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SPE 2016-2017 General Body Meeting I Sponsored by IHRDC.

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Presentation on theme: "SPE 2016-2017 General Body Meeting I Sponsored by IHRDC."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPE General Body Meeting I Sponsored by IHRDC

2 Faculty Advisor for SPE Penn State
Dr. Morgan Faculty Advisor for SPE Penn State

3 Welcome Dr. Alger

4 21st Century Innovation Workforce
Monty Alger August 30, 2016

5 “Reality” R&D Process Technology Product Technology “One Company”
# Years Role Experiences MIT, University of Illinois: BS, MS, PhD Chemical Engineering MIT Practice School Director, Assistant Professor Chemical Engineering ~3 “Reality” ~7 GE Global Research R&D GE Plastics Process Technology Process Technology ~8 GE Plastics MBB Process Engineering GE Superabrasives Engineering, eBusiness Leader GE Global Research Lexan® Technology Product Technology ~7 GE Plastics Noryl® Technology GE Advanced Materials, Momentive Technology ~6 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc “One Company” ~2 Myriant, LLC “Start-Up” 2 Penn State “Transformation” ~35

6 The First Career “Discussion”
Finish Start

7 Finish “Theory” Start “Reality” Start “mid point”



10 Linear Integrated Global University “Business” University Workplace
Public K12 Government

11 University Workplace ? “Discovery” Sales

12 “Business Leader’s Guide to Innovation Investment”
Lean Start-Up “Business Leader’s Guide to Innovation Investment” (TBD) “Start-Up” “Offering” Market

13 597 Course Description This course will provide students hands-on experience designing research programs to address external market needs that will lead to enhanced Penn State / external collaboration. Prior to the beginning of the course program concepts will be developed with faculty stakeholders teams. Included in the program concept will be target industrial sponsor(s) / mentor with an interest in the program concept. The course will use the framework from several Lean innovation processes: iCorp, Lean-Startup. The Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) and team blog will be used as tools for sharing and communicating team progress. Topics such as customer discovery, value proposition, business planning, financial analysis, and intellectual property will be covered. This course will reverse the normal lean business creation process by using results and building a research program proposal to enable concept market commercialization with the sponsor organization. Students will work in teams of 2 to 4 on a program concept during the course. Each team will engage in all steps of evaluating the program concept and will find, contact and interview external organizations, public and private, to capture needs, pain points and opportunities. Student groups will survey research and capabilities at Penn State which can be applied to the concept development program. Faculty champions will support students accessing and understanding existing Penn State research. It is anticipated that the program development opportunities for new research as well as new opportunities to translate existing capability to the market will be identified. Each student team will prepare a final summary which will be the overall assessment of the program concept and proposed plan for development with the external sponsor organization. The course is hands-on and will promote interaction, discussion and sharing ideas. Selected online lectures will be used to cover basic concepts to be covered and student teams will provide updates on progress, lessons learned during class to share and translate ideas. The program proposals at the end of the semester will be used with external sponsor companies to develop new research programs, recommend opportunities for further study to develop ideas and propose new areas for improving University / Business collaboration. Students will develop an understanding of how research can create value in the marketplace. The initial focus for this course will be areas of interest for the Institute for Natural Gas Research (INGaR) and the overall Penn State Energy University. This course is experimental so there are many lessons that will be learned on how to best use this approach for integrating research with market need.

14 Draft Schedule Course will use online content for lectures - list will be supplied Beginning of class teams will provide updates on status: Top 3 Lessons Learned that week Best Practice / New Insight to Share with Group Blog updates on project status and connections Interview connection updates and overall value proposition status

15 Thank You!

16 SPE Penn State Officers
President – Adam Larson Vice President – Vivek Thomas Events Coordinator – Hao Wu Treasurer – Amanda Krolczyk Secretary – Erik Robinson Graduate Representative – Sachin Rana Junior Class Representative – Will Petley Faculty Advisor – Dr. Eugene Morgan

17 What is SPE? The largest individual-member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. SPE International Mission To collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources, and related technologies for the public benefit; and to provide opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence. More than 143,000 members in 147 countries participate in 199 sections and 337 University Chapters. More than 50,000 student members.

18 Register – International – Thru our Chapter
Must be registered internationally Renew membership if need be Conference and workshop discounts Books and magazines Technical papers and libraries Career advancement – Thru our Chapter Must signup on our website to receive s ing-system/

19 What to look forward to this year
Back-to-School BBQ w/ Students & Professors – Thursday, September 1st at 5-7PM in EE Courtyard behind Deike parking lot Joint SPE-PSEMA Pig Roast – Sunday, September 4th – more details to come in Tech Presentations & Info Sessions CONSOL Energy – Tuesday, September 6pm in 22 Deike Chevron, Dave Payne – Thursday, September 15th @ 5pm in 22 Deike ATCE – Dubai, UAE – 2016 Outstanding Student Chapter – 23 students IM Sports

20 What to look forward to this year
Football Tailgates, CONSOL & EQT Rig & Frac Tours EQT, MCOR & Seneca Resources Partnership with SPE Pitt Engineering Energy: Oil, Gas, & You Recruiting Event in Pittsburgh – September 27th Texas Public Policy Foundation Climate Change Panel – Friday October noon Deepwater Horizon movie night Golf Outing & End of Year Banquet Technical Electives

21 Book Exchange Website

22 Technical Electives 6 Technical Elective Credits REQUIRED TO GRADUATE
SPE offers 1 Credit weekend long courses for all SPE Members. Maximum of 3 weekend credits per member If you have any questions on Technical Electives come talk to me, I will also have a list of all Penn State courses that are fulfill the requirements of Technical Elective Credits. DO NOT wait until the last minute senior year; we cannot guarantee spots.

23 Fall Tech Electives! Frac Pro October 15 – 16
Schlumberger Petro Challenge October 29 – 30 Harbison Fischer Pump Course November

24 Spring Tech Electives! Deep Well Services Snubbing 101 February 4th
Gaffney Cline Reserves Assessment March

25 Meet the Executive Team:
Who are we?? Positive Energy is an environmental organization that educates students about environmental issues and engages students through different volunteering opportunities Meet the Executive Team: Aishwarya Satish - Chairperson Jacob Morrison - Vice Chairperson Jake Cumpston - Project Coordinator

26 So what have we been up to?
Here is a quick trip down memory lane! Earth Day 2016 Rothrock State Forest Adopt-A-Highway Program ClearWater Conservancy

27 Or signup here:
Upcoming Projects: Partnership with Range Resources, volunteering in Washington County, PA with Range employees Sign up today (talk to Aishwarya) and look forward to our exciting s about new volunteer opportunities! Or signup here:

28 Downturn and SPE “When things are going good, that’s not when your character is defined.  When things are struggling, that’s when your character’s truly defined.” –SPEI President 2016, Dr. Nathan Meehan “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” –Steve Prefontaine Downturn is the best time to get involved Technology breakthroughs

29 SPE Competency Management Tool
Logos of SPE and IHRDC Template ?

30 SPE Competency Management Tool
Establish Job Standards Accelerate Development Increase Marketability Provide Development Structure Support Long-Term Development Logos of SPE and IHRDC Template ?

31 What is Competency? The energy industry is facing several challenges ….. New Technology …. Standards & Regulation… Crew Change… Eleven years ago, IHRDC looked forward to address all of the challenges IHRDC developed a Competency Management Tool

32 SPE Competency Management Tool (CMT)
7 Disciplines 41 Job Competency Models 308 Competency Units 1,200+ Training Resources Initial launch in October 2014 at ATCE in Amsterdam Over 1,400 members accessed the tool, 250+ Assessments Changes for 2016 SPE CMT: Expanded Operator Company Jobs Added Service Company Jobs Expanded HSE Jobs Added Models for Graduating Engineers Added Business and Soft Skills IHRDC and SPE wanted to develop a individual based competency management solution For people like “Joe Smith” Let me introduce you to Joe…..

33 SPE CMT Job Competency Models

34 Four Levels of Competency
1. Awareness Basic Application Skilled Application Mastery Has general, limited comprehension of a particular topic Able to identify and define key elements of the topic Understands basic concepts and principles Able to provide basic assistance Able to carry out assigned tasks with guidance and monitoring Able to describe the task, process or element Can perform simple or routine activities without supervision Has basic understanding of procedures Participates in routine implementation of field applications Elevates complex situations to appropriate person Able to analyze and explain task in depth including impact on operations, key operating parameters, and other related systems & processes Able to troubleshoot Able to work independently Applies procedures consistently and understands concepts Shares and transfers information, best practices, and lessons learned Mentors and coaches less experienced employees Has thorough understanding of activity or process Has detailed knowledge of the industry standards trends and best practices Is regarded as an expert and final decision – maker Develops new procedures, modifies existing methods and sets policy Manages team and coordinates work Can hold a conversation on the topic Can practice the topic under supervision Can practice, supervise, and teach the topic Wrote the topic

35 Introducing John Smith
Graduating this May 1 field internship SPE Member How do I compare to industry expectations? Where are my competency gaps? Do I need training? What other job titles can I assess myself against? What training is available to me? How do I get started with my development? Joe has been working at a mid sized E&P company for 3 years as a Geophysicist Like all SPE members, he joined to stay current with technology

36 Accessing the SPE CMT Access is through the SPE Member Site
The SPE Competency Management Tool is free to John as an SPE member How it works Important elements Walk through – high level Will break down the elements of how built

37 Accessing the SPE CMT Access is through the SPE Member Site
The SPE Competency Management Tool is free to John as an SPE member Provides single-sign on access to members Easy to use software interface Begins with selecting his job title for assessment How it works Important elements Walk through – high level Will break down the elements of how built

38 Assess: Start the Self-Assessment
John selects from 41 job competency models As a student it is encouraged to select from the 3 competency models most applicable to him, but the CMT shows John all of the different jobs available in the industry He chooses, Reservoir Engineer, the job title that he would like to pursue after graduating SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

39 Assess: Start the Self-Assessment
John selects from 41 job competency models As a student it is encouraged to select from the 3 competency models most applicable to him, but the CMT shows John all of the different jobs available in the industry He chooses, Reservoir Engineer, the job title that he would like to pursue after graduating John then starts the self- assessment by clicking the “Start” button in the Assess tile SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

40 Assess: Complete the Self-Assessment
John sees the list of competency units and clicks on one to start his self assessment In order to finish this model, John must complete 37 total units categorized by type of competency SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

41 Assess: Complete the Self-Assessment
John sees the list of competency units and clicks on one to start his self assessment In order to finish this model, John must complete 37 total units categorized by type of competency John then assesses his skills against each competency unit He checks each box that he knows or is able to perform after reading the skills definition He can also upload evidence or work products to support his assessment results SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

42 Plan: Build Competency Development Plan
The tool then assesses John against the current model and shows where he has “gaps” John can build a competency development plan to close gaps He selects up to three competency gaps to add to his plan SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

43 Plan: Build Competency Development Plan
The tool then assesses John against the current model and shows where he has “gaps” John can build a competency development plan to close gaps He selects up to three competency gaps to add to his plan John then selects the training resources matched to that competency he wants to include to bridge the gap John can also enter supplemental training and how he will apply the learning when back at the job SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

44 Learn: Start Learning and Record Activities
John can now start the learning process by taking the training and recording his development activities SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

45 Learn: Start Learning and Record Activities
John can now start the learning process by taking the training and recording his development activities Learning resources are hyperlinked to actual courses Leverages SPE training resources, books, monographs John can register from within the SPE site SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

46 Review: View Progress Throughout the assessment and learning process, the CMT provides John an up-to-date status of his progress SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

47 Reports: View Assessment Results
Throughout the assessment and learning process, the CMT provides John an up-to-date status of his progress SPE CMT Reports provide access to all John’s information including: Assessment results and history Competency model Learning history Training matched to gaps SPE promotes further learning as necessary for career development The system covers six disciples – Geosciences HSE Production Engineering & Operations Project & Facilities Engineering Reservoir Engineering & Management Well Engineering

48 SPE Competency Management Tool
I now know…. How do I compare to industry expectations? Where are my competency gaps? Do I need training? What other job titles can I assess myself against? What training is available to me? How do I get started with my development?

49 Confidentiality All user data in the SPE CMT is treated confidentially. Self Assessment Results and Competency Development Plans are confidential The profile built using the CMT is yours; and will not be shared with any third parties including your employer

50 SPE Competency Management Tool
Take the first step and visit: Logos of SPE and IHRDC Template ?

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