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Presentation on theme: "ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION"— Presentation transcript:

Do we make a difference? Alex F. DeNoble, Ph.D. and Gangaram Singh, Ph.D. San Diego State University

2 The Big Picture Before they begin the program
When they leave the program During the program

3 Who are the candidates for the program?
Difference – to what? Who are the candidates for the program? KSAOs Behavior Entrepreneurial orientation Innovativeness Risk-taking propensity Pro-activeness Entrepreneurial intelligence (?) Entrepreneurial Mindset Entrepreneurial competence

4 Competency Approach Individual characteristics: Organizational success
Demographics Psychological and behavioral characteristics Managerial skills Technical know-how Organizational success

5 Competency Approach in Entrepreneurship
Serial Grow and sell Grow and keep Venture-backed model Lifestyle Franchise Individual characteristics: Demographics Psychological and behavioral characteristics Managerial skills Technical know-how Organizational success Start own venture Start in venture within an organization Consult on how to start and grow venture

6 Back to the Big Picture Before they begin the program
When they leave the program During the program Outcomes: Achieving standards of competencies Impacts: Transfer of competencies and success of the entrepreneurial venture Process: Task or behavior leading to competencies Inputs: Antecedents of competencies Admission Curriculum Success

7 Entrepreneurial Compentency
Competitive scope Opportunity, relationship, and conceptual Strategic and commitment Entrepreneurial competencies Success Organizing, relationship, and conceptual Organizational capability Adapted from: Man, T. and Chan, T. (2002). The competitiveness of SMEs: A conceptualization with focus on entrepreneurial competencies. Journal of Business Venturing 17:

8 Before we depart from competencies though:
General entrepreneurial competencies “Domain-specific” competencies Corporate Lifestyle Family Serial Franchise Social International …

9 Example: International Entrepreneurial Competencies …
Intra-personal competence Meaning and spirit Learning and growth Self-knowledge Health Inter-personal competence Relationship (work and family) Communication Cultural awareness (own and others) Language Organizational competence Global and local integration Business and professional expertise Organizational design Organizational leadership Multicultural communication and cooperation Source: Hinckley, S. and Perl, V. (1996). The competence of the global manager. Global Management 1:

10 Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Assessment (Evaluation)

11 Assessment: Before they begin the program
Did we get those who are “capable” of acquiring the competencies? Tough question (what do you use right now?) If no, then “close that loop” – implications for admission … we should not set ourselves up for failure If yes, then how do they score on the competencies (base line) In reference to: General management cohort Business administration cohort  We need a control group at some point in time

12 Assessment: During the program
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Program Each course Are the SLOs tied to entrepreneurial competencies? If no, then … If yes, then measure … An evaluator can help to track this information, especially to aggregate course SLOs, to program SLOs, and then to entrepreneurial competencies …

13 Assessment: At the end of the program
Reaction: Did they like it? Necessary because can affect higher levels Learning: Take measure of competencies (as before the program) Compare before/after scores Compare before/after with comparison (or control) group Levels 1 and 2 Reaction and Learning

14 Assessment: After they leave the program
Transfer: Did they transfer what they learned into practice? Results: Did it result in organizational success How about the control group? NOTE: For these levels, you need a tracking system Webportals with automatic trigger to complete Levels 3 and 4 Transfer and Results

15 Closing the Loop Corrective action
Assessment should not be a onetime thing Some particularly exciting emerging issues … A better fit upfront (assessment and admission) Curriculum: Principles of excellence High Impact Learning Assessment and closing the loop Using technology to make assessment easier Our goal is to “make a difference”


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