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Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

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1 Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 - Exploring Excel Appendix C
Solver By Robert T. Grauer Maryann Barber Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C 1

2 Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 - Exploring Excel Appendix C
Solver Overview Solver is an optimization and resource allocation tool Helps you achieve a goal Constrains specify restriction Solver Options lets you specify how Solver will attempt to find a solution Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

3 Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 - Exploring Excel Appendix C
Using Solver Establishing a scenario like maximizing profit Use an initial worksheet with variable options Create formulas related to variables Choose a goal or objective Put Solver to work Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

4 Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 - Exploring Excel Appendix C
Hands-On Exercise 1 Enter the Cell Formulas Set Target and Adjustable Cells Add Constraints Solve the Problem Create the Report View the Report Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

5 Optimization Worksheet
Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

6 Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 - Exploring Excel Appendix C
Hands-On Exercise 2 Enter the Cell Formulas Set the Target and Adjustable Cells Add the Constraints Solve the Problem Impose an Integer Constraint The Infeasible Solution Relax a Constraint Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

7 Solving for Advertising
Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

8 Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 - Exploring Excel Appendix C
Summary Solver is a optimization and resource allocation tool Use Solver Parameters dialog box Find the target cell, the adjustable cells and the constraints Specify how to solve Exploring Microsoft Office Exploring Excel Appendix C

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