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ELICiT Workshop THERMAG VII, September 14th 2016

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1 ELICiT Workshop THERMAG VII, September 14th 2016
Magnetic cooling engine for domestic refrigeration appliances Turin, Italy ELICiT Workshop THERMAG VII, September 14th 2016

2 Sustainable Energy-efficient compact magnetic cooling refrigeration for everyone.
Shareholders Camfridge’s mission and technology has been strongly supported by

3 High-volume Market opportunity
There are 1.4 billion domestic cooling appliances worldwide Domestic refrigeration appliances consume 5-7% of all electricity Average appliance efficiency is only 10% All of them use gas compressors. 61% of the 200 million units sold annually world-wide still use high-GWP gases (HFCs)

4 Domestic refrigerator functional view
A domestic refrigerator (both gas compressor based and magnetically cooled) can be modeled as composed by: One “energy conversion device” (i.e. the cooling engine, the heat exchangers and the temperature control system) One “passive system” (i.e. the insulated cold-box) Control system Magnetic cooling engine Cold exchanger Pump Hot exchanger

5 The design challenge of the energy conversion device of a refrigerator

6 Camfridge design approach
Magnetism Fluid dynamics Thermodynamics Modelling CAD LCA Computer-Aided Design Specifications for materials (TC, machinability, …), heat exchangers, pump, … Prototypes assembly and test using available industrially manufactured MCE material

7 How LCA analysis helped to nudge the engineering choice: example of ferrite vs NdFeB permanent magnet (1/2) At thermag VI in September 2014 was announced that Ferrite for permanent magnet assemblies was an option to be studied due to low cost of Ferrite. Ferrite NdFeB cost +++ --- weight - + power density -- ++ So, Good idea for reducing the costs. But from an environmental point of view?

8 How LCA analysis helped to nudge the engineering choice: example of permanent magnet ferrite vs NdBFe (2/2) Source: Impact assessment for ferrite motor (red) and NdFeB motor (green) assemblies using TRACI J. Navarro, F. Zhao, J. Sutherland, “Comparative LCA of NdFeB and ferrite motors used in microfabrication industry”, IWMF 2014, 9th international workshop on microfactories, October 5-8, 2014, Honolulu

9 The process in practise
The bulk material from material suppliers Proven highly scalable industrial manufacturing processes Shaping and assembling Designed to fit domestic appliances

10 Energy conversion device T span measurements in some operational environments
Cascade of 5 TC MCE Time By virtue of the materials incorporated, the Energy Conversion Device achieve 15K operating span (18°C on hot side, 3°C on the cold side) vs expected 18K (1°C to 19°C). Current optimization activities are on-going.

11 Magnetic refrigeration industry value chain for high-volume market
Electric motor pump manufactures Heat exchanger manufacturers ... OEM components Key component Manufacturing and reference machine design Bulk refrigerant material Cooling machine System Assembly End user: consumer Distribution Consumer Assembling tier 1 supplier of system manufacturer Fridge manufacturers

12 Services Revenue growth: Technology validation (R&D)
Camfridge Market exploitation plan 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Services Revenue growth: Evaluate, Design, Test IP Licensing revenues growth Technology validation (R&D) Forecasted magnetic refrigeration technology market growth (98.7% CAGR) End Dec. 31st 2016 Customers will have a complete refrigeration system to test for a certain period of time USD$ M Start on Oct. 1st 2016 duration 30 months

13 Novel green/advanced technology challenge for commercial success
Technical challenges - e.g. compactness Compartmentalized thinking / Inertial behaviour Big organization Innovation Governance should be able to catch the value of new opportunities Systemic complexity It takes time to deploy a new technology Legislation plays a fundamental role Scale matters Head-on competition - cost, environmental impact, efficiency of the complete system Attractiveness for the investors Clear Business model and Market introduction Change of paradigm (eg. From “market growth” to “market shift”) Technical Challenges Solar cell technology has undoubtedly advanced, but it still faces technological hurdles to improving efficiency. Similarly, battery technology, which is critical for electric vehicles, is coming up against natural chemical boundaries. Fuel cells, elements of the smart grid, and wind turbines all run into technological problems. Systemic Complexity Promising technologies fail is that they are rarely “plug compatible” with existing value chains. For example Hydrogen-powered fuel cells where the refueling station problem is a well-known barrier to hydrogen adoption. Hydrogen production is also a problem Head-on competition head-on competition with established technologies. When a technology is forced into direct competition against an established foe, it will be adopted only if it is more cost and performance-effective than the established technology in the markets where it is being used. This creates enormous barriers against commercial success. New technologies have much better success rates when they are aimed initially at nonconsumers—those who are not consuming the existing products or services because of lack of wealth, expertise, or access. These nonconsumers often embrace products with limited functionality or quality, because they are superior to the alternative: no product at all. Customers don’t want it Consumers will change their behavior only if the technology helps them accomplish a job they were already trying to do. Incumbent fossil sources set the standard for competition • Unrecognized truths to transformation • It takes decades to deploy a new technology • The world is used to the current energy and feedstock infrastructure that was put over a century • Scale makes small company success challenging • Fundamental engineering and judgment is crucial to long term innovation • Can society afford to pay for a different solution? Customers want it? Awareness, status

14 Environmental credentials of the technology based on LCA
Energy conversion device prototype first demonstration in some operational environments. Demonstration of highly scalable industrial processes for manufacturing a compact and low cost magnetic cooling engine for high-efficiency domestic appliances. Environmental credentials of the technology based on LCA Clear Commercial Exploitation plan Contacts: #MagneticCooling

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