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Political Ideology Review

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1 Political Ideology Review
Good Luck!!!

2 Is it Liberal or Conservative?
Our national government should tax less and therefore allow its citizens to decide how best to spend their own money.

3 Conservative

4 Is it Liberal or Conservative?
When companies are given more economic freedoms they create more jobs and opportunities for citizens to become prosperous.

5 Conservative

6 The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.
L or C… The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.

7 Liberal

8 L or C… Limiting the sale and possession of guns violates the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

9 Conservative

10 L or C… Our government has an obligation to provide for all of its citizens basic necessities like food and healthcare.

11 Liberal

12 Government should not censor speech, press, media or the internet.
L or C… Government should not censor speech, press, media or the internet.

13 Liberal

14 Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs.
L or C… Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs.

15 Liberal

16 Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security.
L or C… Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security.

17 Conservative

18 Replace government welfare with private charity.
L or C… Replace government welfare with private charity.

19 Conservative

20 L or C… Government regulation of business is necessary to protect the public interest

21 Liberal

22 Government regulation of business usually does more harm than good.
L or C… Government regulation of business usually does more harm than good.

23 Conservative

24 Too much power is concentrated in the hands of a few large companies.
L or C… Too much power is concentrated in the hands of a few large companies.

25 Liberal

26 Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs
L or C… Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs

27 Conservative

28 L or C… The government should help those in need even if it has to raise taxes.

29 Liberal

30 Government programs like welfare discourage people from working.
L or C… Government programs like welfare discourage people from working.

31 Conservative

32 Liberal/Democrats are pro-life
True or False? Liberal/Democrats are pro-life

33 False

34 Conservatives/R epublicans are against universal healthcare
True or False? Conservatives/R epublicans are against universal healthcare

35 True

36 T or F? Liberal/Democrats are in support of welfare

37 True

38 T or F? Liberal/Democrats favor employment over the environment

39 False

40 T or F? Conservatives/Republicans are against the death penalty

41 False

42 T or F? Conservatives/Republicans are for military action when it comes to foreign policy

43 True

44 T or F? Instead of drilling for more oil, Liberal/Democrats prefer to discover new and renewable sources of energy

45 True

46 T or F? Conservatives/Republicans support same sex marriage

47 False

48 T or F? Conservatives/Republicans believe in taxing the rich

49 False

50 T or F? Liberal/Democrats are in favor of prayer in schools

51 False

52 T or F? Conservatives/Republicans are for small government

53 True

54 T or F? Liberal/Democrats tend to be white, older, have higher incomes, higher education, and are religious

55 False

56 In the United States, a political party is made up of a group of people who
A. disagree on how to resolve the basic issues affecting the country. Or B. work to get candidates elected to political offices. work to get candidates elected to political offices.

57 People belong to a particular political party
A. according to regulations of State law. Or B. voluntarily, because they made a personal choice. voluntarily, because they made a personal choice.

58 The functions of the major parties in United States politics include
A. nominating candidates for office. B. insuring the good performance of their elected candidates. C. providing a mechanism for the conduct of government. D. All All

59 All of the following are roles of political parties EXCEPT
A. saving citizens the trouble of voting. B. nominating candidates for office. nominating candidates for office.

60 Progressive c. Democratic Republican .
Which party was in power during the period 1969–1977? a. Progressive c. Democratic b. Republican .

61 Republican

62 Which year began the shortest period of control by a major party?
1913 c. 1977 b. 1933 d. 1981

63 1981

64 How many times between 1901 and 1997 did power transfer from Republicans to Democrats?
four c. five b. six d. nine

65 9

66 Which party was in power during the period of 1961–1969?
Progressive c. Southern Democratic b. Democratic d. Republican

67 Democratic

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