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Preparing for adult life – Moving on from further education

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1 Preparing for adult life – Moving on from further education

2 SCHEDULE – Welcome and Tea/Coffee Scones – Presentation from Hackney Learning Trust’s Education, Health & Care Planning Team – Introduction to a number of support employment providers – Opportunities to speak directly with a number of organisations – Questions presented to our post-16 panel

3 What is the purpose of this morning?
To assist young people and parents in making decisions beyond college For young people and parents to know that they are not alone. There are many support services available to help with decision making. For young people and parents to find out about supported employment providers To clarify expectations of education up to 25

4 Exercise 1 Think about the following questions in groups or pairs using the preparation for adulthood headings: Write down your answers to the following: What does your son/daughter want when they leave college? What does he/she need to do to get there? Who can support with making these decisions? What would you like for your son or daughter to be doing in 2 years time?

5 Preparing for Adulthood

6 Thinking about the future TOGETHER:
Young people are at the heart of this process. They should be assumed to be able to make their own decisions - unless proven otherwise. Leaving college can be exciting with suitable planning! Information about the future should be given in a way each young person can understand best. Find out about what they would like after college. Employment? All possible support must be provided to think about the future Decisions on behalf of every young person must be in their best interests if they lack the capacity to do so.

7 Who can help young people and families with making decisions?
Prospects offer careers advice for young people and families with SEN

A free confidential service offering support to parents and carers of children with special educational needs Hackney SENDIAGS Ann Tayler Children’s Centre 1-13 Triangle Road, off Westgate Street London E8 3RP Tel:

9 Transition Health Outreach Team
The Transition Health Outreach Team work with people who have moderate learning disabilities, Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome and/or a physical disability who need some help to be healthier, happier and more independent. The transition health outreach team can help young people develop ‘Health Action Plans’ to help think about a young person’s life and how healthy they are and ask to speak to one of the Transition Health Outreach workers

10 Adult Social CARE Adult Social Care provide services for young people aged over 18 with physical and sensory disabilities, learning difficulties or mental health problems and those who are no longer able to manage without help. If eligible for support, adult social care will develop a care and support plan to help meet your support needs Your allocated worker will discuss with you how best to support by providing information and referring you to appriopriate services to help maximise independence Based at Hackney Service Centre – Referral can be found on Icare

11 Hackney’s LOCAL OFFER

12 Supported employment providers
What are they? Supported employment providers assist people with disabilities who need extra support to move towards and into work Young people are generally required to have an Education, Health & Care Plan Supported employment programmes may offer: Disability employment advisors Flexible and vocational skills courses Working with employers and finding work Job coaching

13 The TOWER PROJECT The key aims of the Tower Project are to enable and empower people with disabilities to develop opportunities, become independent, participate fully in education, employment and have a voice in the community. The Tower Project offer a one year supported internship which is designed to help young people to get into employment All clients have an employment advisor Young people do work placements within the community Aim to get young people a part/full time job by end of programme Placements include Toynbee Hall, Richmix Eastend and Sand Film Studios

14 The Harington Project Aims to provide young people who have learning difficulties or disabilities with life skills and vocational training that will enable them to participate more fully in living and working in the community Offer a gardening, retail and employability programme Every learner has an individual programme of activities to support personal development Support in finding young people jobs

15 Steps into work – Supported Internship with GLL LEISURE CENTRE
Steps Into Work runs a supported internship based at the employer GLL Leisure Centre. This is a one year course for people aged with an Education, Health & Care Plan who want to get a paid job and need support to do this. 3 days a week is spent in work placements including Hackney Marshes Centre, Mild End Leisure Centre, York Hall, The Waterfront and London Aquatic Centre. Interns are supported by a tutor, job buddy and job coach

16 Volunteering Matters Volunteering matters work in partnership with local organisations and businesses to help disabled people actively volunteer (via supported volunteering if necessary) and contribute to their community. They believe that having a physical or learning disability shouldn’t prevent anyone from volunteering. We offer support placements in many different work environments such as retail, gardening, and hospitals. Volunteering Matters also run flexible training and skills courses, that focus on skills such as socialising, travelling independently, keeping healthy and safe, and many more. Our programmes help to improve social and employability skills, help participants gain confidence and ultimately change lives.

17 Hackney One Team Hackney One Team offers supported employment service for Hackney people with learning disabilities Supported employment agency specialising in placing people with learning disabilities into paid employment. The service helps with job searches, applications, CV’s and preparation for interviews as well as providing one to one job coaching at the workplace. Hackney One Team provide support for young people (16-25 years) with a learning difficulty who want to work. This area of the Hackney One Team's work is called the "Preparation for Adulthood (Transition) Programme".

18 Education up to 25? There is not an automatic entitlement to education until 25 it is based on progression ‘Where a young person is aged over 18, the local authority must consider whether the young person requires additional time, in comparison to the majority of others of the same age who do not have special educational needs, complete their education or training. Remaining in formal education or training should help young people to achieve education and training outcomes, building on what they have learned before and preparing them for adult life.’ Hackney Learning Trust have a panel in which decisions regarding funding for further education are made. Further education should be building on a young person’s existing skills and meeting their aspirations

19 Next Steps? Spend time speaking to the supported employment providers and other organisations Explore some of the support services on if you feel you need support Go to visit some of the providers If the provider feels that can offer the programme to your son or daughter/contact Hackney Learning Trust’s Education, Health & Care Planning If Hackney agree with your request, the provider will be named on your son/daughter’s Education, Health & Care Plan for September 2017.

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