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A Campus Design Example Agricultural University IP design

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1 A Campus Design Example Agricultural University IP design - 2001
Supported protocols – IPV4, IPV6 Intranet – No Internal is modeled after Internet which scales.


3 Clean API Who owns what and who is responsible Topology Simple, easy to maintain even in daytime, redundant if possible Economy Expand when there is need or a good opportunity Standard Design based on standards. Benefit from market competion. Avoid propitary solutions. Make this more than words

4 Routing. BGP4 peering with ISP's OSPFV2 internal Router discovery with servers, hosts OSPFV3 (IPv6) Strategi IP-numbers, AS-numbers Address map LIR? Net security Distributed. Only few central filters

5 Local peering With other University and companies. Local cooperation. Host. Moving all towards DHCP Collaboration, Own planning, own staff is running the network Own competence – No consultants

6 Network and AS boarder GigaSUNET UU SLU2 SLU1 80.74/32 80.73/32 HVC DC
88.49/30 88.33/30 130. 242. DMZ UU/ITS ultKC-gw 127.54 Switch HVC KC e0 knutpunkt /24 88.50/30 e1 .5 .4 e5 e1 88.34/30 e5 Network and AS boarder e1 127.82 e4 e4 127.81 ultGC-gw ultgw-2 1 1 ultgw-1 127.61 127.2 96.2 e3 /24 e3 96.61 127.1 GC e8 3 e3 HVC 1 98.2 e6 /24 e6 98.61 DC 3 e0 127.58 e7 127.17 e9 127.69 127.57 e2 127.53 127.45 e2 e3 ultrouter7 127.7 127.62 HVC 3 e0 127.18 2 e0 127.46 1 e10 127.21 ultrouter8 e9 127.8 e0 HVC DC skara-gw 1 e1 127.13 34 Mb e2 /24 e3 e0 127.14 e1 127.70 ultrouter9 1 3 127.85 e2 ultrouter6 2 127.9 127.22 3 3 127.6 e10 HVC 118.1 127.86 DC e3 e0

7 BGP policy routing ISP's (SUNET) and peering point. GigaSUNET UU SLU2
80.74/32 80.73/32 HVC DC 88.49/30 88.33/30 130. 242. DMZ UU/ITS ultKC-gw 127.54 Switch HVC KC e0 knutpunkt /24 88.50/30 e1 .5 .4 e5 e1 88.34/30 e5 e1 127.82 e4 e4 127.81 ultGC-gw ultgw-2 1 1 ultgw-1 127.61 127.2 96.2 e3 /24 e3 96.61 127.1 GC e8 3 e3 HVC 1 98.2 e6 /24 e6 98.61 DC 3 e0 127.58 e7 127.17 e9 127.69 BGP policy routing ISP's (SUNET) and peering point. 127.57 e2 127.53 127.45 e2 e3 ultrouter7 127.7 127.62 3 e0 127.18 HVC 2 e0 127.46 1 e10 127.21 ultrouter8 e9 127.8 e0 HVC DC skara-gw 1 e1 127.13 34 Mb e2 /24 e3 e0 127.14 e1 127.70 ultrouter9 1 3 127.85 e2 ultrouter6 2 127.9 127.22 3 3 127.6 e10 HVC 118.1 127.86 DC e3 e0

8 Redundant Internal core GigaSUNET UU SLU2 SLU1 80.74/32 80.73/32 HVC
DC 88.49/30 88.33/30 130. 242. DMZ UU/ITS ultKC-gw 127.54 Switch HVC KC e0 knutpunkt /24 88.50/30 e1 .5 .4 e5 e1 88.34/30 e5 e1 127.82 e4 e4 127.81 ultGC-gw ultgw-2 1 1 ultgw-1 127.61 127.2 96.2 e3 /24 e3 96.61 127.1 GC e8 3 e3 HVC 1 98.2 e6 /24 e6 98.61 DC 3 e0 127.58 e7 127.17 Redundant Internal core e9 127.69 127.57 e2 127.53 127.45 e2 e3 ultrouter7 127.7 127.62 3 e0 127.18 HVC 2 e0 127.46 1 e10 127.21 ultrouter8 e9 127.8 e0 HVC DC skara-gw 1 e1 127.13 34 Mb e2 /24 e3 e0 127.14 e1 127.70 ultrouter9 1 3 127.85 e2 ultrouter6 2 127.9 127.22 3 3 127.6 e10 HVC 118.1 127.86 DC e3 e0

9 Redundant server connection via router discovery GigaSUNET UU SLU2
80.74/32 80.73/32 HVC DC 88.49/30 88.33/30 130. 242. DMZ UU/ITS ultKC-gw 127.54 Switch HVC KC e0 knutpunkt /24 88.50/30 e1 .5 .4 e5 e1 88.34/30 e5 e1 127.82 e4 e4 127.81 ultGC-gw ultgw-2 1 1 ultgw-1 127.61 127.2 96.2 e3 /24 e3 96.61 127.1 GC e8 3 e3 HVC 1 98.2 e6 /24 e6 98.61 DC 3 e0 127.58 e7 127.17 e9 127.69 127.57 e2 127.53 127.45 e2 Redundant server connection via router discovery e3 ultrouter7 127.7 127.62 HVC 3 e0 127.18 2 e0 127.46 1 e10 127.21 ultrouter8 e9 127.8 e0 HVC DC skara-gw 1 e1 127.13 34 Mb e2 /24 e3 e0 127.14 e1 127.70 ultrouter9 1 3 127.85 e2 ultrouter6 2 127.9 127.22 3 3 127.6 e10 HVC 118.1 127.86 DC e3 e0


11 Most parts are Open Source
Open-Source implementation bifrost quagga

12 Future work WLAN architecture User and/or distributed access-filters

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