangeable models (unmanned systems, sensors, mines, etc.) Environment Simulation Event management Centralized simulation initialization Data collection & analysis Quicker integration of new models Technical Data Distribution Management (DDM) Spatial DDM Message traffic segmentation Abstraction of the CES API to minimize impact of multiple CES models Access to information flow and fusion data at multiple points in the process Improved distributed simulation between networked labs M&S Event Management Foundation for Army M&S events Functional system design Software integration and test tools simulation middleware object model event execution services
MMIC (MATREX Middleware Independence Capability)
Objectives: Leverage existing software investments and minimize impact Provide access to various network protocol efforts in near-term and minimize work Construct a common Object Model and Code-Generate connectivity to protocols Provide a forward path for legacy object models and component models into the future Design Overview: Capture common concepts in an Object Oriented API Use code generation to generate classes for user object model components Use plug-in architecture to allow applications using the ProtoCore API to interoperate over available infrastructure. Design Features: Object-Oriented High Level API. Easier to program Object lifetimes manage object lifetimes within the simulation. Provides strong type safety, allowing more errors to be caught at compile vice runtime Reduces menial tasks, such as encoding data Plug-in Architecture Runtime configuration. Efficient in process translation. Data is not encoded or written to the network multiple times Single process to launch and monitor in the simulation Current Plug-ins: HLA 1.3 Plug-in HLA 1516 Beta Plug-in (DLC API) Prototype of TENA MW Plug-in
Quick Look Analysis Tool
MATREX Event Management Simulation Initialization Process hlaControl CSAT FSE DB MSDE MSDL MSO remote creates HLA RTI remote creates remote creates remote creates AMS C3GRID Log Serv IWARS OTB/OOS HC-NEBC ARMS CES NVTools MSLS NEC2 Prior to “standing up” a federation, an HLA/RTI federation environment design must be established which involves the following: - A detailed description of the required scenario to include the organization, composition and tactical “lay down” of the forces, units and platforms required for testing. - A computer networking sufficient to support all required Linux and Windows based federates. - A plan for distributing scenario units and entities among systems and federates. - A series of MSO File command scripts for initializing the network/federation and directing scenario preplanned actions. Once the scenario and its supporting HLA federation have been designed, three software tools, MSDE, CSAT and hlaControl, are employed to first generate then instantiate, or “stand up,” the federation. While the federation is running, to include its executing unit or platform movements and actions required to test component federates, all scenario generated data is collected with a fourth software tool, hlaResults. Lastly, a final software tool, the MATREX-Prime Integration and Test Team developed Quick Look Analysis Tool, is used to confirm the viability of the federation generated data. hlaResults Quick Look Analysis Tool
Event . . . . Advantages MATREX Event Management: Forward Look
- Design & Initialization - Execution - Data Collection & Analysis Advantages - Process-oriented - Composable federation - Multi-resolution - BCT and smaller
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