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Presentation on theme: "PDSA - CONTINUOUS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING"— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA Enhancements to the SIP Process Data Analytics Status of Plan Requirements PDSA Resources SIP Revision

3 Current level of implementation (Needs Assessment)
ENHANCEMENTS TO THE SIP PROCESS Utilization of multiple data points within all indicators and objectives Current level of implementation (Needs Assessment) Indicators aligned to the Needs Assessment, with recommended tasks Description of “How it will look when it is fully implemented” Quarterly monitoring comments using guiding questions Posted to school websites, quarterly CHANGES IN THE PLANS

4 DATA ANALYTICS The Why Mission: Empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. Goal 1: Develop knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, creators and contributors.

5 What needs do we have moving forward?
DATA ANALYTICS Goal 1: Develop knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, creators and contributors. To what extent do we have the practices and outcomes in place to accomplish this goal? What needs do we have moving forward?

6 Areas to consider when conducting a needs assessment:
Data Analytics Areas to consider when conducting a needs assessment: Student achievement/outcomes Perceptions Demographics Process

7 Student achievement (SOL pass rates, SPBQ report)
Data Analytics Student achievement (SOL pass rates, SPBQ report) What are the overall student achievement levels across the content areas? To what extent are we achieving outcomes for all students? Are there achievement gaps? Within the content areas, are there certain standards that represent strengths and areas for growth?

8 Other Student Outcomes
Data Analytics Other Student Outcomes Discipline (suspension/disproportionality rates) Are we producing disproportionate discipline outcomes for the student groups? If so, why? Graduation (High Schools) What is our overall graduation rate? Are we producing different outcomes for the student groups? If so, why?

9 Perceptions (student and staff surveys)
Data Analytics Perceptions (student and staff surveys) What does our survey data indicate about the climate in our school? Do students feel we have high expectations for all students? Do we provide equitable supports for all students? To what extent do we treat students fairly?

10 Data Analytics Process (Brightbytes, walkthroughs, lesson plan review, CLT and PD notes) IE06-The principal keeps a focus on instructional improvement and student learning outcomes. Lesson planning Lesson delivery CLTs PD

11 Process (walkthroughs)
Data Analytics Process (walkthroughs) Which practices are areas of strength and areas for growth? What are the implications for PD?

12 Process (monitoring comments from SIP, IIM tool) TA01-Identification
Data Analytics Process (monitoring comments from SIP, IIM tool) TA01-Identification TA02-Interventions TA03-Monitoring Do our monitoring comments indicate that we identify, provide interventions for and monitor progress for students groups with the greatest needs?

13 Demographics (District/School Profile on LCPS website)
Data Analytics Demographics (District/School Profile on LCPS website) What are the characteristics of our student body? Are we seeing any trends by ethnic group, ELL, IEP or economically disadvantaged status? Are there any implications for staffing and other processes?

Designed around the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Framework. Provided to all stakeholders, including School Board Used to drive discussions surrounding Continuous School Improvement Identification of Indicators based on Needs Assessment

15 PDSA - Continuous School Improvement Directions PDSA Plan Components
PDSA RESOURCES PDSA Cycle PDSA - Continuous School Improvement Directions PDSA Plan Components SIP Export Document School Improvement website:

16 SIP Revision - Update Current Level of Implementation for Objectives
Go to Assess in Indistar. Click on Indicators Assessed. Select the Indicator to update. Edit Part 4 (Please describe the current level of development or implementation.) using the PDSA Plan Components Guiding Questions Click Save This Indicator.

17 SIP Revision - Update “How it will look…” for Each Objective
Go to Create in Indistar. Select the Indicator to update. Click Edit Update part 2 using the “How it will look…” section on the PDSA Plan Components resource. Update the date for part 3 to June 9, 2017. Click Save.

18 SIP Revision - Create 2016-2017 Tasks Each Objective
In Create, select the Indicator. Click Add a task.

19 SIP Revision - Close Out 2015-2016 Tasks
Go to Monitor in Indistar. Select the Indicator. Click on a task from the previous school year. Enter today’s date next to Completed date: Click Save / Update Repeat steps for all tasks in all Indicators.

20 SIP Revision - Other Set Spotlight Indicators (Refer to the SIP Export Document) Update School Contact Information (Principal and Process Manager, if applicable) Update School Team

August 8th – PVH 9-12 PM and 1-4 PM August 10th – HPM 9-12 PM and 1-4 PM August 11th - LVH 9-12 PM and 1-4 PM August 15th – RRH 9-12 PM and 1-4 PM August 16th – BRH 9-12 PM and 1-4 PM

22 Frequently Asked Questions
Walkthroughs The standard walkthrough form will be available to schools with an option to provide feedback on OTTW experiences to teachers. Schools will also be able to add items to the standard walkthrough form. There is no expectation regarding the number of walkthroughs to be conducted throughout the school year. Principals are encouraged to use walkthroughs to monitor instruction, provide reflective feedback to teachers and provide ongoing PD based on their best judgment.


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