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LCLS-II Technical Requirements

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1 LCLS-II CMTF@LERF Technical Requirements
E. Daly / K. Jordan / C. Hovater / M. Wiseman with help from Accel Ops and Engineering 03-AUG-2017

2 Fast cooldown – Modified Bayonet Box L1 Configuration Summary
Outline Overview Introduction Requirements Fast cooldown – Modified Bayonet Box L1 Configuration Summary REV2, 03-AUG-2017

3 Introduction LCLS-II CMs have requirements similar to XFEL in terms of integrated testing of 8 channels in an effort to confirm performance requirements and identify early collective effects that may limit performance JLab and FNAL have set-up CM testing facilities to support LCLS-II with parallel production and testing lines Fast cooldown is a challenge for JLab’s CTF An additional testing facility providing full testing capability would allow the project to Perform more testing cycles due to rework of poorly performing CMs Perform testing cycles earlier if a backlog of CMs begins to develop Test set-up is similar to L1 (2 CM segment of LCLS-II) May derive benefits from this specific testing configuration REV2, 03-AUG-2017

4 LCLS-II CM Layout in LERF – Testing 2 CMs per Cycle
CM Slot CM Slot CM Slot Access Storage Current machine contains slots for 3 full CMs and 1 Injector CM Shielded vault Existing PSS including radiation and ODH monitoring Utilities include cryo, water, electrical Propose 2 CMs installed in middle of FEL machine REV2, 03-AUG-2017

5 Acceptance Criteria can be achieved in LERF
Production acceptance criteria includes 18 items includes: Min cavity gradient MV/m Min CM gradient – 128 MV Min cavity gradient for FE onset – 14 MV/m Captured dark current < 1 nA Full CM operation for 10 hours continuous at nominal gradient 2K, 5K and 50K static and dynamic heat loads Verify thermometry, liquid level readback and valve/heater operations Tuner performance – coarse (mechanical) and fine (peizo) FPC maximum operating temperatures HOM coupler Q_external > 5 x 10E11 & < 1 W at 16 MV/m SC magnet operation BPM electrical measurements Verify beamline, coupler and insulating vacuum levels REV2, 03-AUG-2017

6 J1.3-02 Minimum Requirements
Qo specification >2.7 x 10E10 at 16 MV Implied by the dynamic heat load at 2K of 86 W/CM (~ 3.0 x 10E10)

7 Attaining High Qo in CMs
Nitrogen doping technique has raised the bar for Qo performance More than half of the production cavities have been delivered Routinely measure Qo’s > 3 x 10E10 in VTA for production LCLS-II cavities Nb material impacts performance (grain size, hardness) – both Qo and maximum gradient Requires low magnetic field environment during testing, achieved by a combination of magnetic shielding and flux expulsion Flux expulsion from niobium is enhanced by fast cooldowns that create large temperature differences across cavity as it cools through the transition temperature of 9.2 K CM contains piping modifications to leverage this effect REV2, 03-AUG-2017

8 Recent Production Cavity Test
Cavity vertical tests at Jlab since last weekly update: L2-271 (TD), first test Q(16)= 3.2 e10; Admin limited 24 MV/m FE free Qualified 3 – 5 mG field Fast cooldown

9 LERF Cryogenic Specifications Achieved
Primary supply – 3K, 3 atm Primary return – 2.07 K, atm Primary mass flow - > 15 g/s achieved per C100-style CM in steady state operations Primary heat load - ~ 300 W static + dynamic per C100-style CM Shield supply – 35K, 3 atm Shield return – 50K, < 3 atm Shield mass flow – 10 g/s nominal per CM Shield heat load - ~ 200 W static + dynamic per CM Cooldown header for helium gas return – 1.05 atm Diverts cooldown flow from primary return to recovery compressors ODH / Upset conditions – FEL design for 3 CMs (4500 liters at 2K) + 1/4CM (300 liters at 2K) REV2, 03-AUG-2017

10 LERF Cryogenic Specifications for LCLS-II
Primary return – 2.07 K, atm – higher return pressure during operations dP/dt using RT valve on TL Apply same correction algorithm to measured Qo’s as done in CMTF currently 5K circuit – mix return with shield return flow Modified Bayonet Box LCLS-II CM Use cooldown header and large Cv control valve to achieve fast cooldown (~ 30 g/s) Similar application – SNS cooldown valve integrated in End Can REV2, 03-AUG-2017

11 Bayonet Box & U-tubes Concept
REV2, 03-AUG-2017

12 LCLS-II contains four segments – L0, L1, L2 and L3
L1 Configuration LCLS-II contains four segments – L0, L1, L2 and L3 L1 contains 2 CMs with end cap connections to the cryogenic distribution system L1 Configuration may be beneficial for additional test studies Cooldown of 1 CM while other is cold or warm Microphonics environment HPRF/LLRF controls development REV2, 03-AUG-2017

13 Technical requirements for testing CMs in the LERF can be met
Summary Technical requirements for testing CMs in the LERF can be met Correction algorithm for Qo measurement exists Fast cooldown achievable with cooldown header to ~ 30 g/s L1 Configuration may be beneficial for additional test studies REV2, 03-AUG-2017

14 Back Up REV2, 03-AUG-2017

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