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The Institute for Molecular Diversity & Drug Design

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1 The Institute for Molecular Diversity & Drug Design
Institute for Molecular Diversity & Drug Design Faculty: Paula J. Bates, Associate Professor of Medicine, Brown Cancer Center Douglas Borchman, Professor of Ophthalmology Robert M. Buchanan, Professor of Chemistry Albert R. Cunningham, Associate Professor of Medicine, Brown Cancer Center Douglas S. Darling, Professor of Oral Health & Rehabilitation Teresa W. Fan, Associate Professor of Chemistry Gabino Rafael Fernandez-Botran, Associate Professor of Pathology Gerald B. Hammond, Professor of Chemistry Chuan Hu, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Saeed A. Jortani, Assistant Professor of Pathology Sham S. Kakar, Professor of Medicine, Brown Cancer Center Kyung A. Kang, Professor of Chemical Engineering Nancy C. Martin, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Manuel Martinez-Maldonado, Executive Vice President for Research Muriel C. Maurer, Associate Professor of Chemistry Donald M. Miller, Director, J. Graham Brown Cancer Center Eugene G. Mueller, Professor of Chemistry Michael H. Nantz, Professor of Chemistry George R. Pack, Professor and Chairman of Chemistry William M. Pierce, Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology John F. Richardson, Professor of Chemistry David J. Samuelson, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology James W. Snyder, Professor of Pathology K. Grant Taylor, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry John O. Trent, Associate Professor of Medicine, Brown Cancer Center Roland Valdes, Jr., Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine James L. Wittliff, Professor of Biochemistry, Brown Cancer Center M. Cecilia Yappert, Professor of Chemistry Xiang Zhang, Associate Professor of Chemistry The Institute for Molecular Diversity & Drug Design Symposium 2010 Tools & Strategies for Discovery: Stem Cells, Cytogenetics & Chemical Probes Special Thanks: Martin Bonick, President, Jewish Hospital Medical Center Bill Blair, Hank Wagner Conference Center Bonnie Harvey, Hank Wagner Conference Center Mitzie Wittliff, Hormone Receptor Laboratory Sponsors: Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services Peptides International, Inc. UofL College of Arts & Sciences UofL Hormone Receptor Laboratory UofL Office of the Vice President for Research UofL School of Medicine Hank Wagner Conference Center Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services Abraham Flexner Way Tuesday, March 9, :00 AM – 2:00 PM Symposium Organizing Committee: James L. Wittliff, Chair K. Grant Taylor M. Cecilia Yappert Sarah A. Andres Poster Judging Committee: Douglas Borchman, Chair

2 Hank Wagner Conference Center at Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services
The Institute for Molecular Diversity & Drug Design (IMD3) 12th Annual Symposium Tools & Strategies for Discovery: Stem Cells, Cytogenetics & Chemical Probes Hank Wagner Conference Center at Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services Distinguished Visiting Speakers: Heinz-Ulrich (Ulli) Weier - Trained first in biophysics at the University of Hanover in Germany, Dr. Weier began developing new approaches in molecular cytogenetics while a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California at San Francisco and UC Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. In 1994, he joined the Life Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where his research team investigates a range of topics including the existence of small cryptic translocations undetected in the genomes of individuals with a normal phenotype or in diseases, such as mental retardation, impaired fertility, pre-cancerous lesions, or early stage cancer. He is widely regarded for contributions to our understanding of the role of structural alterations and chromosomal imbalances in disease predictions. Gary D. Smith – Director, Reproductive Sciences Program and Co-Director of the Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies, University of Michigan, Dr. Smith’s laboratory studies the regulation of mammalian gamete and embryo development and function. He completed Ph.D. and Postdoctoral training at Washington State University and the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, respectively. Investigations focus on regulation of oocyte meiosis and chromatin segregation, male and female gamete cryopreservation and subsequent intracellular function, while integrating microfluidics and artificial matrices/scaffolds in gamete, embryo and human embryonic stem cell isolation, culture, and selection. His team’s mission is to introduce new, or improve existing, means of preserving fertility or treating infertility. Laura L. Kiessling - Her internationally recognized laboratory focuses on an understanding of the processes involved in biomolecular recognition with emphasis on the chemistry and biology of protein-saccharide interactions. She received her undergraduate training in Chemistry at MIT and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Yale University where she worked with Stuart L. Schreiber on the synthesis of anti-tumor natural products. Her postdoctoral training at Cal Tech with Peter B. Dervan led her to explore the recognition of duplex DNA through triple helix formation. Professor Kiessling joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Recently inducted into the National Academy of Sciences, her many honors and awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship, an ACS Frances P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal, the Harrison-Howe Award, an Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award and a Horrace S. Isabell Award. 8:00 AM Poster Setup & Continental Breakfast 8:45 AM Welcome: James L. Wittliff Chair: Paula J. Bates 9:00 AM From Molecules to Man: The Increasing Role of Molecular Cytogenetics in Disease Diagnostics and Therapy Heinz-Ulrich (Ulli) Weier, Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 9:50 AM Break & Poster Viewing Chair: M. Cecilia Yappert 10:30 AM Integrating Bioengineering, Material Sciences and Stem Cells Gary D. Smith, Biointerfacing, Director of Reproductive Sciences Program, University of Michigan 11:20 AM Chemical Probes of Carbohydrate Biosynthesis in Mycobacteria Laura L. Kiessling, Professor & MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin 12:10 PM Closing Remarks & Poster Winners K. Grant Taylor, Douglas Borchman & James L. Wittliff 12:30 PM Reception & Poster Viewing

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