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Screening International Adoptees

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1 Screening International Adoptees
Drew L. Posey, MD, MPH Team Leader, Medical Assessment and Policy Team Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health Branch Intergovernmental Panel Physicians Training Summit March 30, 2017 National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Division of Global Migration and Quarantine

2 Learning Objectives and Agenda
After this session, you should be able to Understand why we screen international adoptees Know solutions to common conundrums

3 Question 1 You screen a 2-year-old orphan being adopted by US parents. Those parents ask why the child needs a medical exam. What is the best answer? CDC Technical Instructions Risk of communicable diseases Immigration and National Act (INA) Consular Section requirement

4 Adoptees in Immigration Law
Adoptees receive immigrant visa Adoptees are subject to same medical screening requirements as all other applicants for immigrant visas Therefore, Technical Instructions for the Medical Examination of Aliens applies

5 Question 2 You examine a 9-year-old adoptee in a country with a tuberculosis (TB) rate of 35 per 100,000. Which aspect of the Technical Instructions has an exemption for this child? Physical examination Tuberculosis Mental health Vaccinations

6 Vaccination Exemption
Amendment to INA Adoptees 10 years of age and younger Parents sign an affidavit Vaccinations can be provided after arrival to the United States Adoptees 11 years of age and older Follow Vaccine Technical Instructions

7 Question 3 You diagnose a 7-year-old adoptee with TB disease. Which of the following are factors more specific to adoptees than other immigrants? Parents live in another country Family not from country of examination Parents may have just met their child Family already has travel arrangements All of the above

8 Question 4 You examine a 5-year-old on anti-retroviral therapy. The parents want to confirm the HIV diagnosis. What tests are the panel physicians obligated to perform? HIV-1/HIV-2 rapid test Western Blot Viral load CD4 count None

9 HIV Testing Applicants on HIV treatment should be considered to be HIV positive HIV testing not required for any applicant since January 2010 CDC unable to adjudicate whether an applicant has HIV infection

10 Tests with Known HIV Infection Any WHO TB Rate
<15 years old TST or IGRA, chest x-ray, sputum smears and cultures If culture-positive – DST ≥15 years of age Chest x-ray, sputum smears and cultures

11 Tests Without Known HIV Infection WHO TB Rate ≥20 per 100,000
<2 years old No tests if no signs or symptoms of TB If signs or symptoms TST/IGRA, CXR, sputum smears and cultures 2-14 years of age TST/IGRA if no signs or symptoms CXR if TST/IGRA positive 15 years old & up CXR If CXR suggests TB or if TB signs or symptoms Sputum smears and cultures 

12 Question 5 The WHO TB rate in your country is 33 per 100,000. Your laboratory can no longer import purified protein derivative (PPD). One laboratory in your city performs IGRA. What should you do? Suspend examinations for children until PPD available CXR on all children 2-14 years of age CXR on all contacts Use IGRA from laboratory in my city Perform Cepheid Xpert MTB/RIF on children with symptoms

13 TST or IGRA Required for applicants:
2-14 years of age if WHO-estimated TB rate ≥20 per 100,000 in country of exam Who are TB Contacts 0-2 years of age with HIV infection or TB signs or symptoms, regardless of country’s WHO-reported TB rate <15 years of age if known HIV infection or TB signs or symptoms, in countries with a WHO-reported TB rate <20/100,000

14 PPD Shortage Worldwide shortage of PPD
IGRA must be performed if TST or IGRA is required but PPD is unavailable

15 Question 6 A 9-year-old orphan is malnourished, has a chronic cough, has an infiltrate on chest x-ray, and is smear-positive. You begin treatment for TB. After speaking with the parents of the 5 year old, the family informs you they would like to seek a Class A waiver. When should you have first thought about the possibility of a Class A waiver? When they arrived for their examination When you knew the adoptee had HIV When you saw the chest x-ray When you made the adoptee Class A When the family asked

16 Waivers For applicants who are eligible and would like to complete treatment in the United States Adoptee's parents should ask the Consular Section about the waiver process

17 Waiver Information Anticipate data needed by Consular Section, CDC, and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Be organized Send pertinent information immediately to CDC when situation becomes known If additional information is requested by CDC, send within 24 hours

18 Waiver Adjudication Adoptive parents complete the waiver application CDC reviews Reviews medical information from panel physician and identification of US health department Makes a recommendation Department of Homeland Security (DHS) approves or denies waiver request If approved, Department of State issues visa

19 Waiver Information for CDC
Summary of case Clinical course Whether the child is a contact to a person with drug-resistant TB Laboratory results Smears, cultures, DST Chest radiographs Digital Label each image clearly

20 Question 7 Who should know the waiver process? Panel physician Adoptive parents Immigrant Visa Chief at Consular Section DHS/USCIS officer at US Embassy All of the above

21 Awareness of Process Consular Section, DHS/USCIS staff, and panel physicians all need to know the process Panel physicians need to be able to convey pertinent information CDC cannot and does not know the waiver process in all countries Suggest panel physicians routinely meet with pertinent officials to ensure continued understanding

22 Question 8 You examine a 13-year-old orphan. He had a cough for 1 month. IGRA was negative. His CXR showed a slight infiltrate. Three sputum smears are negative. What is the quickest way the applicant can travel to the United States? Place on treatment and apply for Class A waiver Allow to travel with cultures pending Apply for waiver of culture results Wait for culture results to be returned

23 TB Diagnosis and Waivers
A diagnosis of TB does not guarantee applicant will travel before culture results are returned When waiver applications are reviewed, strong consideration given for the risk of drug resistance If elevated risk, applicants will be in-country until culture results and DST are known

24 Question 9 A family s you from the United States asking if their HIV-positive child can have a Cepheid Xpert MTB/RIF test to be cleared quickly. Which of the following is the best information to provide to the parents? CDC Technical Instructions Xpert product insert Xpert is more sensitive than sputum smears Xpert is less sensitive than cultures Xpert can test resistance to rifampin but not other drugs

25 GeneXpert More sensitive than sputum smears
Less sensitive than liquid cultures May not Clear applicant for travel Replace TST/IGRA Replace cultures for monitoring progress to therapy Excellent test Quickly determine if smear-positive applicant has nontuberculous mycobacteria or Mycobacterium tuberculosis Quickly determine if someone at high risk for drug resistance may have multidrug resistant (MDR) TB

26 Resources Panel Physicians Portal: CDC international adoption: Waivers: WHO TB rate data:

27 Thank you
For more information, please contact Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA Telephone: CDC-INFO ( )/TTY: Visit: | Contact CDC at: CDC-INFO or The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Division of Global Migration and Quarantine

28 Answers C D E A

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