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Bermuda Triangle By, Vrishab & Sujan.

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Presentation on theme: "Bermuda Triangle By, Vrishab & Sujan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bermuda Triangle By, Vrishab & Sujan

2 The Bermuda Triangle How Many Objects Got Lost In The Bermuda Triangle The Largest Life Loss In The US Navy What Happens Inside The Bermuda Triangle Explanation Attempts Interesting Facts A Video Glossary Glossary pg. 2 10. Bibliography 11. Questions

3 The Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda triangle is also known as the Devil's triangle. It is located in the north western part of the atlantic ocean , where a large number of ships and and air crafts have disappeared in mysterious ways. The devil’s triangle is a frequently place where planes and ships come by.

4 How Many Objects Got Lost In The Bermuda Triangle
About 50 ships sank in the last 100 years About 20 planes got lost in the last century 1000 people have died or disappeared in the last 100 years

5 The largest loss of life in the US navy
The largest life loss in the US Navy is by the USS Cyclops. It was carrying a large amount of manganese ore. It went missing with 306 crew member right around march 4, 1918 after departing from Barbados. There are theories how the USS Cyclops sank, like wild storms or it might be wartime activity. The two Cyclops sisters (Proteus and Nereus) also got lost in the north atlantic ocean during world war II. They both were also carrying a large amount of metallic ore that was equivalent to what the USS Cyclops was carrying. After people thought it might of sank because of too much ore that made it have lots of weight and sank.

6 What happens in the Bermuda Triangle
Inside the bermuda triangle you will lose signal. Some of the reasons ships sunk in water is because in water there are little spikes that come out. Those spikes are very strong and sharp and they can cut through metal and other objects very easily. There are also signal blockers(a signal that makes compass out of control) and that makes the pilot nervous. Scientists still don’t know why it only happens in the devil’s triangle and not some place else.

7 Explanation Attempts Alien abduction : Some people think that aliens might of abduct the aircraft's like Flight 19 that most people thought was abducted by aliens. Violent weather: Humans think that a water sprout comes and sucks up the aircraft's and the kraken comes and takes the ship down. After those theories people wondered when a ship was found that is 90 years old, and it is alive but no crew and people there. Then people thought of more theories like , the ship gets invisible and comes out whenever it wants. Another theory is that aliens abducted the crew and put the ship back.

8 Interesting Facts 1. The reputation of the Devil's triangle started when Christopher Columbus saw Strange lights in 1492! 2. The Bermuda triangle was found in 1964. 3. The first newspaper that was printed for the Bermuda triangle was in 1952.

9 Here is a Video!

10 Glossary PG2 Abduction means taking someone away
Flight 19 is plane that got lost in the bermuda triangle. Water sprouts are a water tornado Kraken is a mythical creature Reputation means having a habit of doing something Christopher Columbus is a famous explorer

11 Glossary Frequently: Frequently means often.
Century: Century means 100 years. USS Cyclops: USS Cyclops is a type of ship. Manganese: Manganese is an important component for steel. Ore: Ore is another word for mineral. Metallic: Metallic is a type of metal. Equivalent: Equivalent is another word for similar.

12 Bibliography

13 Any Questions ?

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