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GCSE French Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE French Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE French Vocabulary
Autumn term PP2 Higher Tier

2 There are 35 vocabulary slides in this presentation.
Run through them a couple of times saying them outloud to yourself– then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself. When you feel confident that you know them all, complete the online test.

3 un prix [uhn pree] a price / a prize

4 réduire [ray-dweer] to reduce

5 seulement [surl-mon] only

6 obtenir [ob-tuh-neer]
to get/obtain

7 un plat [uhn plah] a dish

8 les vacances [lay vak-arnss]
the holidays

9 entier /entière [on-tee-ay] / [on-tee-air]
whole /entire (a whole day)

10 un emploi [uhn omp-lwah]
a job

11 enseigner [on-sayn-yay]
to teach

12 rêver [rev-vay] to dream

13 tant [ton] so much

14 il ne faut pas [eel nuh foe pah]
it is not necessary / you mustn’t

15 le cheval / les chevaux [luh shuh-val] / [lay shuh-voe]
horse / horses

16 les élèves [lays ay-lev]

17 les niveaux [lay nee-voe]

18 obligé [ob-lee-jay] obliged/must

19 porter [por-tay] wear / carry

20 un casque [uhn cask] helmet

21 monter à cheval [montay a shuh-val]
to go horse-riding

22 au moins [o mwan] at least

23 des inconvénients [days an-con-vay-nee-on]
disadvantages / draw-backs

24 dehors [ door] outdoors/outside

25 les émissions [lays ay-miss-yon]

26 les grandes personnes [lay grond pair-son]
grown ups

27 plus tard [ploo-tar] later

28 sembler [som-blay] to seem

29 le monde [luh mond] the world

30 un discours [uhn dis-cor]
a speech

31 la chaîne [lah shen] (TV) channel

32 les chansons [lay shon-son]

33 rien [ree-an] nothing

34 comprendre [com-pron-druh]
to understand/to include

35 s’intéresser à…. [san-tay-res-say a….]
to be interested in….

36 faire la grève [fair lah grev]
to go on strike

37 autant que possible [or-ton kuh poss-see-bluh]
as much as possible

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