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Mysteries of the Human Body Systems
Lesson 8.2 Mysteries of the Human Body Systems
DO NOW Monday, November 14th
Study for Test
PLAN Demonstrate Mastery of Unit 1 Learning Targets DO Unit 1 Test
DO NOW Thursday, January 26th
Explain the process that medical professionals go through to diagnose and treat patients. (Hint: Consider what you did to diagnose your patient.) What were three medical interventions that were used to treat the patients in the Mystery Illness activity?
PLAN DO Describe how the brain collects and interprets input.
Compare and contrast the senses of hearing and sight, taste and smell, and describe how they are collected and processed by the human body. DO Begin Activity Part 2- Testing the Senses Station Rotation
Your Five Senses Did you know that your tongue only detects FIVE different tastes but your brain can recognize 10,000 different smells?? Did you know there are about 100 touch receptors in the tip of EACH one of your fingertips??
Your Five Senses Your body perceives (or senses) the world around you using your five senses. Specifically, specialized cells in your skin, tongue, nose, ears, and eyes collect information from the environment. Your brain then interprets this information in order to allow you to sense the world around you.
Testing the Senses Part 2 Station Rotation
Be sure to read the Introductory information and procedures at each station before you begin. Follow the Procedures exactly as they are written. If you have a question please raise your hand and wait for me to get to your station. Please stay at your station with your group at all times. Record data and answer questions at each station as you complete the activity at that station. You will have approximately 7 minutes at each station. Have fun and learn something new!!!
DO NOW Friday, January 27th
Go to the next lab station in the rotation and continue until all stations have been completed. When finished with all stations, return to your seat and be sure you have answered all questions in your handout.
PLAN DO Describe how the brain collects and interprets input.
Compare and contrast the senses of hearing and sight, taste and smell, and describe how they are collected and processed by the human body. DO Complete Activity Part 1 Testing the Senses (video and websites) and answer the Conclusion questions.
Testing the Senses Part 2 Station Rotation
Be sure to read the Introductory information and procedures at each station before you begin. Follow the Procedures exactly as they are written. If you have a question please raise your hand wait for me to get to your station. Please stay at your station with your group at all times. Record data and answer questions at each station as you complete the activity at that station. You will have approximately 7 minutes at each station. Have fun and learn something new!!!
Testing the Senses Part 1
We will view the “video” and discuss some of the questions you have together. Be sure to answer all questions. taste.html ml
DO NOW Monday, January 30th
Are there different areas of the tongue that taste different tastes? Explain. What is olfactory fatigue? What is bone conduction? How did you test it during our station rotation? What areas of the body that you tested had the greatest touch sensation? Explain why.
Complete Lesson 8.2.2 Testing the Senses: Sight
PLAN Describe how the brain collects and interprets input. Compare and contrast the senses of hearing and sight, taste and smell, and describe how they are collected and processed by the human body. DO Complete Lesson Testing the Senses: Sight
8.2.2 Testing the Senses: Sight
Read the Introduction and write the following questions and their answers in your journal: How are the senses of sight and hearing different from the senses of touch and taste? What is important about having forward facing eyes? Find the following words and their definitions in the Procedures and write them in your journal retina rods cones optic nerve blind spot dominant eye near point afterimage
Sight Activities Blind Spot Visual Compensation Dominant Eye
Near Point Vision Afterimages Answer Conclusion Questions
DO NOW Monday, November 21st
What is the blind spot? What are rods and cones?
Complete Lesson 8.2.2 Testing the Senses: Sight
PLAN Describe how the brain collects and interprets input. Compare and contrast the senses of hearing and sight, taste and smell, and describe how they are collected and processed by the human body. DO Complete Lesson Testing the Senses: Sight
Complete Lesson 8.2.3 Testing the Senses: Hearing Loss
PLAN Describe how the brain collects and interprets input. Compare and contrast the senses of hearing and sight, taste and smell, and describe how they are collected and processed by the human body. DO Complete Lesson Testing the Senses: Hearing Loss
DO NOW Friday, November 18th
Explain this picture. How do we smell smells? Explain why it is important for us to be able to taste each of the five tastes (salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and savory).
Hearing Loss Go to my 212-Medical Detectives Page.
Use the 4 “Hearing” Links and what you have learned from the activities we have performed to complete the Conclusion Questions on notebook paper and turn in.
DO NOW Monday, November 28th
Read the Intro of the Brain Anatomy handout. Highlight in pink the parts that tell some of the many different functions that the brain performs. Highlight in yellow the parts of the CNS and what CNS stands for. Highlight in green the parts that discuss what the thalamus is responsible for. Highlight in blue the parts that explain how the some of the senses are processed by the CNS.
PLAN Describe how the brain collects and interprets input. Identify major regions of the human brain. DO Review charts on Hearing Loss handout Complete Brain Anatomy Interactive Activity (Color, label, and answer Conclusion questions) Link is on my 212 page If Brain Anatomy site doesn’t work, use Brain Anatomy Site #2
What are the three major parts of the human brain? What are the four lobes of the cerebrum?
PLAN DO Identify major regions of the human brain. Make a Brain Hat
Color and label your brain hat Draw pictures in each area to indicate the function of each area
Brain Anatomy Complete the rest of the handout, including
Coloring and labeling the two views of the brain Answering all questions, including the conclusion questions You can find a link to the website on my teacher website.
DO NOW Tuesday, November 22nd
What part of the eye: Is the colorful part? Controls how much light enters the eye? Contains the rods and comes? Focuses light on the retina? Is the white part of the eye? Gives the eye its shape
Brain Hat Activity
DO NOW What part of the brain is responsible for Vision? Hearing?
Smell? Emotions? Touch? Producing speech? Planning and problem solving? Understanding language? Occipital lobe Temporal lobe Olfactory bulbs Amygdala/limbic system Parietal lobe Broca’s area Frontal lobe Wernicke’s area/Parietal lobe
PLAN DO Identify major regions of the human brain.
Go over Brain Anatomy handout Finish making Brain Hat Sheep Brain Dissection PowerPoint
DO NOW Consult the biomedical careers chart that you made on pages of your journal. Write the name of the three careers that interested you the most.
DO NOW Explain the process of how medical professionals diagnose and treat patients. (Think about what you had to do to make your diagnosis.) What are three medical interventions that could be used to treat patients who have been infected with the pathogens in this project?
PLAN Provide examples of how medical professionals contribute to the health and wellness of individuals. DO Create Concept Map of a chosen Biomedical Science Career Begin Presentation of Concept Map
Biomedical Career Concept Map
Using the Biomedical Careers Website (link on my teacher website), create a Concept Map of one of the Biomedical Careers on the next slide. Each student must do a different career. Use to create your concept map. In your Concept Map, be sure to include all information that is listed on your assignment sheet.
Biomedical Science Careers
Bioinformatics Scientist Cytogenetic Technologist Genetic Counselor Optometrist Dietician Endocrinologist Epidemiologist Health Educator Nuclear Medicine Technologist Audiologist Biomedical Engineer Cardiovascular Technologist Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Cytotechnologist Hematologist Occupational Therapist Pathologist When complete, share your concept map to my
DO NOW On page 22 of your journal, make a T chart like this: Career
Interesting Information _____________________________________________________
PLAN Provide examples of how medical professionals contribute to the health and wellness of individuals. DO Presentation of Concept Maps
Concept Map Presentations
As each student presents his/her Biomedical Career Concept Map, students listening will write down the name of the career as well as some interesting information they learn as they listen to the presentation.
DATA NOTEBOOK Graph your last test grade and your overall class grade (from your progress report).
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