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Dr. Margaret Hill, Department of Physics & Engineering Physics

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1 Dr. Margaret Hill, Department of Physics & Engineering Physics
Dr. Michael Rodgers, Department of Chemistry Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO Beyond the Shadow and Into the Light: STEM Outreach Activities Using Spectroscopy and Home Built Spectroscopes Outreach On and Off Campus An Event Worthy of Our Attention Activity’s historical and multinational focus utilizes STEM/non-STEM synergy Disciplines affected: Art, English composition (interviews, technical writing, informational essays, etc.), History (oral histories), Psychology The 2017 total solar eclipse promises to be a dramatic, memorable, yet highly accessible scientific event for millions of Missouri residents that offers: A model of science’s ability to predict major natural events. A shared experience with the potential to build community and enrich personal perspectives on the natural world A remarkable and engaging opportunity to personally apply science practices at multiple levels of rigor and science ability A focusing event for planning STEM activities around the day that have the potential to reach audiences not normally engaged in science activities A basis for many types of observations and experiments Opportunities for data analysis and personal reflection long after the eclipse is over. It is our hope that this event can help forge a collaboration and dialogue between scientists, citizens, and educators that will continue a partnership in the future. Physical Science Activities for K-12: 1. Dissecting Light: Observation of types of spectra (continuous, emission, absorption) 2. The Light Pollution Connection: Observations of artificial light. (Street lights, computer screens, neon lights) 3. Connections with Optics: NASA‘s booklet of hands-on activities called OPTICS: Light, Color and Their Uses, for grades K-12. Includes activities on Reflection, Diffraction, Light and Color, Color Filters, Magnifiers, Making a Periscope, Building a Kaleidoscope, Microscopes & Telescopes, among others. “Internal Outreach”: Spectroscopy as gateway to central concepts University Studies Physical Systems Chemistry Course (CH180) emphasizes ways people use differences in properties to identify and distinguish different substances, including elements. In-class activity uses diffraction gratings to show line spectra Distinguish between elements Following week’s lab: use line spectra analysis to rationalize use of UV/VIS in chromatography lab Highly visual differences in spectra of otherwise identical, colorless gases opens discussion on the value of seek- ing information about properties Girls Go Green science outreach for middle school girls: For the past 4 summers Southeast has hosted an on campus STEM Camp to encourage Bootheel area middle school girls in science and math. Students come from rural school districts, many lacking math and science resources, and lacking female professionals as role models in STEM fields. The theme of the camp is sustainability, with a variety of activities on Reducing, Recycling and Reusing resources presented by female faculty and professional women in science. One workshop is focused on Light Pollution and the night sky, including a spectroscope building activity, spectroscopic investigations, and a night observing session. Resources for encouraging women in science: Spectroscope Construction: What you will need: Diffraction grating sheet (1000 lines/mm) < Black poster board–each can create 3 spectroscopes Spectroscope template Pencil Electrical Tape Scissors Hole punch Xacto knife Wooden ruler with metal guide Southeast Missouri State University Can Help You Prepare for the Eclipse In preparation for the total solar eclipse we would love to share resources and expertise with you. What do you need? For the latest information on upcoming activities and preparation for the eclipse: Visit Southeast’s Solar Eclipse Planning Website. For Educator Resources: Regional RPDC: < For speakers on Science or Astronomy topics: SEMO Speaker’s Bureau: < Advanced Placement Summer Institute 2016 & 2017 Outreach theme: Eclipse Across the Curriculum Idea was to bring STEM and non-STEM disciplines together through diverse perspectives on a single phenomenon – the solar eclipse Created a model AP Chemistry activity in Summer 2016 built around the central role of spectroscopy in the discovery of He Demonstrated to other AP Consultants that the upcoming eclipse can address key AP concerns Inquiry-based activity addressed AP Chemistry Science Practices (SP) Adapted solar and elemental emission spectra to appropriate level of detail to support a ~45 min in-class group activity Introduced empirical data treatment via the Rydberg Formula Supported UV/VIS spectroscopy as introductory to all types of spectroscopy (PES results addressed in AP Chemistry Learning Objectives - LO’s) How to make it: Using the template, mark and cut sheets of black poster board to construct two halves of a box. Punch a viewing hole in one and cover it with the diffraction grating. Cut a rectangular opening in the other and attach a wavelength/ energy scale. Seal the seams with electrical tape to keep out stray light. Decorate. Resources: [1] Hyperphysics, Diffraction Gratings, < retr. 11/25/16. [2] NASA Space Place Classroom Activities, < ret. 11/25/16. [3] Advanced Placement Teacher Development < retr. 11/30/2016. [4] AP Chemistry Guided-Inquiry Experiments: Applying the Science Practices Teacher Manual, New York, The College Board, 2014, p 49. [5] Rodgers, M.L., A Solar Eclipse and an Element From Afar, 2016. [6] Spectra from Joachim Köppen Strasbourg, [7] Rodgers, M.L., Chromatography, Fall 2016. [8] NASA Optics Activity guide, grades K-12: < retr. 12/1/16. Spectroscope construction by participants in Girls Go Green summer STEM camp.

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