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Word Formation within the AIESEC Culture

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1 Word Formation within the AIESEC Culture
Facilitated by Jovana Mirchevska

2 What is AIESEC? AIESEC is a non-political, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management.

3 AIESEC Regions  AIESEC is present in 128 countries and all the LCs are divided into regions. There are 6 growth regions in the AIESEC network. 1.Africa 2. AP – Asia Pacific 3. CEE- Central and Eastern Europe 4. IGN - Ibero-American Growth Network 5. MENA- Middle East and North Africa 6. WENA- West Europe and North America

4 BHAG(Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal): Engage and develop every young person in the world.
The world is full of complex challenges that need better leadership to address them. Our belief is that responsible and entrepreneurial leadership can help us solve many of today’s challenges. Every year, we facilitate tens of thousands of life- changing experiences for students and recent graduates. Ranging from professional internships, volunteering experiences, or being a member of AIESEC, we offer young people a chance to discover their leadership potential.

5 AI-AIESEC International
NST – National Support Team MC- Member’s Committee LC- Local Committee EB- Executive Board PBOX- Project Based On Exchange JD- Job Description FA- Functional Areas

6 FA(Functional Areas) TM – Talent Management OGX – Outgoing Exchange
ICX- Incoming Exchange ER/BD- External Relations / Business Development F&L –Finance & Legality IM- Information Management MKT- Marketing

7 AIESEC Structure TM – Team Member TL- Team Leader
LCVP- Local Committee Vice President LCP- Local Committee President MCVP- Member’s Committee Vice President MCP- Member’s Committee President

8 GCDP (Global Community Development Program)
GCDP is an opportunity for young people to develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership by creating direct positive impact through an international volunteer experience. Duration: 6-8 Weeks Fee: 100 euro Accommodation and food (mostly) is covered; Travel and visa costs are not covered

9 GIP (Global Internship Program)
GIP is a program that gives young people the opportunity to take on a cross-cultural professional development experience with successful companies from around the world. (GE) Duration: 2-18 Months Fee: 150 euro Accommodation and food costs are not covered The intern receives salary Work in companies Duration: 2-18 Months Fee: 150 euro Accommodation and food costs are not covered The intern receives salary Work in companies

10 Set clear expectations for each part involved in the exchange program.
OPS (Outgoing Preparation Seminar) Prepare the EP for his AIESEC Experience Ensure that all of the logistics are planned Explanation of the Inner and Outer Journey Motivate the EP for success EP (Exchange Participant) OPP( Opportunity) XPP (Exchange Program Policy) Law of the exchange Set the responsibilities that each entity is accountable for. Ensure the quality of the internship program. Set clear expectations for each part involved in the exchange program. Offer clear guidelines on how to manage every issue that can arise. EPOD(Exchange Participant Orientation Day) to prepare and motivate all applicants to find their AIESEC internship Skills taught through the EPOD: Communication Time and Stress Management How to write a CV Video Cover Letter Skype Interview Training NPS(Net Promoter Score ) Measures the loyalty that exists between a provider and a consumer. The provider can be a company, employer or any other entity. The provider is the entity that is asking the questions on the NPS survey. The consumer is the customer, employee, or respondent to an NPS survey.

11 AIESEC Conferences MOSEM – Macedonian Open Seminar for Education and Motivation MILDS- Macedonian International Leadership Development Seminar PlanCo – Planning Conference IPM- International Presidents Meeting Conference Manager Agenda Managers FACI – Facilitator OC –Organizing Committee OCP- Organizing Committee President

12 Thank you for your attention 

13 ?

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